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National Desk - Germany

In Germany the political discourse in 2005 has been characterised by animated discussions between the utilities and their head organisation VDEW purporting the introduction of green certificates after 2012 and the representatives of the RES sector emphasising the importance of the feed-in system. The national election in September 2005 placed RES issues higher on the political agenda.

Against this background, the first meeting of the German desk took place in Berlin on June 15, 2005.

A core group has been constituted. It is chaired by a representative of the German Consumers´ Association and consists of representatives of the Ministry of Environment, the Federal Energy Agency, two large electric utilities, three organisations of the RES-sector, and an environmental organisation.

The core group has been involved in the discussion of following issues:

  • perspectives of renewables in the German electricity market,
  • procedures for the national public hearing,
  • structure for the national public hearing
  • discussion of the German country report.

Further activities included a survey and a public hearing with stakeholders on October 19, 2005 and a second meeting on March 13, 2006.

A third and final meeting has been organised on September 26, 2006.