This is the output that Bookends, my bibliography software, produces when I tell it to create a tag cloud based on the 100 most frequently used keywords in my ~1500 entry bibliography. It is a nice visual indication of my research interests. I like it so much that I am thinking if I couldn’t include this little treat in my applications, to attract those with a more visual approach.
Archive for 2010
Updated to WordPress 3.0.
Monday, June 21st, 2010A few days ago, a major update for WordPress (the software that I use to maintain this blog) has been published: version 3.0 Thelonious
. I just finished the install, without any hiccups. I guess there won’t be many differences for you to notice… the only thing that I noticed is that the new WordPress default theme is not that unlikely to the theme that I came up with for this site (well, it does look more refined, but the basic elements like the header image, right-handed sidebar, and a larger default font are the same. That feels nice.
End of the egg counts & the absence of war.
Tuesday, June 8th, 2010I have been subscribed to a blog that presents George Orwell’s diary for almost two years now – it has been an interesting read so far mostly because of its quirkyness. The main thing Orwell wrote about in his diary were accounts of his gardening activity, with special attention being paid to the number of eggs laid by his hens. Slightly entertaining, particularly because of a whole lot of really funny reader comments on the ups and downs of Orwellian egg production.
Recently, things have changed. We are now in the summer of 1940 and Germany has attacked France. Britain is part of the war and the bombings begin. George Orwell provides us with sharp observations about how war somehow remains absent from the everyday lives that he witnesses and participates in. I definitely recommend subscribing to this weblog/historical diary.
Materialisierte Zeitlichkeiten. Hasten & Rasten, Shoppen & Rumhängen.
Wednesday, May 26th, 2010Noch eine Vortragsankündigung: im Rahmen des dieses Jahr in Frankfurt am Main stattfindenden 35. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie werde ich in der Ad-hoc Gruppe Transitarchitekturen einige Ergebnisse meiner Studie zu Bahnhöfen und Fährterminals präsentieren. Der Rahmen passt hervorragend, da die Ad-hoc Gruppe an die architektursoziologische Arbeitsgruppe der DGS angeschlossen ist. Hier das von mir eingesandte Abstract für den Vortrag:
In Transitarchitekturen kreuzen sich die Bahnen einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Bewegungen. Einige ziehen sich durch diesen Ortstypus hindurch, wie der Transport von Personen und Dingen von einem Ort zum nächsten. Andere beginnen oder enden an diesem Ort, wie das mit dem Partner verbrachte Wochenende der Berufspendlerin. Wieder andere Bewegungen spielen sich an diesem Ort selbst ab, wie Bahnen des Reinigungsmobils über die polierten Böden oder wie das überwachte Auf und Ab der hier im Wortsinne Marginalisierten. All diese verschiedenen Bewegungen sind in unterschiedlicher Weise an die gebaute Räumlichkeit dieser Orte gebunden. In dieser materiell-körperlichen Gebundenheit – genau wie in der nicht davon zu trennenden ästhetisch-symbolischen Gegenwart – laufen diese unterschiedlichen Bewegungen aber keinesfalls unabhängig voneinander ab, jede in ihrer eigenen neutralen Sphäre, zugehörig zu einem je anderen, sich selbst reproduzierenden Bedeutungsgefüge. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall. In Transitarchitekturen treffen diese Bewegungen aufeinander, sie stoßen zusammen, prallen aneinander ab, stören sich und bringen sich gegenseitig in andere, manchmal unerwartete Bahnen.
In dieser Präsentation wird anhand von Videomaterial gezeigt, wie unterschiedliche Bewegungsmuster aufeinander treffen und wie – auf subtile oder auch offensichtliche Weise – ihre Hierarchie ausgehandelt wird. Anhand eines Vergleichs der Transitarchitekturen von Fährterminals und Bahnhöfen in Deutschland und Skandinavien wird darüber hinaus deutlich gemacht, wie unterschiedliche Transitformen unterschiedliche Zeitregimes hervorbringen, die sich durch eine jeweils spezifische Materialität und Symbolhaftigkeit auszeichnen. Darüber hinaus wird auch der Frage nachgegangen, welche Rolle lokale Eigenheiten und/oder nationale Einbettungen im jeweiligen Geschehen spielen und inwieweit diese sich über architektonisch-körperliche und/oder kulturell-performative Prozesse konstituieren.
Konkrete Abwesenheit. Sozialräumliche Wechselspiele von Widerstand, Entzug und Ermöglichung.
Saturday, May 22nd, 2010Ich freue mich, hier einen neuen Vortrag zum Thema Abwesenheit ankündigen zu können, den ich im September in Bern halten werde. Die Tagung des Graduiertenprogramms ProDoc: Intermediale Ästhetik. Spiel — Ritual — Performanz
der Universitäten Basel und Bern mit dem Titel I prefer not to be. Zeitgenössische Spielarten des Körpers fokussiert auf das Thema der Abwesenheit – was sich natürlich hervorragend mit der von Lars Meier, Erika Sigvardsdotter und mir organisierten Doppelsession zum Thema Absenz bei der Tagung der Royal Geographical Society ergänzt. Hier das Abstract für meinen Baseler Vortrag:
Am Ende der als architektonische Errungenschaft inszenierten Aussichtsplattform über dem Aurlandsfjord wartet die Leere. Eine massive Glasscheibe hält den sich bewegenden Körper auf, doch der Blick kann hinabstürzen, hinab bis zur spiegelnden Oberfläche des Wassers. Touristen tummeln sich auf der Plattform. Einige gehen nur langsam und vorsichtig voran, wie gegen einen spürbaren Widerstand. Sie machen sich schrittweise vertraut mit der Abwesenheit, überwinden so den Widerstand gegenüber der Leere. Andere zeigen sich wagemutig. Sie lehnen sich gegen die Glasplatte und ihr Spiel mit dem Fall in den Abgrund zeigt den anderen Anwesenden, wie sie sich selbst, ihre Angst und ihren Körper beherrschen.
Diese und andere Konfigurationen von Dingen und Menschen habe ich im Rahmen eines ethnografischen Forschungsprojekts zu architektonisch aufwendig gestalteten Rastplätzen entlang der Norwegischen Tourismusroute im Detail analysiert. Als empirische Grundlage dienen Videoaufzeichnungen, die von mir und den Touristen selbst angefertigt wurden. Anhand dieses Materials wird in meiner Präsentation die konkrete Rolle des Abwesenden im Wahrnehmungshandeln der Akteure untersucht. Wie wird Abwesenheit strategisch inszeniert, zum Beispiel über einen architektonischen Eingriff in räumliche Anordnungen? Wie wird Abwesenheit auf der anderen Seite aber auch zum Gegenstand einer Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Taktiken, in denen die Szene auf eine eigene Weise hervorgebracht wird und sie so für eine bestimmte Zeit einen anderen, vielleicht sogar die Planung durchkreuzenden Charakter erhält? Und schließlich: Wie und wie lange kann die Spannung zwischen Präsenz und Absenz gehalten werden, bevor sie sich der Aufmerksamkeit entzieht oder die Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas anderes gelenkt wird? In der Beantwortung dieser Fragen wird deutlich werden, dass Abwesenheit prozesshaft hervorgebracht wird und sozialräumlich gebunden ist.
Another way to know it is spring.
Thursday, April 29th, 2010You replace your daily check of the snow report provided by Skiforeningen (the Association for the Promotion of Skiing, based in Oslo) with the pollen forecast.
Change is in the air water.
Wednesday, April 28th, 2010
Yesterday, we took some time off for a short hike through the Nordmarka. There is still a bit of snow remaining between 200m and 300m, but the air was rich and warm, and the frozen surface of the lakes is slowly starting to split open again. I will have to wait a bit before taking a dive below the surface, but the days are getting longer and longer: summer awaits!
A single man – A day of drift.
Tuesday, April 20th, 2010Thanks to Lars M.’s special sponsoring, I was recently able to go to the movies in spite of a really tight budget. (I was even able to get some nice treats for consumption during the show!) We chose to see A single man because I really like Colin Firth, who was nominated for an Oscar for this role. The rest of the setting sounded nice too: a single day in the life of a man, stylish early sixties design, a movie that takes its time. All of these promises were kept and I was not disappointed. The work on the colors (desaturated for the moments when Colin Firth was doubtful if the world was actually still worth living in, strongly saturated in moments of aesthetic and emotional fulfillment) might be a bit too obvious, but not too a degree that would make me uncomfortable. The worst thing that I can say about this movie is that I somehow found myself – though sympathetic to the protagonist’s pain – not really moved or emotionally involved. I kept a distance. In a way, the distance might be similar to the distance that the protagonist had to the world around him, to life that had lost its deeper meaning… but I would be surprised if achieving such an effect was intended.
IMDb entry | Trailer
Avatar – Depth without depth.
Wednesday, February 10th, 2010I took the opportunity of being back in Berlin for a few days to hop into a 3D showing of Avatar, even though I didn’t have particularly high expectations of the movie. But, as so many others, I decided to watch it to see how 3D cinema is done today and what its potentials might be. It was good to have watched the movie without expecting much from the storyline, the politics, or the characters, because all of these were extremely … flat. Rarely did I go to the cinema to see a movie where the characters lacked any kind of plausible background, the entire plot line was completely clear and without any interesting twists from beginning to end. Well, you could say that this complete lack of surprises was a surprise in itself, but that would be carrying things a bit too far. But, maybe there was one surprise: at one point I felt an emotional involvement even though I was really annoyed on an intellectual level. Maybe this is a hint at how one could see the movie when one does not wear several layers of aesthetic and intellectual doubts – at least I talked to a few people from completely non-academic backgrounds who enjoyed this movie tremendously and really thought that it was a very moving experience.
So back to the original motivation of watching this movie: getting an impression about the 3D thingy. First off, I am not one of those who like to sit in one of the back seats of a cinema, watching from a distance. For me, immersion is a treat. This went fairly ok with the 3D stuff too, but I think it might make watching a bit more difficult because I found myself watching at some detail of the scenery for a bit too long from time to time, thus running the risk of missing ‘the big picture’. But apart from that, I thought that they did a good job with using 3D for this movie. The special effects were nice and sometimes the landscapes were really interesting and beautiful and it was fun to explore them visually. This really adds a new quality to the aesthetics of the movie and can be used for much more than action-related effects. It will be nice to see how this is going to be used in movies that are exciting and touching – I do have some hopes for the next Pixar flick in this regard.
And one last remark: With the strong focus on bodily performance and sensations, I really felt uneasy about the way in which handicaps / handicapped people were portrayed. Instead of ditching the “crippled” body as practically worthless and only frustrating, it would have been much nicer to look the potentials that life in a wheelchair (or any other handicap) has to offer. Instead, this movie took a strong evolutionist/survival of the fittest turn. The use of all kinds of machines was portrayed as a sign of impotence – only the pure body, the handmade bow, and the symbiotic animal were worth anything. And aging or decay? Where were they? We see one dead body, which carries sign of old age, but what do the wonderful nature-bound, and always perfectly performing aliens do when they get old? *sigh*
IMDb entry | Trailer
Migration to WordPress.
Sunday, January 24th, 2010Since I got the job to set up a blog for someone else, and since it was decided that the blog should be done with WordPress, I started to play around with this blogging package a few days ago. To learn how to set things up and make modifications, I tried to replicate the style of my own blog, which is based on the very simple blosxom. One thing came to another and finally I tried to import all of my blosxom blog entries into the new WordPress database – and here we are! I decided to switch to WordPress because:
- it is maintained much more regularly,
- it is much more comfortable to use,
- it offers more and more useful plugins,
- I hope it will make it easier to keep off spam,
- it finally allowed me to make a tag cloud.
The latter can be marvelled at to the right. I am quite baffled at how closely the tag cloud represents those aspects of my life that I put into this blog in the course of the last six years. It will be interesting to see how the cloud develops in the future…
I decided against keeping the content in the same address location because of the cryptic cgi blabla that was part of the old address. Therefore I would like to ask you to update your bookmarks and feed readers to go to the new address: