Posts Tagged ‘beverage’

Ein besseres Frühstück.

Thursday, December 1st, 2005

Vor kurzem hab ich einen lange gehegten Plan in die Tat umgesetzt: Kakao selber machen, so dass er richtig lecker ist. Die Sache ist ganz einfach. Man nehme irgendein kakaohaltiges Getränkepulver und reines Kakaopulver (ohne Zucker) und mische es folgendermaßen: Auf zwei bis drei Teile des kakaohaltigen Getränkepulvers kommt ein Teil richtiger Kakao. Das Ganze schön verquicken, so dass möglichst wenige Klümpchen des richtigen Kakaos übrig bleiben, denn dieser löst sich ja bekanntlich weniger leicht als das kakaohaltige Getränkepulver und sollte deshalb möglichst fein gekörnt sein. Dann die Milch erhitzen oder auch nicht und hinein mit der leckeren Mische. Vorheriges Anrühren mit einer kleineren Menge Flüssigkeit trägt ebenfalls zur Klümpchenvermeidung bei.
Meine Erfahrung der letzten Tage besagt, dass so ein kräftiger, heisser Kakao am Morgen nicht nur die Stimmung hebt (diese Wirkung der Kakaobohnenderivate ist ja schon länger bekannt), sondern sich auch sonst günstig auf die bowel movements auswirkt. Darüber hinaus musste ich beim Verfassen dieses Beitrags feststellen, dass ich das Wort Klümpchen gerne mag. Fast so gerne wie das Wort Klumpen, wobei ich selbige ungerne in meinem Kakao sähe.

Somewhat overrated.

Friday, March 18th, 2005

Good cast, good story, adequate photography. I liked Sideways when I saw this movie a few days ago. It just wasn’t as good as I would have expected it to be after all the praise it received. Perhaps the praise is the result of it being an independent american movie that does some close-to-real-life storytelling instead of generating just another Hollywood story. However, from a European perspective this is not exactly an overwhelming achievement. Nonetheless, it was pleasant enough to watch this movie, and if you’re looking for some storytelling and just this hint of real life in a movie; if you’re looking for a story about aging men and women who haven’t yet given up on their dreams you should watch this movie. Being interested in wine and liking the californian countryside are two more good reasons for watching it.

IMDb entry | Trailer

Two days, six plus two heads, just four Euros.

Sunday, October 3rd, 2004

It’s amazing how cheap a good meal can be. I spent 4 EUR and 10 cents for the ingredients (ok, the Federweißer not included), we were six people with appetites ranging from considerable to smallish, and there was enough leftover cheese cake to feed me and Olli on the following day too. What is best: it was quite delicious too! We successfully used a recipe which Olli found in the internet.

Today is Onion Cake day.

Saturday, October 2nd, 2004

Lots of Federweißer will be consumed. Olli and I are not yet sure which recipe to do – will tell you more about recipe and results after consumption of cake.


Tuesday, March 30th, 2004

Juchei! Heute wurde das Gerüst im Hinterhof abgebaut. Man glaubt es nicht. Nach mehr drei Jahren eingerüstet-sein. Das dieser Tag noch kommen würde. Haben gleich reinegemacht und das Küchenfenster zum Hof geputzt. Wurde wohl vor ungefähr fünf Jahren das letzte Mal geputzt…

Gilbert, malt and classic hits.

Monday, February 2nd, 2004

A short report of Saturday Night: The Sumpf is definitely a very pub-ish pub; with aged rockers working behind the bar, a nice selection of beers and whiskies (including a “malt of the week” for € 2.70 – which was a Bushmills in our case) and a relaxed clientele between 23 and 50, most of which were probably between 27 and 35. The music was excellent and quite diverse, as Saturday was an event featuring the Nathalie Bar. Steffen and I stayed until about two o’clock, then we checked out the 603qm which was already closed. We decided to go home and get some sleep. Alas, on my way home I rode past the Schloßkeller, another location which is related to the AStA of the TU Darmstadt. Well, there I stayed late and enjoyed the usual serving of “classic hits”. Sunday was a day of sleeping, relaxation and web site actualization for the post-graduate college’s homepage.

From yuck to yeah.

Saturday, November 15th, 2003

Lars and I have been to Pizza Hut for lunch today. We shared an x-tra cheesy crust spinach/philadelphia pizza. It was the opposite of delicious – neither crusty nor hot nor spicy nor interesting. It was a bland mixture of dough, sugar and fat, so that both Lars’s felt really bad after swallowing the stuff. To our relief we discoverd the 603 qm – the first really nice cafe/lounge that I have been to here in Darmstadt – to be open on Sundays. The prices are very fair (1 € per espresso) and the crowd relaxed and interesting. After drinking a good hot espresso and trying to look as relaxed and interesting as the others we happily made our way back to the Kraftwerk.

November 15th: corrected encoding for Euro sign


Saturday, November 15th, 2003

I am back in Berlin again. This weekend my father is visiting, so I prolly won’t have time to post much. Instead, I will do things like eat excellent duck, like we did today (self-prepared, of course) and take a sip or two from a nice glass of Armangnac. Like it did before writing this post. Skål! Or better: Santé!

Cambridge, my balcony, and Sunnydale.

Friday, June 20th, 2003

This is a selection of the spaces over which yesterday evening’s most relevant events were distributed. After finishing the asparagus season with a fine meal, shared between Florian, Chr, Sofie and myself, Florian left to catch his plane back to Cambridge. I hope that there’ll soon be some time and money for a trip to Cambridge. Haven’t punted through the Cam yet. After Florian left, the rest of the crowd gathered on the balcony, enjoying the vegetation and the mild air. More interesting stories relating to intestinal activities were told ;-) and some more white wine was consumed. As time passed and the sun went down Chr got himself involved in old-school telecommunication while Sofie and I started to visit Sunnydale as it was presented in the last two Buffy episodes (7×07 and 7×08 – to say it again, 7×07 was really scary and definitely one of the best episodes I’ve seen yet. Then finally Kerstin and Olli trickled in too and we saw this week’s episode: 7×09 – Never Leave Me. It’s still not clear what will happen to Giles, and, quite a surprise, it looks like some old fiends from the first season come back into play. So the circle closes itself. It fits just perfectly that Olli bought the First Season DVD – thanks Olli!

Now, what about the space issue? Analysis of this peculiar socio-ficitonal-space is up to you. Any spaces more relevant than others? Why? Fun being back to school, isn’t it?

A place of boiling heat and rattlesnakes.

Friday, June 13th, 2003

It’s too damn hot. Says Ella and she’s right. And we don’t even have time to go swimming. And the Woog’s (outdoor swimming pool/lake here in Darmstadt) temperature will probably be too high to be refreshing anyway. Therefore, I’ll try to doze through the afternoon dreaming about a Gespritzter in the Biergarten.

Another sunny day, the Mathildenhöhe is waiting

Sunday, June 1st, 2003

Back in our working room in the Kraftwerk, a strong iced coffee in my veins. The plan for today is to pretend to work a bit, write another entry for the blog, and then take a walk to the Mathildenhöhe, a nice hill with a park, some museums, and a Russian chapel on it. There Eleni, Christian and I will loiter around a bit and probably consume some more coffee containing beverages.

Other than that, I’ll check out the trains going to Mannheim or ‘Mannem’, because I’ll visit Master Reimer tomorrow. My first visit to the City of God. We’ll see what kind of entertainment David will come up with …