Woot! After being online for more than six years, my website got the onehundredthousandth visitor. It’s been a while and quite a few things have happened during this time. A blog was added, the layout changed a bit here and there (mostly on the main home page) and quite a bit of video and text content was uploaded. Some of the changes to the website can be tracked in the Internet Archive’s WayBackMachine.
Posts Tagged ‘visitor’
Say hello to my 100000th visitor.
Wednesday, August 20th, 2008Schöne Suche.
Wednesday, April 30th, 2008Heute hat jemand nach wer hat den Ozean erfunden gegoogelt und ist in diesem Blog gelandet. Sehr hübsch. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich es bedauern soll, die Antwort nicht zu wissen…
Mapping website visitors.
Wednesday, March 1st, 2006SiteMeter has started offering a view of recent website visitors a few months ago. A nice feature, which I sometimes check out. Today’s map is good enough to be shown. The criteria for good enough is: representative enough. Since only the last 100 visits are shown using a free SiteMeter account, it is difficult to capture the the breadth of the global distribution. The rarer visitors come from specific locations (Latin America and Australia are both pretty rare for me), the easier they fall out of the ‘last 100 visitors’ statistics.
In this map you see two things that are typical: visitors from the Islamic world (parts of Africa, the Middle East but most of them from Malaysia) who come to read my comparison of Ibn Khaldūn and Comte, and a substantial amount of visitors from North America. European visitors are mostly from Germany, but also from Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Scandinavia, the Baltic States and the other European countries.
Late christmas revelation.
Sunday, January 8th, 2006Whoa! Today I noticed that the visit count for this website has crossed the 50.000 mark – if I interpret my SiteMeter statistics correctly, the 50.000 visitor must have clicked her or his way to this site on the 23rd or 24th of December.
I want to take this as an occassion to thank all of those who spend a bit of their time on this site. I sincerely hope that I was able to provide something of interest to you – although I do fear that all those who were googling marlene dietrich were not particularly intrigued on visiting this site…
The beast in decline.
Friday, May 27th, 2005On the diagram you can see a pretty average distribution of browsers visiting my site. Since the free account at SiteMeter only includes browser share statistics for the last 100 visits the variation can be pretty big. Firefox’s share has been increasing over the last few months, although it has been hovering around 20% for the last two months or so. The development which I watch most closely these days is the percentage of Internet Explorer 5.x users that are visiting this site. This has been steadily decreasing and is usually below 10%. What is even better: more than half of the IE 5.x share consists of Mac Internet Explorer versions that are much, much better at rendering according to standards (that is, their Tasman rendering engine keeps up with most of the CSS Level 1 code that I throw at it). This makes the actual share of Windows IE 5.x – a.k.a. the beast – using visitors something below 5%. That in turn means that I will soon stop supporting this browser and rely more heavily on using modern CSS to manage the layout of my page. I did a similar thing when I dropped support for Netscape 4.x versions several months ago. However, in that case I waited until the Netscape 4.x share dropped below 1%. Why do I handle things differently for Win IE 5.x and start dropping support at a share of about 5%? Because windows machines that are able to run IE 5.x are able to run Firefox well enough too. And they should run it because of the tons of security holes that are opened by browsing the web with this hideous beast of a browser.
The new background image in the main column of this blog is one visible step in the direction redesign and recoding will take – most of the work will remain invisible to those browsing the site. However, that work will enhance accessibility and standards compliance (and propably the search engine ranking too).