Things are developing nicely. We moved into our very cozy new apartment, the nice weather still allowing us to have our dinner outside on the balcony in the late afternoon sun. I moved into my new office (in the building displayed to the left), where I could not only attach all my electronic devices and even get full network access without having to jump through hooks but also enjoy a nice view on one of the central campus plazas – with the Holmenkollen in the background! And I started to participate in the informal daily institute lunches (lunch is spelled lunsj in Norwegian), where I struggle myself through the Norwegian conversations – not overly successful yet, but I am working on it.
Posts Tagged ‘food’
Settling & lunsjing.
Thursday, September 6th, 2007Leckerer Schlapf.
Sunday, October 8th, 2006Wenn man kaputt ist wie heute nach einer Wanderung zum Ullevålseteren und wirklich Hunger hat empfiehlt es sich, mehrere Teller Leckeren Schlapfs zu essen.
Was braucht man? 500 Gramm Nudeln (Spiralnudeln oder Penne), ein Packung Schmelzkäse (oder auch etwas mehr, je nach Gusto), ein bis zwei Zwiebeln, eine große Dose Erbsen oder das Äquivalent an Tiefkühlware, Kochschinken und eine Handvoll Schinkenspeck. Etwas Milch oder Sahne. Pfeffer und Salz.
Die Nudeln werden wie üblich gekocht. Während dessen Zwiebeln und Speck klein schneiden und in etwas Fett goldig braten. Wenn die Nudeln gar sind das Wasser abgießen und die angebratenen Zwiebeln samt Speck und allen anderen Zutaten dazugeben (den Schinken klein schneiden), etwas Milch darüber gießen, so dass der Boden des Topfs bedeckt ist. Das Ganze dann unter stetigem Rühren miteinander verquicken, bis der Schmelzkäse seine Bestimmung gefunden hat, also geschmolzen ist. Mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Die Chose ist fertig, wenn sich beim Rühren ein Appetit machendes Schlapfgeräusch einstellt.
Heiß servieren und bitte so portionieren, dass man sich mindestens ein weiteres mal auftun kann, denn das Nachfüllen ist ein zentraler Bestandteil des Leckeren Schlapfs.
Tuesday, August 15th, 2006Ist es ein Zeichen dafür, dass der Schinken nicht mehr ganz frisch ist? Oder ist es einfach eine kleine Freude für die Sinne? Immerhin, es bringt etwas Abwechslung ins Frühstücksgespräch. Und geschmeckt hat der Schinken auch.
How would you like your arrival in Berlin to be?
Thursday, May 4th, 2006Think about it…
My arrival two days ago was perfect. Entering the plane in Oslo in cold and cloudy weather, rising above the clouds to fly while the sun is sinking down. Then, landing in Berlin. Evening sky, warm breeze. Not a lot of people around. Walking to my platform at Schönefeld station, I was asked by a somewhat drunk mid-forties working style man: Wo jehtsn ſzur S-Bahn hier?
And I gave the correct, easily-followed answer. Good deed.
After waiting for fifteen minutes enjoying the pleasant weather, the S-Bahn arrived and transported me graciously and rockingly down to Alexanderplatz, where I changed to the U-Bahn line 2. Leaving the U-Bahn at Senefelder Platz, I wandered over to Kleopatra, bought myself a decent Döner Kebab for € 2.30, and walked over to my apartment, passing people who sit outside of cafés and bars. Entering my apartment, letting down the book-heavy traveling backpack, opening the balcony door and sinking down into the comfortable camping chair, watching people pass by below, munching away at the Döner, and sighing happily from time to time.
That’s how I like my arrivals in Berlin.
Darmstadt does the fest-thing.
Monday, October 10th, 2005I was happy to be back in Darmstadt again, after a prolonged abscence over the summer. And I was again amazed about this city. There must be a fest or some similarly public place occupying activity at least every second weekend. They never stop. The Südhesse ist a festive person. A good thing. Even though I am not sure if I like the Nierenspießchen.
Night, sky, creek and good food in store.
Wednesday, July 27th, 2005Currently, I am waiting for Tini to return with a key for the car, in which my bluetooth dongle is lying safely kept away from my hands. It might be considered to be a downside to have to check your mail while you’re on vacation
, however, it also makes you reconsider the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology from a different angle to be writing an entry for your blog while sitting under a sky full of stars, hinting at the existence of the milkyway, after having eat excellent french food with a decent Pinot Noir that has been made only a few miles away in Beaune. I think I like that. And right now, it doesn’t feel to much like an intrusion of bad high tech into a relaxed camping setting. The keys are back…
Singing the hymn.
Thursday, January 13th, 2005What would life in Darmstadt be without the 603qm? A bleak and frustrating experience. This Sunday, for example, we enjoyed the Österreichspätstück. The employees of the 603 served Austrian food, and they even created a mountainscape out of cardboard to adorn part of the interior. Lars and I spent a happy afternoon there, lounging, listening to good and unobtrusive tracks, looking at the cardboard alps, and scrutinizing other customers – as every sociologist who is sincere about his or her calling has to.
Kvikk Lunsj – einfach; Nuts – total schwer.
Tuesday, October 19th, 2004Für die, die noch nix Süsses in Norwegen gekauft haben: Ich empfehle Kvikk Lunsj (ja, dieses Wort wird genauso ausgesprochen, wie man, leicht belustigt, denkt). Kvikk Lunsj ist dem hierzulande verkauften KitKat anverwandt jedoch selbigem überlegen und ausserdem Teil der Nationalkultur: kein anderer Schokoriegel hat solche Präsenz im öffentlichen Raum – ein längerer Blick aus dem Fenster der T-Bahn genügt, um mehrere Kvikk Lunsj Reklamen in unterschiedlicher Ausgebleichtheit zu sehen. Und das schon seit Jahren!
Hierzulande sollte man ja Nuts essen. Das Problem bei diesen beiden Schokoriegeln ist natürlich, das sie beim Verzehr möglichst frisch sein sollten. Aufgrund der hohen Verbreitung von Kvikk Lunsj in Norwegen fällt das dort leicht, der Umsatz ist hoch genug. Der Nuts Umsatz in Deutschland allerdings lässt sehr zu wünschen übrig, was dem Nuts Enthusiasten gar nicht behagt. Snickers-Menschen mögen da wohl kichern wollen, aber dieses Kreuz zu tragen nehmen wir Freunde des Nutskonsums gern in Kauf. Das ist Distinktion via Schokoriegel und deshalb hier auch der richtigen Kategorie zugeordnet.
Nur nebenbei: Habe gerade die erste Gliederung für meine Dissertation fertig gestellt.
Two days, six plus two heads, just four Euros.
Sunday, October 3rd, 2004It’s amazing how cheap a good meal can be. I spent 4 EUR and 10 cents for the ingredients (ok, the Federweißer not included), we were six people with appetites ranging from considerable to smallish, and there was enough leftover cheese cake to feed me and Olli on the following day too. What is best: it was quite delicious too! We successfully used a recipe which Olli found in the internet.
Today is Onion Cake day.
Saturday, October 2nd, 2004Lots of Federweißer will be consumed. Olli and I are not yet sure which recipe to do – will tell you more about recipe and results after consumption of cake.
Postkoloniale Küche mit südhessischen Einflüssen.
Tuesday, June 8th, 2004Hier mein Rezept für Bratwurst à l’ancienne europe. Zutaten: mindestens zwei Schalotten, eine frische grobe Bratwurst pro Nase, reichlich frische Petersilie, Reis und (tata!) Äppelwoi (a.k.a. Apfelwein oder Eppler). Den Reis wie sonst auch kochen, die Würste in heisser Pfanne kurz scharf anbraten, dann rausnehmen und bei kleiner Flamme die kleingehakten Zwiebeln glasig garen. Dann wieder rein mit den Würsten und bei mittlerer Hitze ordentlich Äppelwoi dazukippen. Diese Chose runterkochen lassen, dann noch einmal nachfüllen und mit der kleingehakten Petersilie noch ein bis zwei Minuten köcheln lassen. Das wars. Würste und Zwiebel-Petersilien-Apfelwein Soße über den Reis und reingehauen. Ist angenehm leicht. Dazu vielleicht ein bisschen Brot reichen.
Das Ursprungsrezept (Saucisses fraiches de Pomy), stammt von Herbert Schui, Vereinfachung und hessische Einflüsse gehen auf meine Kappe.
Life in and around 603qm.
Sunday, May 2nd, 2004After a longish wait the opening hour finally draws near: in 5 minutes I will hop over to the 603qm, where the Spätstück is waiting. Me hungry for food and lounging time.
From yuck to yeah.
Saturday, November 15th, 2003Lars and I have been to Pizza Hut for lunch today. We shared an x-tra cheesy crust spinach/philadelphia pizza. It was the opposite of delicious – neither crusty nor hot nor spicy nor interesting. It was a bland mixture of dough, sugar and fat, so that both Lars’s felt really bad after swallowing the stuff. To our relief we discoverd the 603 qm – the first really nice cafe/lounge that I have been to here in Darmstadt – to be open on Sundays. The prices are very fair (1 € per espresso) and the crowd relaxed and interesting. After drinking a good hot espresso and trying to look as relaxed and interesting as the others we happily made our way back to the Kraftwerk.
November 15th: corrected encoding for Euro sign
Saturday, November 15th, 2003I am back in Berlin again. This weekend my father is visiting, so I prolly won’t have time to post much. Instead, I will do things like eat excellent duck, like we did today (self-prepared, of course) and take a sip or two from a nice glass of Armangnac. Like it did before writing this post. Skål! Or better: Santé!
Entertainment and french cooking.
Thursday, October 23rd, 2003Yesterday Kerstin and I went to see Jet Lag (original title: Décalage horaire) starring Juliette Binoche and Jean Reno. One thing is remarkable about this movie: Jean Reno probably has the tiredest look I have ever seen in cinema yet. And it is nice to see how he and Juliette Binoche’s character’s looks change over the course of the movie. Both actors are, of course, grand. The story is nice enough and explicitly Hollywood-style, so one knows what to expect. These hopes won’t be disappointed – if you are looking for a nice french/american movie with good actors and some well-done (heh) cooking and eating scenes, this is to be recommended. (Check out the Trailer.)
Getting out, getting to a lake.
Saturday, June 28th, 2003This is the motto for this weekend. After today’s wedding party in the Manzini’s, we’ll need a break from urban space – a break from reflective thinking and discussing dissertation blah. A trip to one of the farther lakes in the Mecklenburgische Seenplate is in order. Some of these lakes are quite deep. Hopefully the water is still somewhat cool and refreshing, even after all these weeks of warm weather. Bathing in lake should of course be combined with nurturing yourself with food from the same, a nice fresh fish! Yum. Yum Yum. And then some relaxation. Cool evening air and a light breeze.
Well, know you know why you shouldn’t be surprised if I won’t blog anything this weekend. It for the weather to decide about this.
Cambridge, my balcony, and Sunnydale.
Friday, June 20th, 2003This is a selection of the spaces over which yesterday evening’s most relevant events were distributed. After finishing the asparagus season with a fine meal, shared between Florian, Chr, Sofie and myself, Florian left to catch his plane back to Cambridge. I hope that there’ll soon be some time and money for a trip to Cambridge. Haven’t punted through the Cam yet. After Florian left, the rest of the crowd gathered on the balcony, enjoying the vegetation and the mild air. More interesting stories relating to intestinal activities were told ;-) and some more white wine was consumed. As time passed and the sun went down Chr got himself involved in old-school telecommunication while Sofie and I started to visit Sunnydale as it was presented in the last two Buffy episodes (7×07 and 7×08 – to say it again, 7×07 was really scary and definitely one of the best episodes I’ve seen yet. Then finally Kerstin and Olli trickled in too and we saw this week’s episode: 7×09 – Never Leave Me. It’s still not clear what will happen to Giles, and, quite a surprise, it looks like some old fiends from the first season come back into play. So the circle closes itself. It fits just perfectly that Olli bought the First Season DVD – thanks Olli!
Now, what about the space issue? Analysis of this peculiar socio-ficitonal-space is up to you. Any spaces more relevant than others? Why? Fun being back to school, isn’t it?