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Topical Meetings

Following the meeting in May 2005 with representatives from producers and traders of green electricity, the regulator (Agency for Energy), independent consultants working in the RES field and non-governmental organisations, further topical meetings have been organised.

Three national desk workshops with the representatives of the target groups biogas, wood biomass RES-E producers and nature protection NGOs have been organised in November and December 2005:

1) National Desk meeting/workshop on institutional issues of development of RES-E generating capacities from biogas – Ljubljana, November 15, 2005

Desk meeting_biogas (Slovenia)
(Adobe PDF, 19 kB)

2) Meeting/Workshop in partnership with REC and Fokus with NGOs ND organised on December 6, 2005

Desk meeting governance (Slovenia)
(Adobe PDF, 82 kB)

3) Meeting/Workshop jointly with the Slovenian Forestry Institute on perspectives of RES-E from wood biomass in Slovenia on December 22, 2005

Desk meeting_biomass (Slovenia)
(Adobe PDF, 55 kB)