Archive for the ‘oslo’ Category

Another way to know it is spring.

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

You replace your daily check of the snow report provided by Skiforeningen (the Association for the Promotion of Skiing, based in Oslo) with the pollen forecast.

Change is in the air water.

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010

photograph of melting ice on a lakeYesterday, we took some time off for a short hike through the Nordmarka. There is still a bit of snow remaining between 200m and 300m, but the air was rich and warm, and the frozen surface of the lakes is slowly starting to split open again. I will have to wait a bit before taking a dive below the surface, but the days are getting longer and longer: summer awaits!

First conference in Oslo: Routes, Roads and Landscapes: Aesthetic Practices en route.

Friday, March 6th, 2009

Time for some news regarding my new position in Oslo. First: the website of the project is finished and ready for you to browse. I have now changed all the institutional homepage links on my website to the Routes project. I decided to take this step since I do not have a real personal page that I can easily update at the TU Darmstadt anymore.
conference posterSecond: we (that is the participants of the routes project) have already come up with a conference which will take place in Oslo this fall: on September 24th/25th.
I am really looking forward to this conference, which we have just announced on the routes website. I am quite certain that the conference will be a success – we were very lucky in getting almost all the people we wanted on board for this event. We also have a call for papers, so feel free to submit an abstract.
Other than that, I hope that the routes conference will not overlap with my presentation at the Deutscher Geographentag… bad time scheduling by yours truly…

Starting a new season.

Friday, December 12th, 2008

snow-covered treesI think clean white sheets on everything are nice way to start into a new environment. My work here in Oslo has not yet begun, but I feel welcome by all the people I have met so far and I am very much looking forward to the time I will spend here.
We’ll see how long it will be…

Bye bye Oslo.

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

tracks and a loipe in the snowMy two stays as a guest researcher in Oslo are coming to an end. The day after tomorrow I will fly back to Darmstadt, where I will move into a new apartment. It has been a good time. Not only have I been productive, I have also had the chance to get to know some very nice and stimulating people. As if that would not be enough, I have also been able to get rid of the problems with my lower back and my shoulders – over the course of the last months they have all but disappeared and I cannot say how relieved I am that life without pain is still possible. I will certainly pay attention to avoid getting into such a state again, even though I will miss the fine hikes through the Nordmarka, which certainly contributed to my recuperation.

Der Himmel über Oslo.

Monday, January 21st, 2008

regenbogenfarben im abendhimmel über osloIch habe zwar noch kein Nordlicht gesehen, aber das war auch schon mal nicht von schlechten Eltern…
leuchtende Farben einer Wolke(Beide Bilder sind bis auf den Ausschnitt und etwas Kontrast nicht bearbeitet.)

Settling & lunsjing.

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

photo of Oslo University’s social sciences buildingThings are developing nicely. We moved into our very cozy new apartment, the nice weather still allowing us to have our dinner outside on the balcony in the late afternoon sun. I moved into my new office (in the building displayed to the left), where I could not only attach all my electronic devices and even get full network access without having to jump through hooks but also enjoy a nice view on one of the central campus plazas – with the Holmenkollen in the background! And I started to participate in the informal daily institute lunches (lunch is spelled lunsj in Norwegian), where I struggle myself through the Norwegian conversations – not overly successful yet, but I am working on it.

Buzzing around before settling down. (For a while.)

Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

Last week, I moved most of my everyday stuff to Oslo, where I will be a guest researcher at the University until the end of this year. The last days I was in Berlin, most of the time cleaning the apartment and packing the rest of my belongings. But I also took the time to participate in the performance festival Abwehr, organized by Svenja Moor and Shahram Entekhabi (officially as a discussant but in truth more as a photographer – which suited me fine). The locations of this festival Wachturm and Kunstfabrik were excellent and I think the whole thing worked out really fine. You can read more about this festival in Stralau-Blog (in German). You can also see more about this festival. In my ipernity album.
Tomorrow, I will buzz off again. This time going to the annual conference of the Royal Geographical Society in London. I’ve been there last year and enjoyed it quite a bit. This year, Katie Walsh and I will host a session, to which I am looking forward very much. Except for the fact that we have been put into the last time slot of the conference: Friday 16:50–18:30. I wonder how many people will make it through a whole week of dense and stimulating sessions, beverage-laden evening programmes and then still attend some session late Friday afternoon, when they shcould be heading home to tea and biscuit…
On Saturday, though, I will finally enter port: Oslo. *sigh* And there I will stay with only one interruption until the end of the year. That’s what I call a welcome prospect!

Norge, jeg kommer.

Saturday, July 21st, 2007

The semester is finally over, giving me time to spread the good news that have been brightening up my days for a while: beginning in September I will be a guest researcher at the TIK senter in Oslo. The TIK is a research institute that is part of the University of Oslo, mostly focusing on science and technology studies, the field that is commonly called by its acronym STS. This in itself would already fit my training and research agenda nicely – since my class with Tom Gieryn at Indiana University Bloomington and even more so since I worked at the Max-Planck-Institute for the history of science in Berlin, science and technology studies inform my theoretical and empirical work. However, the TIK senter fits my agenda even better, because there are several people who are involved in studies or beginning research projects on climate change and its relation to society. I am looking forward very much to participating in this setting for last third of the year.
As you may know, this is only one part of the story. I am also delighted by the fact that I can stay there because Kerstin and I will be able to actually live together again for the first time in about four years. If that isn’t fabulous, then I don’t know what is. And both of us will be working at the same place, for the University of Oslo, our offices only a two minute stroll away. Grand. I even have a glimmer of hope that I will be able to get rid of my diverse back related problems during my stay. Domus Athletica, Sognsvann and, depending on the weather, a bit of nordic skiing during the last weeks… that should help.

University of Oslo’s Library.

Friday, October 6th, 2006

reading desks in empty library during the eveningThis is the place where I like to catch up with work. Bit by bit, in a quiet and relaxing atmosphere.
During the day there are people sitting at the desks, of course. But I did not want to shoot them with my brand new digital camera (more on that in one of the next posts), even though they tend to forget turning their mobile phones off.

Umzüge, Umzüge, Umzüge.

Monday, April 24th, 2006

Besonders in der Aneinanderreihung ein unterhaltsames Wort. Weniger allerdings in der praktischen Ausführung. Selbst bis in Ausland verfolgen sie einen – gestern erst hier in Oslo beim Umzug geholfen. Und – Überraschung – mal wieder ganz nach Art des letzten oder besser nahezu einzigen Helfers in der Not. Wenn man schon sonst keinen Sport macht. Zumal das Wetter ganz famos war und Kerstin und ich nur schubweise (immer zur Anlieferung neuer Kartons) schuften mussten. Zwischendurch Zeit für Balkonien und poofen auffem Sofa.
Gut ist, dass hier ein normaler, wenn auch später Frühling durch die Lüfte flattert. Daheim scheint der Übergang ja mehr so vom Winter direkt in den Sommer zu gehen.
Gut ist auch, dass es sich derzeit ganz angenehm schreibt und ich zuversichtlich bin, meinen Einzelbeitrag für den von Lars und mir herausgegebenen Band noch hier in Oslo fertig zu stellen. Vielleicht schaffe ich es danach dann ja auch wieder, etwas fleißiger zu bloggen…


Sunday, February 26th, 2006

Die Vorfreude steigt jeden Tag: bald geht es in die USA. Um in dieses Land gelassen zu werden, benötigt man einen Reisepass (von üblen Dingen wie dem Abnehmen von Fingerabdrücken und Irisscans wollen wir hier gar nicht erst reden). Ich bin natürlich schon seit längerem im Besitz eines solchen, habe ich doch für mein Auslandsjahr in Bloomington besorgen müssen. Reisepässe sind zehn Jahre gültig und ich war 1999 bis 2000 in Bloomington. Alles gut.
Alles gut? Nein! Wie mir wenige Minuten vor unserem Aufbruch nach Oslo in der letzten Woche auffiel, als ich der Unterhaltung halber einen Blick in meinen Reisepass (zur Einreise nach Norwegen braucht man nur einen Personalausweis) gewurfte, ist mir das Blut in den Adern gefroren. Der Ausweis ist im Frühling 2004 abgelaufen. Und es ist nach 18 Uhr. Ich fliege gleich nach Oslo. Da bleibe knapp zwei Wochen, fliege dann zurück nach Berlin um Wäsche zu Waschen und umzupacken und dann nach Chicago weiter zu düsen. Wo soll ich da einen Reisepass herzaubern? Schon etwas zittrig habe ich Olli um ein schnelles Hochfahren seines iBooks gebeten, um noch auf den letzten Drücker zu prüfen, ob ich in Berlin bleiben und dort alle Hebel in Gang setzen muss, um doch noch die lang ersehnte Reise antreten zu können, oder ob sich auch was in Oslo machen läßt. Einige Webseitenlektüren später entstand der Eindruck, dass es eine Chance gäbe, die Sache in Olso zu regeln. Also Riskio. Also Abflug.
Ein paar Tage später – Wochenende und Schlumpfigkeit meinerseits haben die Sache noch weiter verzögert – komme ich rennend drei Minuten nach Ende der offiziellen Öffnungszeiten bei der Deutschen Botschaft in Olso an und werde nach einigem Bitten und Flehen noch hineingelassen. Mit fürchterlich schlechten Automaten-Gangsterbildern ausgestattet. (Habe hier in Oslo keinen Scanner zur Hand, die Bilder werden zur allgemeinen Unterhaltung also später nachgereicht.) Die Auflagen zu Passbildern wurden verschärft, weshalb ich den schäbigen Fotoautomaten zweimal mit Kronen füttern musste. Aber die Mühe hat sich gelohnt. Ein paar Warteminuten und unschuldige Augenaufschläge später wird mein ganzer Krams (Passbilder, der abgelaufene Reisepass und eine in Berlin noch schnell eingesteckte Kopie der Abstammungsurkunde) mit gefälligem Gemurmel angenommen. Es müssen nur noch die Berliner Behörden um Bevollmächtigung ersucht werden. Uiuiui. Das wird an diesem Tag nix mehr, ich solle morgen doch vorbeikommen (möglichst etwas früher…). Das tue ich. Morgens, keine Wartenden im Konsularbereich der Botschaft und die Angestellten sind freundlich, ich nur milde konfus. Nach der Zahlung von 526 Norwegischen Kronen bin ich um einen Vorläufigen Reisepass reicher und um unwägbare Mengen von Seelenlast ärmer. Gute Güte. Aber ich muss sagen: Tipptopp, so nette Menschen in der Botschaft. Da fühlt man sich doch mal als Staatsbürger gut aufgehoben. Ausserdem rult es ja wohl, als Aussteller “Deutsche Botschaft Oslo” in seinem Pass stehen zu haben. Das war’s dann doch wert, nicht wahr?

Less gold, more snow.

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2006

That would be the Norway-motto for these days. The press laments the unexpectedly low number of gold medals won by Norwegian athletes in the Olympic Games so far. (About fourteen gold medals were expected, two have been won until day eleven.)
There is a recompensation though: Norway, or at least the Oslo region, has more snow than it had for many years. Everything is puffy and white and glistening. We already did two nordic skiing tours. The fist went on for almost three hours (we went from Sognsvann to Hammeren and even a bit further) and caused considerably sore muscles for the female participant of the trip. Yesterday, we were on our first night tour: we departed at 20:25 h and came back two hours later. Although we went uphill almost all of the time and although we raced back downhill later on, we only had one or two falls each and it seems as if the muscles don’t complain as much as they did three days before. Skiing at night is a fun experience, but one should not expect it to be a lonely experience: the electrically lighted cross-country ski run was still well-used – not as many people as there were last Saturday, but still a lot.

Nature, Norway & no news.

Thursday, June 30th, 2005

I am sorry to tell you that for the next two weeks I probably won’t be able to post entries to this blog. I will leave Oslo for Kristiansand tomorrow. Starting there, the Bornholdt familiy and yours truly will travel up the west coast of Norway for the next two weeks. I am looking forward to do some hiking, having good food, playing board and card games, reading novels, and working a tiny bit on my dissertation. And all of this offline. :)

Just in time.

Sunday, December 5th, 2004

When I arrived in Torp Airport thursday afternoon, the world was blanketed under snow and the twigs of the trees were collecting frost out of the air. On Friday the temperatures slowly began to rise, and Kerstin bought her new skis. Yesterday the temperatures were slightly above zero; Kerstin and I went out to actually do some skiing. Today it is even warmer, though it should still be possible to do some nordic skiing around Sognsvann, where Kerstin is living. The forecasts say that for the next few days the temperatures will stay above zero – I must say that I would have been disappointed if I would have arrived on a day when the snow was already melting, somehow that just takes the beauty away…

You can call me Confusious.

Friday, October 15th, 2004

No, this is not the first sentence of a novel that I am writing. Though it would actually be a good first sentence. Why would I like this sentence but still not use it in a novel? Well, the first person who guesses correctly will be invited to a free beverage of her or his choice!

Instead of a famous novel I present you with a short anecdote from the daily affairs of yours truly. Currently I am in Oslo – in the train from the airport to Oslo, to be exact – and sitting in this train comes as a surprise to me. This morning I thought that I would instead be sitting in a train from the airport Berlin Schönefeld to my humble apartment in Prenzlauer Berg right now. Well, it seems that I got something about the today’s date wrong. As the check-in lady of Norwegian told me with a hearty laugh, my flight will be leaving tomorrow, not today. Seems I got something wrong about today’s date and the date written on my ticket. Fine, this is funny, and I like a good laugh. However, if the lady would have known how I came to Oslo she might have been even more amused, more amused by the exact same amount that I have been more frustrated…
The thing is, when I sat in the train to Berlin Schönefeld Thursday last week, I was a bit less relaxed than I am now, and would most certainly have refrained from writing down anecdotes. I was quite anxious instead. The Tram had been late before I entered the S-Bahn to the airport. The S-Bahn was delayed even more. Minutes were passing quite quickly, the train finally arrived, I was running to the airport with a big load on my back, arrived 30 minutes before take-off, and they did not let me check in anymore. No hearty laughs there. So, last week, I missed the flight that I was supposed to have taken. (I had to pay the full price for a new ticket the following day – Norwegian might be a cheap airline, but it certainly is not a very flexible airline.) This week I am a day to early. *sighs* What does this tell me? Traveling by train is better than traveling by plane. Another possible conclusion would be that it be more comfortable if I knew when to be where and what to do there instead of just drifting through life.

Spoon production increasing because of Scream theft.

Tuesday, August 24th, 2004

To get back to the wonderful German saying “to make yourself to the spoon” (literal translation of “sich zum Löffel machen”“, which is more accurately translated as “make a spoon of yourself”) I want to report something which I just saw on NRK 1, a public Norwegian TV channel. A high ranking, uniformed police officer was interviewed about the recent theft of The Scream, the famous painting by Edvard Munch. During the interview he pulled a mask over his face, a mask like the one used by the robbers in the museum. Funny thing is, he kept this mask on for quite a while, answering the questions of the interviewer in the most serious manner. It was totally hilarious. It has been a while since I saw a uniformed person make himself to the spoon in front of a camera in such a blatant way. Still extraordinarily amused, yours truly.

Berlin – Darmstadt – Oslo.

Thursday, June 24th, 2004

BIG news: Kerstin has been accepted as a research fellow by the University of Oslo! She got one of the highly sought after “universitetsstipendiatstillinger.” Wow. In a bit more than a month Kerstin will be living in the Norwegian capital. OMG!

Oslo – Europe’s warmest capital.

Monday, May 10th, 2004

This morning Kerstin told me that VG, Norway’s popular yellow press newpaper, features a story in which we are told that last Sunday, temperatures in Oslo have been higher than in any other European capital. Awesome! Now, that’s something to celebrate! Wohooo!