

Renewable Energy and Liberalisation in Selected Electricity markets–Forum (REALISE FORUM)

In energy policy, one of the biggest challenges for decision makers is to give life to energy market frameworks which allow free market forces to operate in such a way that supplies of reliable and affordable energy are ensured whilst at the same time all other social objectives are met in a sustainable manner.

In the case of renewable energy sources, a crucial question remains whether to meet this challenge the European Union would necessarily have to move from a technology-based approach (fixed tariffs) to a more market-based one (TGC), promoting international certificate trade, certification and labelling as well as internalising external costs for the prices of conventional power.

Against this background, REALISE FORUM attempts to establish a basis for coherence for national policies in the view of a possibly coordinated RES-policy at EU level. This will be done by investigating the experience gained with feed in tariffs (FIT) and tradable green certificates (TGCs) in countries that are in an advanced phase of liberalisation of their electricity markets.

Project duration: 01/2005-02/2007.


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Final Report

Final Recommendations

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CD of Final Conference now available, please register

Proceedings of the Final Conference, November 2-3, 2006.

Poster REALISE-Forum

Updated Country Desk Reports


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