Expected Outcome
- An independent and coherent analysis and an assessment of the interplay between RES-E measures and liberalisation in selected new/old Member States and Associated Countries of the EU, where the liberalisation of the electricity market has already been completed or almost accomplished (WP3-7);
Identification of the necessary steps for a possibly coordinated support system and verification whether currently prevailing incentive schemes for RES-E are in line with liberalisation criteria. (WP3-5)
Initiation of a broad debate about criteria to render such future support schemes compatible with the requirement of the liberalisation and sustainability; (WP3-7)
Analysis of the issue how new markets, such as CO2 emission permits/credits, may affect or overlap with the promotion of RES-E.(WP3, 5, 6)
Lessons for policy from on going experiences and an independent and coherent proposition for a possibly harmonised European scheme in line with liberalisation principles and sustainability criteria;
The establishment of a regular dialogue and of a web platform (REALISE FORUM) to promote exchange between policy makers, energy practitioners, regulators, NGOs, consumers associations and major stakeholders and to submit recommendations for policy (WP3-7)