Posts Tagged ‘epub’

Space, materiality and the contingency of action – now available as PDF and epub.

Thursday, October 7th, 2010

The study Space, materiality and the contingency of action : A sequential analysis of the patient’s file in doctor—patient interactions, which was originally published in Discourse Studies 11(3), pages 285–303 (DOI: 10.1177/1461445609102445), is now available for free on my website. The licensing terms of the publisher (SAGE) allow authors to make their contributions available on their website one year after the original publication. For this purpose, I have taken the original text that was later published in the journal, re-layouted it and exported it both as a PDF (download PDF file) and as an ebook (download epub file). I hope you enjoy reading it and I am very happy to provide free access to my scientific work, which has been payed for by German and US American taxpayers (since I have worked on it while being at Universities in the USA and in Germany). Here comes the abstract:

Focusing on the multi-dimensionality of interactional settings, this study analyzes how the material world is a significant factor in the sequential co-production of the video-taped doctor—patient interactions. The analysis shows how a material artifact, the patient’s file, is relevant in two ways: a) as a device which is employed in the sequential organization of the interaction. The patient’s file is being used in the contexts of topic development and topic change. b) The file with its specific physical and symbolic features is being co-produced and contested by both actors as a knowledge reservoir. Further inspection of the interactions in concert with theoretical reflections of the role of space and materiality suggests that interactions should be interpreted as happening in spatially arranged constellations of material objects and actors. In these both rigid and flexible constellations boundaries are established, access is distributed, and meaning is solidified.