Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

On the train again.

Saturday, June 14th, 2003

Again sitting in the ICE from Frankfurt to Berlin, I am hoping that the train will be late by about 35 to 40 minutes. In Frankfurt we were only late by about 15 minutes. Only? Wanting to be late?! Yes, yes, yes, yes. Why?

  1. If I am late I might be able to get some compensation in form of a voucher from the DB.
  2. Kerstin works until midnight. If I am late I might get picked up at the train station!

Convinced? I hope.

Blogging on the way to Buchholz.

Saturday, June 7th, 2003

Yeah! Rock’n’Roll! Right now I’m sitting in the ICE from Frankfurt to Hamburg. The train has already left Hannover behind. I’m driving through the heartland of good old Lower Saxony. Temperatures here seem to be much more in the pleasant range; I would guess something like 21°C (it’s now 20:40h). I’m looking forward very much to arrive back home, drink a fine and cool Malzbier and hang loose. Tomorrow, Kerstin will arrive from Kopenhagen – hooray! This will be a day of Partying! First: welcome girlfriend. Second: Go take a swim in the beautiful river Seeve (probably together with Timo and Berit). Third: Dress up. Fourth: Go to the wedding of Meik and Katja. Fifth: Get drunk. You can probably guess the rest :D
Be jealous, yours truly will soon haunt the world famous Nordheidemetropole!>

A View from David’s office.

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2003

Right now I am parked at David’s office in the sociology department of the University of Mannheim. You can look at a portait of the staff here (including David – the Photoshop’ed guy :-) )He’s got business, I’ve got time to blog.
The electronic equipment here seems to be quite up to date, the offices however are depressing examples of 60ies university/office architecture: small tubes with greyishly painted metal walls, and bad air circulation. Only exception to the blandness of the office is the view on the city. Not to grand in itself, but at least it opens a perspective to something other than enclosed and regulated production of knowledge…

To Mannem!

Monday, June 2nd, 2003

I’ll see if I can take some pictures there and perhaps post them here. Some new media added to the blog…

Sci-fi? Truth? New Taser weapon introduced.

Monday, June 2nd, 2003

I just read news about a new electric shock weapon, the TaserX26. This scares me. I read about this weapon at the Heise Newsticker. You can read the article (in German) here.
You can read a good article about non-lethal weapons written by Steve Wright for the Le Monde diplomatique: in German, in English.

Beginning to blog – a question of time (and space ;-) )

Sunday, June 1st, 2003

I would be quite surprised if I write as frequently as I do now. There seems to be quite a lot of news in my life these days, many things happing that could find their way into the blog. Events which I enjoy reflecting upon and which I enjoy putting into words.
One of the major reasons for this is: ich habe die Muße dafür (I do have the leisure to do this). The apartment in Griesheim is still quite empty and not in “easy living condition”, there are not too many things that could distract me here (my PowerBook is not that much of a gaming machine, there is no TV available, I am broke, our workroom in the Kraftwerk is not at all crowded), and I am not yet under too much pressure regarding the work on my dissertation. Also, writing this blog is something new and inspiring; I am excited about the possibilities of this medium – at the same time I am somewhat unclear about the ways in which I want to use it:
Who is going to read this blog? Will it be friends that I already know, will it be strangers, will it be other bloggers? How many people will be interested in the posts on sociological issues and on my dissertation project? I’ll probably start the PR process next week. Sending out an e-mail to people I know so that they know about this blog and, if they like it, visit it more or less regularly and perhaps even post comments here.
Another big question: should I really write this blog in English? I am quite sure that I want to write the sociological stuff in English, because I am probably going to write my dissertation in English anyway. It will at the very least be a good exercise to write in English. But then again, German speaking folks might not be comfortable enough with the Enlish language and perhaps refrain from reading this blog if I only write in English. Of course, most of the people I know are German. Perhaps I’ll do a poll from time to time. I think that I will write some entries in German from time to time; depending on mood and subject.