A single man – A day of drift.

April 20th, 2010

Thanks to Lars M.’s special sponsoring, I was recently able to go to the movies in spite of a really tight budget. (I was even able to get some nice treats for consumption during the show!) We chose to see A single man because I really like Colin Firth, who was nominated for an Oscar for this role. The rest of the setting sounded nice too: a single day in the life of a man, stylish early sixties design, a movie that takes its time. All of these promises were kept and I was not disappointed. The work on the colors (desaturated for the moments when Colin Firth was doubtful if the world was actually still worth living in, strongly saturated in moments of aesthetic and emotional fulfillment) might be a bit too obvious, but not too a degree that would make me uncomfortable. The worst thing that I can say about this movie is that I somehow found myself – though sympathetic to the protagonist’s pain – not really moved or emotionally involved. I kept a distance. In a way, the distance might be similar to the distance that the protagonist had to the world around him, to life that had lost its deeper meaning… but I would be surprised if achieving such an effect was intended.
IMDb entry | Trailer

Wo komm ich her, nach Akademia?

March 13th, 2010

Auf- und später angeregt durch Jakob Heins Text zur zunehmenden sozialen Schließung in Deutschland habe ich mich wieder einmal mit der Tatsache beschäftigt, dass es an der Universität nur so wenige gibt, die einen sogenannten bildungsfernen Hintergrund haben. Ich selbst habe mich in gewisser Weise nie selbst so empfunden. Schließlich lesen meine Eltern gerne, finden Bildung wichtig und haben nie versucht, meine ökonomisch wenig aussichtsreiche Laufbahn als Sozialwissenschaftler in andere Bahnen zu lenken.
Im Studium war ich zu sehr von der spannenden Welt gefesselt, die sich da vor mir auftat, um über eine solche Tatsache viel nachzudenken. Das Lernen, das anfängliche Begreifen und spätere Durchschauen von Dingen die erst so unglaublich kryptisch erschienen, hat mich ausreichend in Bewegung gehalten. Die Muße, die ich mir trotz aller Bewegung herausnahm, brauchte ich, um diese Dinge zueinander in Beziehung zu setzen. Erst mit der Zeit wurde mir deutlich, dass es einigen da, an der Universität, anders geht. Hintergründe, die mir verschlossen waren, gehören dort entweder zum Selbstverständlichen – oder das eigene Standortbewusstsein ist sicher genug, um sich nicht um solche Dinge scheren zu müssen, à la Man wird es schon richtig machen, dieser ganze Kleinkrams ist doch unwichtig. Ist das so? Mir erschien es jedenfalls anders…
Wenn die eigenen Eltern aber nur für acht Jahre zur Schule gegangen sind und danach angefangen haben, zu arbeiten, dann blieb Ihnen wenig Muße für solche Hintergründe, dann ist Wissen über Dinge außerhalb des eigenen Wirkungsfeldes keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Alles an der Uni ist dann neu – für mich glücklicherweise aufregend neu, attraktiv, vielversprechend und spannend! … aber doch auch voller lauernder Abgründe, voller Unabwägbarkeiten, Begegnungen und Gesprächen, die jederzeit verunsichern und den vermeintlich festen Boden unter den Füßen wegreißen können. (Von anderen Selbstverständlichkeiten, wie der angemessenen Art zu sprechen, sich zu bewegen, zu kleiden, zu essen und zu trinken soll hier und heute noch nicht die Rede sein.) Ich habe diese Herausforderungen meist gern angenommen. Aber mit der Zeit…
Persönlich empfunden habe ich die Schwierigkeit des Zugangs zur Universität erst, als es um die ersten Schritte ging, die zu einer echten Unikarriere gehören: eine Stelle als Hilfskraft habe ich nicht bekommen, eigentlich habe mich auch kaum darum gekümmert – ich konnte ja als Hausmeister jobben. Da hat man keinen langen Anfahrtsweg, geht doch auch. Schwieriger war es dann bei der Bewerbung um Studienstipendien. Die sind irgendwie nicht so toll gelaufen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt dachte ich noch, mein sozialer Hintergrund wäre ein Vorteil, schließlich müsste ich doch besonders förderungswürdig sein, denn meine Eltern konnte ja offensichtlich nicht allzuviel beisteuern (auch wenn sie das in Wirklichkeit getan haben) – ist aber nicht so, die deutschen Studienstiftungen zeigen dieselben sozialen Auswahlkriterien wie andere gesellschaftliche Akteure und Institutionen auch. Denen, die haben, wird gegeben. Literatur dazu werde ich beizeiten ergänzen. Meine Bewerbung um ein Austauschstipendium für ein Jahr in den USA hat dann auch erst im zweiten Anlauf geklappt. Der gute Herr Soziologieprofessor, der auch beim zweiten Versuch über meine Zukunft zu entscheiden hatte, ein alter 68er natürlich, meinte nach dem Gespräch gütig, das wäre ja nicht so toll gewesen, aber wenn ich nun mal so hartnäckig bin, soll das ja auch belohnt werden. Das war ein echter Tiefschlag.
Aber: die USA haben es herausgerissen. Dort war ich nur ein begabter Student aus dem Ausland, nicht mehr, aber vor allem nicht weniger. Zurück in Deutschland haben das wieder gestiegene Selbstbewusstsein und das Zertifikat USA genug Elan verliehen, um Diplomarbeit und Bewerbung für ein Promotionsstipendium ohne besondere Verunsicherung abzuhaken.
Schwierig wurde es dann, nachdem das Promotionsstipendium ausgelaufen, aber die Arbeit noch nicht fertig war. Hartz IV, keine Reserven vorhanden Wovon soll man Reisen zu Konferenzen bezahlen? Wo soll man die Ruhe hernehmen, die Arbeit fertig zu schreiben und nebenbei noch Artikel zu veröffentlichen? Es ist alles gut gegangen. Aber Hausbesuche durch Angestellte des JobCenters und das unaufhaltsames Verschleißen der paar ordentlichen Klamotten, die man noch aus Zeiten des Stipendiums hatte, waren schon wirklich bedrohlich. Es ist alles gut gegangen.
Eines der vielleicht nachdrücklichsten Erlebnisse in diesem Zusammenhang hatte ich aber erst, als ich schon als großer, erfahrener Postdoktorand, wieder mit neuem Stipendium (und damit ohne jede soziale Absicherung), in einem Auswahlkomitee für neue DoktorandInnen saß. Im Verlauf eines schweißig-drögen Nachmittags hat doch tatsächlich einer der Professoren nach einem Vorstellungsgespräch über die kandidierende Person gesagt, dass diese ihn wirklich überzeugt habe und das er diese Person auch deshalb nachdrücklich empfehlen möchte, weil sie aus einem komplett nicht-akademischen Umfeld kommt und sich ihr Projekt und alles weitere wirklich selbst erarbeitet hätte. Dem Professor ging das ohne weiteres über die Lippen und dieser Aspekt wurde auch nicht weiter zum expliziten Thema. Ich selbst aber war gleichermaßen erschrocken wie erfreut. Erschrocken darüber, dass so etwas bisher in noch keinem Komitee, in dem ich saß, explizit in Betracht gezogen worden wäre. Erfreut, weil das in gewisser Weise auch für mich gilt und ich mich also auch als in dieser Weise ausgezeichnet sehen kann.
Würde ich aber in eine meiner Bewerbungen als Juniorprofessor, Forschungsantragssteller, oder ähnliches schreiben, dass ich aus einem bildungsfernen Milieu komme? Bisher habe ich das nicht getan…

Von Litlink zu Bookends exportieren.

February 17th, 2010

Gestern habe ich mich länger mit den Eigenheiten von Lit-Link herumgeschlagen, da ich die seit längerer Zeit nicht mehr genutzten Daten von dort nach Bookends importieren wollte. Leider hat sich für mich die Exportfunktion, wie so viele Aspekte von LitLink, als ausgesprochen undurchsichtig, schwer zu benutzen, mäßig dokumentiert und oft fehlerbehaftet dargestellt. (Trotzdem ist LitLink für viele natürlich ein wertvolles Hilfsmittel und es kostet nichts, also warum beschweren? Es gibt ja auch kommerzielle Alternativen, wie zum Beispiel DevonThink Pro, Together oder auch Scrivener, für die man allerdings unterschiedlich tief in die Tasche greifen muss. ) Im LitLink Forum wird angegeben, dass für den Export der Daten nach Bookends das Bibtex Format am besten geeignet sei. Doch wie funktioniert der Export im Detail und was für Hürden müssen überwunden werden, damit das auch wirklich funktioniert? Dazu mehr im Folgenden. (Die Informationen gelten für LitLink 3.5 und Bookends 11.)

  1. Als erstes sollte man in LitLink einen Fehler in der Bibtex Zit-Form ausbügeln. Dazu zu Zit-Formen gehen, Bibtex anwählen und den Text im großen weißen Bereich per copy & paste durch das von mir erstellte Update ersetzen.
  2. Dann geht man zu seiner Datenbank und wählt die Kategorie Titel aus. Im unteren Bereich der Maske zu dem jeweils aktiven Titel werden vier Symbole angezeigt. Von diesen wählt man das Zahnrad aus (der Tooltip zum Zahnrad identifiziert dieses als Format der Zit-Form wählen), setzt im kommenden Dialog den Wert für Titel auf Bibtex und bestätigt diese Auswahl durch den OK Knopf.
  3. Danach ist man wieder in der Titelmaske. Dort klickt man auf den Knopf über dem Zahnrad (Verzeichnis in Zwischenablage oder Datei erstellen, der Knopf zeigt zwei Spalten und ein Plussymbol) und wählt im kommenden Dialog die Option ZA, um die exportierte Liste in der Zwischenablage zu speichern.
  4. Als nächstes erstellt man ein leeres Dokument in einem Text Editor, wie z.B. Apples TextEdit oder auch Word (ich benutze für so etwas immer den herausragenden und kostenlosen TextWrangler), fügt den Text aus der Zwischenablage in das leere Dokument ein und speichert das Dokument erst einmal als reine Textdatei mit der .txt Endung ab. Bitte darauf achten, dass die Datei mit Western (Mac OS Roman) Encoding abgespeichert wird, sonst kommen Umlaute und Sonderzeichen in Bookends als Zeichenmüll an.
  5. Damit Bookends den Bibtex-Export von LitLink interpretieren kann, muss man diesen erst einmal etwas säubern. Als erstes muss kontrolliert werden, ob die erste Zeile auch mit einen @ beginnt. Wenn nicht, alles löschen, bis am Anfang ein @ steht.
  6. Für die weiteren Säuberungsschritte verwendet man am besten eine automatische Suchen & Ersetzen Funktion. Folgende Operationen sind notwendig:
    Alle }} Zeichenfolgen müssen durch }} plus einen Absatzsprung ersetzt werden (in TextWrangler stünde im Replace Feld dann }}\r). Alle }, Folgen müssen durch }, plus einen Absatzsprung ersetzt werden (TextWrangler: }, \r). Schließlich müssen noch alle {,author Folgen durch {,Absatzzeichenauthor (TextWrangler: {,\rauthor) ersetzt werden.
  7. Nun einfach in Bookends im File Menü auf Import References… gehen, das Bibtex Format und from file auswählen und die abgespeicherte Datei importieren. Sollte das Bibtex Format nicht zur Auswahl stehen, dann im File Menü auf Import Filter Manager… gehen und im kommenden Fenster bei Bibtex ein Häkchen setzen, danach sollte die Option im Importdialog auftauchen.

Damit ist der eigentliche Export/Import abgeschlossen. Ich musste anschließend noch einiges an Aufräumarbeit in Bookends leisten, aber dazu schaut man sich am besten mal die Funktionen im Refs Menü an und wirft einen Blick in den User Guide von Bookends (zu finden im Help Menü).
Viel Erfolg!

Avatar – Depth without depth.

February 10th, 2010

I took the opportunity of being back in Berlin for a few days to hop into a 3D showing of Avatar, even though I didn’t have particularly high expectations of the movie. But, as so many others, I decided to watch it to see how 3D cinema is done today and what its potentials might be. It was good to have watched the movie without expecting much from the storyline, the politics, or the characters, because all of these were extremely … flat. Rarely did I go to the cinema to see a movie where the characters lacked any kind of plausible background, the entire plot line was completely clear and without any interesting twists from beginning to end. Well, you could say that this complete lack of surprises was a surprise in itself, but that would be carrying things a bit too far. But, maybe there was one surprise: at one point I felt an emotional involvement even though I was really annoyed on an intellectual level. Maybe this is a hint at how one could see the movie when one does not wear several layers of aesthetic and intellectual doubts – at least I talked to a few people from completely non-academic backgrounds who enjoyed this movie tremendously and really thought that it was a very moving experience.

So back to the original motivation of watching this movie: getting an impression about the 3D thingy. First off, I am not one of those who like to sit in one of the back seats of a cinema, watching from a distance. For me, immersion is a treat. This went fairly ok with the 3D stuff too, but I think it might make watching a bit more difficult because I found myself watching at some detail of the scenery for a bit too long from time to time, thus running the risk of missing ‘the big picture’. But apart from that, I thought that they did a good job with using 3D for this movie. The special effects were nice and sometimes the landscapes were really interesting and beautiful and it was fun to explore them visually. This really adds a new quality to the aesthetics of the movie and can be used for much more than action-related effects. It will be nice to see how this is going to be used in movies that are exciting and touching – I do have some hopes for the next Pixar flick in this regard.
And one last remark: With the strong focus on bodily performance and sensations, I really felt uneasy about the way in which handicaps / handicapped people were portrayed. Instead of ditching the “crippled” body as practically worthless and only frustrating, it would have been much nicer to look the potentials that life in a wheelchair (or any other handicap) has to offer. Instead, this movie took a strong evolutionist/survival of the fittest turn. The use of all kinds of machines was portrayed as a sign of impotence – only the pure body, the handmade bow, and the symbiotic animal were worth anything. And aging or decay? Where were they? We see one dead body, which carries sign of old age, but what do the wonderful nature-bound, and always perfectly performing aliens do when they get old? *sigh*
IMDb entry | Trailer

Teilnehmende Beobachtung und visuelle Methoden: Soziales sehen.

February 6th, 2010

Im Sommersemester werden Lars Meier und ich zusammen ein Seminar an der TU Darmstadt unterrichten. Das letzte Mal, dass wir dort gemeinsam unterrichtet haben ist dann fünf Jahre her… Der Ausschreibungstext für das Seminar lautet folgendermaßen:

Die teilnehmende Beobachtung, also die bewusste und reflektierte Teilnahme des Forschenden an sozialer Interaktion, ist eine klassische Forschungsmethode der Soziologie. Sie findet Verwendung in vielfältigen Settings, die von Untersuchungen in Boxclubs oder Ghettos hin zu solchen an Arbeitsplätzen oder in Wohnungen reichen. Im Seminar werden in einem ersten Schritt die Grundlagen dieser Methode vermittelt, wobei ein besonderer Fokus auf die praktische Verwendung visueller Hilfsmittel wie Foto und Video gelegt wird. Im zweiten Schritt erstellen die Teilnehmenden dann eigene Beobachtungen und Aufnahmen, die sich auf für sie relevante Themenbereiche beziehen (oder auch auf Felder, zu denen die beiden Seminarleiter aktuell forschen). Die Schwierigkeiten und Ergebnisse dieser eigenen Kleinprojekte werden dann gemeinsam besprochen und in Hinblick auf mögliche Präsentationsformen (Text, Collage, Film, Internet, etc.) diskutiert.

Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf die Möglichkeit, zusammen mit den Studierenden der TU den Blick ins Feld zu wagen und mit visuellen Forschungshilfsmitteln zu experimentieren. Und darauf, alte FreundInnen und KollegInnen wieder zu treffen und gemeinsam Zeit im 603qm zu verbringen!

Wörter, bitte melden!

January 26th, 2010

Es ist mal wieder soweit: in einer Woche läuft die Meldefrist für das Jahr 2009 bei der VG Wort ab. Überraschenderweise habe ich dieses Mal rechtzeitig daran gedacht, meine Veröffentlichungen aus dem vergangenen Jahr dort einzutragen. (Es ist allerdings auch möglich, ältere Veröffentlichungen anzumelden. Wie lange diese zurückliegen dürfen, hängt anscheinend von der Art der Veröffentlichung ab.) Wen es interessiert, ich habe im August letzten Jahres einen Eintrag erstellt, in dem ich aufliste, wieviel Geld mir die VG Wort ausgeschüttet hat.
Ich habe meine im Internet veröffentlichten Texte immer noch nicht gemeldet, da mir weiterhin unklar ist, wie sich die Übertragung des Verwertungsrechte an die VG Wort mit der Creative Commons Lizenz verträgt.

Migration to WordPress.

January 24th, 2010

Since I got the job to set up a blog for someone else, and since it was decided that the blog should be done with WordPress, I started to play around with this blogging package a few days ago. To learn how to set things up and make modifications, I tried to replicate the style of my own blog, which is based on the very simple blosxom. One thing came to another and finally I tried to import all of my blosxom blog entries into the new WordPress database – and here we are! I decided to switch to WordPress because:

  • it is maintained much more regularly,
  • it is much more comfortable to use,
  • it offers more and more useful plugins,
  • I hope it will make it easier to keep off spam,
  • it finally allowed me to make a tag cloud.

The latter can be marvelled at to the right. I am quite baffled at how closely the tag cloud represents those aspects of my life that I put into this blog in the course of the last six years. It will be interesting to see how the cloud develops in the future…

I decided against keeping the content in the same address location because of the cryptic cgi blabla that was part of the old address. Therefore I would like to ask you to update your bookmarks and feed readers to go to the new address: http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/frers/blog.

Lüneburg. Begegnung, Widerstand und Abwesenheit.

January 20th, 2010

Foto des Empfangsgebäudes im WinterVorgestern hatte ich mein erstes offizielles Vorsingen, im Rahmen meiner Bewerbung auf die von der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg ausgeschriebene Stelle als Juniorprofessor für qualitative sozialwissenschaftliche Methoden. Im Rahmen der Bewerbung musste ich auch einen wissenschaftlichen Vortrag vor der Berufungskommission (und anscheinend auch noch einem Gast) halten. Wie auch sonst üblich, habe ich den zwanzigminütigen Vortrag aufgezeichnet und stelle ihn hier als Videodatei in zwei unterschiedlichen Formaten zur Verfügung:
Ogg Theora (45 MB, für Firefox und VLC) | MP4 (28 MB, für Safari, Chrome und QuickTime).

Call for Papers: Absence. Materiality, embodiment, resistance.

December 18th, 2009

I am happy to announce that I will be co-organizing a session at next year’s RGS-IBG conference in London (September 1-3). Here is the text of the call for papers:

Convenors: Lars Frers (University of Oslo); Lars Meier (Institute for Employment Research, Nürnberg); Erika Sigvardsdotter (Uppsala University)

What is missing, for whom and why? How does that, which is absent, relate to the things and people that are present? In this session we wish to engage with the intersections of the material and emotional qualities of absence, focussing on the fact that absence is all but a void, manifesting itself in concrete places, people and things; that it is embodied and enacted.
To feel something’s absence, it needs to be part of a temporal pattern, it has to be a part of what is expected; something that used to be present. A factory is shut down, workers gone, and with them the sounds and smells of work. Yet all of these sensual experiences may be evoked by a whiff of a machine’s scent, by a familiar chink or a rusty tool laying around. Exploring the materiality of absence, we want to improve the understanding of how remembrances of things past and people gone are realized in things and people present. Establishing absence may also be part or result of power-related negotiations. As legal residuals of border regulation, irregular migrants are absent in a jurisdiction; off the grid, uncountable and unable to complain if abused or exploited. Yet, their presence is unquestionable. Although being able to exercise that presence may be a long term goal, absence – from conspicuous places, from view and immigration officer’s radars, can be a situational tactic necessary for their survival. However, managing absence, controlling the traces and the materialities that might make the absent present can also be a long-term strategy. Research into climate change can be understood as work trying to overcome the resistance of the material by digging up traces that show that something is there even it may usually be absent.
The absence–presence ambivalence can be worked in various ways; a presence suggesting the absent, the seemingly absent becoming present in flesh and blood, or as a merely suggested, ghostlike presence.

Possible session topics:

  • Remembrances: Emotions, memory and the materiality of absence.
  • Contestations of what and who is absent/present.
  • Practices and the managing of absence.

In the session, we want to discuss different characteristics of absence and their interrelations. To achieve this we will focus on concrete experiences and examples of absence and we welcome presentations that display the sensual and material qualities of absence.

Please submit a 300 word abstract for a 20 minute presentation (including title, presenter’s name and affiliation) before 31st January 2010 to:


More privacy for you.

November 16th, 2009

For more than seven years I have used Sitemeter to see and analyze the traffic to my website. The service was originally recommended to me by Jörg Kantel, but in recent years I grew more and more disenchanted by Sitemeter – they teamed up with different advertising partners, made their JavaScript more complex, and there is also the ongoing privacy related discussion. In addition, because it could only count those visits that actually accessed the JavaScript code that is embedded into a HTML page, Sitemeter did not count those who would not activate the script. So the count missed out on those who block JavaScript and it also never counted access to the PDF, audio and video files that I host here.
In spite of all of these disadvantages, there was no real alternative for me, since Google Analytics is even worse when it comes to data collection, and since I did not have access to the webserver logs. All of this changed a few months ago when zedat, FU’s IT unit made it possible to access the weblogs for the userpage that they host. Since that change, I have now and then experimented with this feature, and with the help of the nice staff at zedat, I was able to set up a working solution using cron jobs and Visitors. Although Visitors is somewhat dated and not as feature-rich as I would like, it is good enough to finally get rid of Sitemeter. (And installing/using it does not require a lot of technical skills.)
So beginning today, accessing my website will: 1. better preserve your privacy and 2. be faster, since my pages are now completely JavaScript free and since your browser won’t have to access several different domains to load a single page. Win-win situation for you and me!
Sitemeter’s final count for this site was: 128,247 Visits and 193,571 Page Views.

The route, the body & the view. Investigations into agency and perception along the Norwegian Tourist Route.

November 13th, 2009

This is the title of the presentation that I gave last week. I was very kindly invited to present my work on the Norwegian Tourist Route in the research seminar of Uppsala University’s Department of Social and Economic Geography. As usual, I recorded the presentation on my laptop and I have now uploaded it. If you have a modern web browser like Firefox (3.5 and up), Safari (3.1 and up) or Chrome, you can watch the video right here.

The whole presentation took about an hour – it was very nice for me to be able to talk about my work with enough time to allow for the inclusion of a substantial amount of what some people call data (there are five video clips and a lot of photographs included in the presentation). The discussion after the talk and later in the evening was really productive and the whole atmosphere of the visit was very welcoming and nice. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the great folks in Uppsala!

Spam conferences.

October 16th, 2009

Today I got an e-mail from Prof. Nikos E. Mastorakis <wseas-team@wseas.org> with the loong subject line:

Dear Professor Frers, As invited author, you are entitled publication of your paper in the ISI Proceedings, Books and Journals of the WSEAS [my e-mail address] ( reply only to wseas-team@wseas.org )

How nice!, I thought, Somebody recognized my academic brilliance and is inviting me to a conference!. More flattery follows and then come several lists and promises of how many books I will get for free if I attend the conference, that they will publish my paper in some kind of journal which will be cited and listed in a gazillion of indices etc. By then, I was already pretty suspicious and the effect of the flattery sadly had to subside. There was just too much information about how academically excellent this conference would be, how much I personally would benefit from it, and there were some other, more interesting suggestions: The location they gave for the conference is Penang, Malaysia and guess what the picture on the conference website shows? Yup. A beach lined with palm trees…
When I then went on to search the internet for terms like wseas strange, wseas spam or wseas scam, I had to dig through many, many pages that all were somehow linked to the organization that hosts the conference itself. They are very clever in linking to papers that have the words spam or scam in them, so that you will somehow land in one of their domains when you actually are looking for sources not connected to them. It seems to me they even have pseudo blogs of their own. With a bit of effort you will find the few places that are independent and they certainly don’t have a lot of good things to say about the scheme. (The best that you will find are the CVs and publication lists of people who seem to have attended one of the many conferences hosted by the WSEAS.) The registration fee is between 500 and 550 Euros. On the page where they give information about the conference fee, you see two women in bikinis lounging beside a crystal blue swimming pool… Got the idea?
So you have a strange mix of appealing on the one hand to a huge career benefit in terms of publishing in well-indexed journals and on the other hand of hanging out at a beach etc. Who wouldn’t submit a paper? Well, I haven’t found a report of anyone who actually participated in one of these conferences, but I am quite sure it would be an interesting read. But I guess the incentives for disclosing this kind of information are not very … existent. Good subject for a field study, of course. Other than that, I would be glad if my e-mail inbox could be kept free of this kind of – in my opinion – pseudo-academic money making scheme that eats away my time and attention.

Upperdog – Being away and being bent back.

October 13th, 2009

The title pun of Upperdog is not the most witty thing that I have ever encountered in cinema. It does its job though, since it hints at some of the drama that guides the plot of this movie. Should I face my past even if it is so much worse than the present and does not seem to have anything to do with the now? Should I face the underdog side of me, now that I am part of the upper class? In this film, a passionate affair of the upperdog with a real underdog, a migrant who works as a housemaid for the Upperdog’s parents, is needed to get things into motion.
For me, some parts movie were a bit like the title: a bit too close to the cliché to be really convincing. Maid = passionate affair. Adopting parents = cluelessness about their kid’s real emotions. But luckily, things are a bit more complicated, since there is another plot of almost equal importance, one that involves a Norwegian soldier returning from Afghanistan, where he killed an innocent. He is haunted by nightmares and the anti-war campaign in his home country and he too needs a woman to face his past and take his destiny into his own hands. Writer and Director Sara Johnsen is presenting two male characters that are completely different – on first sight. But a closer look reveals that they are both caught in different kinds of machismo traps, one as a successful and ruthless alpha male, the other as one who wanted to serve the good by taking up arms.
It is difficult for me to say why this movie did not really convince me – the leads are doing very decent or even good jobs and the two plot lines do not seem to be overly dramatic. But somehow there was no spark for me. Well, maybe that is not true – the scenes between the alpha male and the housemaid provoced some reactions in me (I was affected by their exploitative nature). It is difficult for me to make up my mind about this movie – and I guess that is why I would still recommend watching this movie. It raises some interesting issues – but not because of the bland conflict lines, which we all know too well, but because some of the characters are not very easy to place and it is not clear who could be a good guy here and why…
IMDb entry | Trailer

Herausfordernde Materialitäten : Gegenstände, Methoden, Konzepte.

October 7th, 2009

Gestern habe ich in meinem Postfach hier in Oslo die neueste Ausgabe der Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde gefunden. Das mag merkwürdig erscheinen, war aber schon heiß ersehnt, denn es handelt sich um das Themenheft Materielle Welt in der Humangeographie, für das ich einen Beitrag eingereicht habe. Den musste ich nach dem Peer Review noch einmal überarbeiten, aber nun erblickt er das Licht der Welt. Sollte man ein sozialwissenschaftliches Interesse am Themenfeld Materialität haben, dann lohnt es sich sicher, einmal eine Blick in das Themenheft zu werfen – die Berichte sind in den meisten deutschen Universitätsbibliotheken verfügbar.

In this article I engage with the challenges posed by studying materialities on several levels. Firstly, I delineate the potential problems that can arise when one is using a category like materiality which has the potential of becoming a deterministic factor in the analysis. While often being naturalized instead of being politicized, it has to be understood as being integral to social practices. Secondly, using video-analysis, I demonstrate the methodological challenges of working with materialities. Thirdly, I emphasize the importance of temporality. Materialities unfold their specific qualities only in temporal processes that encompass actors, things and others. Fourthly, I present the phenomenologically anchored concepts envelopment and Wahrnehmungshandeln (perception-action), showing how materialities participate in perception-actions. Finally, I investigate how an open approach to the challenges of materiality prioritizes ambivalences instead of dichotomies in the analysis

Die vollständige bibliografische Angabe lautet:
Frers, Lars (2009), Herausfordernde Materialitäten : Gegenstände, Methoden, Konzepte, Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde, 83(2), S. 177-191.

Upgrading video on website to HTML 5.

October 5th, 2009

In the course of the last month I have recoded all of my pages with video content to conform to the current working draft of HTML 5. The nice thing is that there already is a code validator for HTML 5, so that I found some things that have changed from HTML 4 to 5 that I would have overlooked. (For example the fact that the <acronym> tag isn’t part of the standard anymore and that <abbr> should be used instead.)
The main reason for me to switch to HTML 5 was the new <video> element. Until now, I have used different hacks to embed video into the website without breaking standard conformance or having to use Flash. Or I have used the official standard implementation, which left users of Internet Explorer in the cold anyway. So I was never really content with the way that I offer video because it would either be really hackish code, or it would not validate, or it would break in one or another browser. (Opera for example did not allow some of the officially validating hacks to work…) So now I am using clear and clean HTML 5 code. The only obstacle that I had to overcome was to get Firefox to display the video. I thought this wouldn’t be a problem since Firefox officially supports the video tag beginning with version 3.5. The first code that I wrote looked something like this:

<video controls src="passage.mp4">
<a href="passage.mp4" title="right click to download the file">video file (24 MB)</a>

This worked perfectly fine in Safari (version 4), but in Firefox I would only get a grey field with an X where the video should be. I did not mind at first, since I was happy to get things running, my code was validating and it was built on an example that I found on the pages of the W3C itself. After a few days, I was bothered by this solution, since about half of the visitors of my website use Firefox and I certainly did not want them to be left in the cold. So I searched a bit and finally found the corresponding bugs on Mozilla’s website (435298 for the Mac and 435339 for Windows) and a general discussion of the issue. In all of these places, the Firefox developers clearly state that they won’t be supporting MPEG codecs and also won’t hook the video element up with the plugin architecture of the respective OSs. Instead, Firefox is implementing the open source Ogg Theora video codec that is not plagued by licensing issues in the way the MPEG-4 codecs are. (There is a pretty thorough discussion about this on Ars Technica.) Well, I never used Ogg stuff for anything so far, but I read that the quality of their video compression improved greatly over the course of the last year. It is open source, which I like, and Mozilla decided to try to push it, so I finally decided to give it a shot. Of course, offering embedded video support to all my visitors using Firefox was a pretty big incentive too… After a lot of experimenting, fiddling around with different encoder settings and comparing encoding results with QuickTime X’s h264 encoded files, it became clear, that the quality of Theora is indeed worse than what h264/mp4 offers, but that it is still certainly good enough for presenting video on my website – only very few people will notice the difference between the two formats (but they will notice that the .ogg files are bigger).

I had to change the code a bit to offer both video formats. I chose to use Ogg Theora as the fallback format because of the better quality (smaller size at same quality) of the h264 encoding. My current implementation looks like this:

<video controls>
<source src="passage.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="passage.ogg" type="video/ogg">
Video file: <a href="passage.mp4" title="right click to download the file">MP4/.264 (24 MB)</a> | <a href="passage.ogg" title="right click to download the file">Ogg Theora (47 MB)</a>

This way, Firefox 3.5 and Safari 4 show the embedded video with controls, while all other browsers (I tested Camino 1.6, Opera 9 and 10, and Internet Explorer 7 and 8) fall back to displaying the direct links to the video files. After doing some more testing, I must say that I prefer Firefox’s implementation of the video element to Safari’s, because Firefox will only download the video file when it is actually activated by the user, whereas Safari will start the download of all embedded video files immediately, thus clogging my internet connection as soon as I open the website.

If you want to check out how I implemented things, you can visit this page, where I also used HTML 5’s new <audio> element: Pacification by Design.

Much better spelling support in Snow Leopard.

September 2nd, 2009

screen shot of the new spelling options in the text part of System PreferencesWhen I wrote an e-mail in Norwegian today, I again had to realize how bad I am with my spelling. Since I just installed Apple’s new operating system Snow Leopard I went to check if it happens to support Norwegian spelling correction. It did not. But when I checked out the new spelling options in the Text tab of System Prefences’ Language & Text panel, I saw the picture that you can see here too. This means that OS X 10.6 supports spelling dictionaries such as those used by OpenOffice. Yay! That means that we now have a ton of other spelling options without having to resort to services like CocoASpell, which never really worked too well for me.
So now getting support for other languages is as easy as visiting an OpenOffice dictionary server to download the dictionary you need, unzipping the dictionary and dropping the .dic and the .aff file into the Spelling folder inside the Library folder. (Either in your home directory, or, if you want to install the dictionary for all users of your machine, into the root level Library’s Spelling folder.) The great thing is that we now have full spelling support for many, many languages in all applications that support Apple’s spelling services, e.g. in TextEdit, Pages, Nisus, Mellel,… What a wonderful day!

Route interruptus. A Study of Fatigue, Erosion and other material agencies at rest stops of the Norwegian Tourist Route.

August 31st, 2009

first slide of the presentationThis week, I found myself in Manchester once more. I was called to port by the annual conference of the Royal Geographical Society (RGSIBG), which might just be my favorite disciplanary organisation conference. Small enough to allow one to meet people frequently, diverse enough to collect many different approaches, and – in the fields of interest for me – open for risky submissions, non-standard formats and innovative presentations. In addition, you will usually find a session or two where people speak very openly about the difficulties of their field work – both on an intellectual but, even more important, also on an emotional level. I guess most of these kinds of sessions are convened and chaired by female researchers that are still in the first decade of their careers… hopefully this is not only an age-related thing but a generational change that continues even when people advance further in their academic standing.

This is what I talked about:

Things, people, and information do not flow without resistances. In this presentation, I will delve into the bodily and material aspects of mobility, displaying how bodily fatigue and the erosion of matter intersect at rest stops along the Norwegian Tourist Route. On this route, the impressive fjord landscape is framed and presented to the travelers at several rest stops that have been artistically designed. Combining video analysis and photography with ethnographic fieldwork, the study focuses on the mundane everyday life, on the resistances as well as the attractions that guide the perception and action of those who spend some time at these places. Particular attention will also be paid to the ways in which the practices that happen at this place change the place itself – situationally but also in a slower, long-term process that will be explored by quasi-archeological investigations into the traces and the detritus that gather at these places. Thus it will be shown how material and bodily processes challenge and undermine the framed presentation of landscape – but it will also be shown that these processes bear a potential of delightful pleasures, unintended uses, and subtle reconfigurations of the socio-spatial order of these places.

As usual, I have recorded the presentation so that you can download and watch it yourself (16 minutes):
Ogg Theora movie (35.5 MB, play with VLC) | QuickTime movie (29.3 MB, play with QuickTime).

A change of air. Once more.

August 19th, 2009

I like all seasons in their own peculiar ways. During the last years, summer has been Berlin–Germany–home in-between time. Work obligations and monetary restrictions did not allow for real holidays, so that July and August became a mix. A mingling of places: refreshing apartments so that they can be sublet once more without a bad conscience; reading and writing and applying for jobs and wrangling with deadlines; hanging out on balconies; visiting family and seeing friends and trying not to get caught up in obligations too much to not enjoy seeing all of these; enjoying Berlin nights; saying goodbye again to the place that you miss but do not want to miss, because this only makes things harder; riding the bicycle through warm summer fields; trying to keep an eye on expenses; looking out for good deals on necessary and not so necessary stuff; loving to be where you are right now, while trying to be looking forward to where you will be tomorrow, and not being too sad about where you left the day before… Tomorrow, I will let the wind will carry me back to Oslo.

Geld für Worte.

August 11th, 2009

Es hat mich immer interessiert, wie das mit der VG Wort eigentlich funktioniert und vor allem natürlich, wieviel Geld man denn nun eigentlich für Bücher und Artikel bekommt. Da dieses Geld durch Zahlungen von der (bundesdeutschen) Allgemeinheit zusammenkommt – zum Beispiel als Aufpreis beim Kauf von Druckern, Scannern und Kopierern – will ich hier Rechenschaft darüber ablegen, wieviel von dem Geld wofür auf meinem Konto gelandet ist.
Ich habe beim letzten Kalenderjahrwechsel zum ersten Mal fristgerecht einen Antrag bei der VG Wort eingereicht (man muss der VG Wort zur Erstanmeldung ein Formular per Post schicken, deshalb hat es im Jahr davor nicht geklappt – weshalb mir ein Buchbeitrag von 2006 durch die Lappen gegangen ist). Hier die Liste der Ausschüttung mit den unterschiedlichen Posten:

  1. 2006 Fachbücher: 27,50 € (Mitherausgeber)
  2. 2007 Buchbeiträge: 37,51 € (Kapitel in einem deutschen + einem britischen Sammelband, zusammen 39 Seiten)
  3. 2007 Fachbücher: 490,00 € (Buch ~89000 Worte + Mitherausgeberschaft)
  4. 2008 Buchbeiträge: 3,00 € (Enzyklopädiebeitrag, 2 Seiten)
  5. 2008 Zeitschriftenbeiträge: 28,50 € (Buchbesprechung in einer englischsprachigen Fachzeitschreift, 19 Seiten)
  6. Summe: 586,51 €

Ich fand es wirklich spannend, diese Liste zu sehen und habe mich natürlich auch über das Geld gefreut, das ich zur Zeit sehr gut gebrauchen kann. Allerdings muss man einschränkend sagen, dass die Veröffentlichung meines Buches beim transcript Verlag mich über 2400 Euro gekostet hat (von denen das Graduiertenkolleg immerhin 1333 Euro als Druckkostenzuschuss getragen hat).
Wer wissen möchte, welche Titel hinter den Beiträgen stehen, kann diese Liste mit der Liste meiner Veröffentlichungen abgleichen.

Video research in the open. Encounters involving the researcher-camera.

August 4th, 2009

cover of the book 'Video Interaction AnalysisA few months ago, the book Video Interaction Analysis – Methods and Methodology, edited by Ulrike Tikvah Kissmann has been published. Since this is my first purely methodological publication, I am really looking forward to see how it is received. The opening paragraph of my chapter reads like this:

Filming is an encounter. The person wielding the camera, the camera itself, and the people and things around them enter a dynamic relationship. This relationship unfolds itself according to the rules set by the social, spatial, and material features and practices that constitute it. These features and practices constitute it, but they do not determine it in a linear way – too many contingencies enter the interaction process, disrupting, changing, or reorienting it. […] In this essay, I will focus on the surprising, unplanned side of doing video research, pointing out both the risks and the opportunities that are part and parcel of filming non-staged everyday life in public settings.

After discussing how I am located in the social field as a researcher – in connection to Bourdieu’s discussion of the social field – I switch dimensions and start to discuss my position in the material field:

But what about the position in the material field? Is that not the same thing as the geographical location? In the way that materiality is conceptualized for this essay, there is more to this position than physical location. Drawing both on Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of the body (Merleau-Ponty, 1962; Merleau-Ponty and Lefort, 1968) and on works published in the wide field of science and technology studies (Garfinkel et al., 1981; Latour, 1987; Pickering, 1995), I want to propose that the position I take as a bodily actor in the material field at least temporarily becomes that of a hybrid of man and machine: a camera-researcher. The way I position myself is guided by the way I observe with and as the camera, by the way the camera observes with and as me.

These are the two main conceptual vectors which propel the discussion forward: a focus on the open-ended encounters that constitute the field work itself, and an STS focus that helps the analysis to not take the camera itself for granted, making it disappear behind the hand and the eye of the researcher. Equipped with this two vectors, I try to thrust into some problematic aspects of ethnographic research in general and of video-based research in particular.