Posts Tagged ‘Buffy’

Serenity & being a Whedonist.

Saturday, December 3rd, 2005

I was looking forward to watch Serenity – the trailers were nice, though not nearly as mouth-watering as the trailers for Spiderman or Lord of the Rings. A nice surprise was seeing Nathan Fillion whom I knew as the most-evil-ever-priest from the last episodes of Buffy’s final season. His and the other actors’ starring was decent enough. I actually liked the cast quite a bit – the crew of the Serenity had a certain everday people charme to it, which I enjoyed. In addition, the movie shows the same dirt and character that made the original Star Wars trilogy so wonderful. Dialogues were, of course, the script being written by Joss Whedon, good and quick-witted. However, the story lacked grandeur to me – with the exception of one moment of sudden shock and loss the movie is a bit too smooth. Nonetheless, it is as good as one of the better episodes of Buffy. Which is good enough for me. If you’re into Buffy (or into adventure/action movies), go see it. If you’re not into Buffy, why should I care what you think about this movie, eh? ;)
IMDb entry | Trailers

In trockenen Tüchern.

Saturday, June 21st, 2003

So, zur Abwechslung mal in deutsch. Und zwar weil ich den Ausdruck in trockenen Tüchern so gerne mag. Stellt sich bloss die Frage, was nun eigentlich in trockenen Tüchern ist. Es ist: Der Sommerurlaub. Warum? Weil das alte Mietkautionskonto endlich freigegeben worden ist. Jo.
Und sonst? Hier ist’s Wetter netter als daheim, was mich ja schon mal erfreut; desweiteren werd ich heute Abend wohl zum ersten mal seit vielen Monaten wieder eine Runde Neverwinter Nights mit Timo dädeldaddeln. Sozusagen in Vorbereitung auf das (hoffentlich baldige) Erscheinen der NWN Mac Version. Die hätte ja eigentlich schon vor einem Jahr fertig sein sollen, aber manchmal ist der Mac dann doch eine exklusivere Plattform als ich es mir wünschen würde.
Bis Timo so weit ist, werde ich vielleicht noch mal ein paar Buffy Folgen aus der finalen Staffel rekapitulieren, auf dem Schlossplatz wandeln, mir einen kleinen Snack besorgen und ein bisschen das Treiben anschauen. Und vielleicht auch noch ein bisschen mit meinen Liebsten chatten.

Cambridge, my balcony, and Sunnydale.

Friday, June 20th, 2003

This is a selection of the spaces over which yesterday evening’s most relevant events were distributed. After finishing the asparagus season with a fine meal, shared between Florian, Chr, Sofie and myself, Florian left to catch his plane back to Cambridge. I hope that there’ll soon be some time and money for a trip to Cambridge. Haven’t punted through the Cam yet. After Florian left, the rest of the crowd gathered on the balcony, enjoying the vegetation and the mild air. More interesting stories relating to intestinal activities were told ;-) and some more white wine was consumed. As time passed and the sun went down Chr got himself involved in old-school telecommunication while Sofie and I started to visit Sunnydale as it was presented in the last two Buffy episodes (7×07 and 7×08 – to say it again, 7×07 was really scary and definitely one of the best episodes I’ve seen yet. Then finally Kerstin and Olli trickled in too and we saw this week’s episode: 7×09 – Never Leave Me. It’s still not clear what will happen to Giles, and, quite a surprise, it looks like some old fiends from the first season come back into play. So the circle closes itself. It fits just perfectly that Olli bought the First Season DVD – thanks Olli!

Now, what about the space issue? Analysis of this peculiar socio-ficitonal-space is up to you. Any spaces more relevant than others? Why? Fun being back to school, isn’t it?

The First Season! On DVD!

Thursday, June 12th, 2003

Great news from Buffyland – our favourite guest and co-Buffy-watcher made a present to the WG yesterday: The first season of Buffy. Episodes 1-12 on DVD with audio commentary and an interview. So exciting. After watching yesterday’s episode from the final season (7×08 – we’re now getting to the scary basics of this season’s evil) we immediately watched the first two episodes. Very good dialogues. Thanks to DVD technology we could watch the episodes OmU style and therefore enjoy the subtleties of the witty exchanges. Alyson Hannigan is as cute as one could wish, everybody has weird hair and we had a lot of fun. Butter, I mean better, than I expected.

Tomorrow is another Buffy Day!

Wednesday, June 11th, 2003

Yesterday, Kerstin, Olli, Christian and I watched last week’s Buffy episode Conversations With Dead People (season 7, episode 7). Spooky and very funny. It was mostly story telling in preparation for the following episodes I guess, and we got to see some super baddies from the previous season – who didn’t fare very well, I guess. It was a relief to know that we don’t have to wait long until we can watch the next episode. Perhaps our franco-canadian friend will be able to join us tomorrow. I’ll report this too, of course…