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WP 6 will finalise the technical work of the team and draw recommendations for policy. A scientific report will offer a comparative assessment of support systems based on the national case studies, on the results of the country consultations, international workshops and the international conference. The findings will be finally converted into a detailed set of EU-wide and national policy recommendations, including recommendations for policy coherence.

WP 7 concerns the dissemination/communication and concentrates on the project web platform. This represents the virtual meeting point (forum) bringing together all relevant stakeholders and target groups addressed by the action. The REALISE-Forum platform will link the country desks and stakeholder groups, offer the opportunity to present results, stimulate the national/international dialogue on the major topics addressed by the project and stimulate the exchange of experience in moderated groups.

The common dissemination activities with the European Commission are covered by WP 8.

WP 9 concerns the management of the project.

The following chart exemplifies the various phases of the project and illustrates the interdependencies of the project components.

Project Structure
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