The Cumulative PsychNews International Resources Index I
Times are changing and changes happen fast on the Internet. The listing below represents
a collection of net resources published in the InterPsych Newsletter
and the PsychNews International during some five years. We must assume that
many entries are outdated, but we have kept this page for archival
reasons. The new listings started with PN 6(1) and are also available at
this site by linking from the homepage.
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Website |
Mailing List |
Other |
| 3-D Cyberspace Hospital
| Virtual Reality Hospital, National University of Singapore
| PN1(2), Section C
| AAUP Online Catalog & Bookstore
| Database of 50+ Academic Publishers
| PN1(1), Section C
| Addictive Behavior
| Dept. of Psychiatry of Addictive Behaviour, St. George's Hospital Medical School, London, UK
| PN2(1), Section B
| APA Research Psychology Funding Bulletin
| APA Research Funding Announcements
| PN2(2), Section D
| Applied Decision-Making
| Cognitive Psychology, Applied Social Psychology, Applied Ethics
| PN1(3), Section D
| APA Style Guide
| Mac Shareware Guide for the American Psychological Association Reference Format
| PN1(6), Section C
| Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC)
| ASSC Website
| PN2(1), Section B
| Australian Transcultural Mental Health Network
| Programs, Organizations, Database w/Articles
| PN1(4), Section C
| Autinet
| Autism, esp. High-Function Autism (HFA) & Asperger's Syndrome
| PN1(2), Section C
| Behavior OnLine
| Community of Mental Health Professionals & Other Applied Behavioral Scientists
| PN1(2), Section C
| Behavioral Associates
| Website for Questions & Comments on Psychological Topics
| PN1(1), Section C
| Canadian Psychological Association
| Canadian Psychological Association Homepage
| PN1(1), Section C
| Classical Adlerian Psychology
| Alfred Adler Institute of San Francisco
| PN1(1), Section C
| Computerised Diagnostic Instruments for Psychiatry
| Anxiety Disorders Unit, St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, Australia
| PN1(3), Section D
| Confidentiality
| Material on Supreme Court opinions in the Jaffee v. Redmond case
| PN1(4), Section C
| Convulsive-Therapy
| List Sponsored ny the Association for Convulsive Therapy
| PN1(2), Section C
| Counselling Center Directory
| Student Counseling Centers on the Internet Directory
| PN1(7), Section C
| Deep-Ecology
| Online Project to Facilitate Communication Technology in the Deep Ecology Community
| PN1(1), Section C
| Depen-Cri
| Dependency and Self-Criticism in Psychological Health
and Psychological Functioning
| PN1(4), Section C
| Dissociative Disorders
| Professionals/Researchers involved in the Diagnosis and Treatment of
dissociative disorders
| PN1(4), Section C
| Distance Learning in Classical Adlerian Psychotherapy
| Mentor-Based Distance Training Program by the Alfred Adler Institute of San Francisco
| PN1(7), Section C
| Distance Learning Programmes
| University of Sheffield Centre for
Psychotherapeutic Studies Distance Learning Program
| PN1(6), Section C
| DualDiagnosis
| Dual Disorders of Mental Illness, Drug Addiction and/or Alcoholism in Various Combinations
| PN1(2), Section C
| Freud-L
| Interdisciplinary Discussion for German Researchers Interested in Depth Psychology & Psychoanalysis (German)
| PN2(3), Section 6
| g.crcsig
| Clinical Research Coordination Discussion (Coordinating Clinical Research)
| PN1(2), Section C
| Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice
| A Journal of APA's Divison 49 (Group Psychology & Group Psychotherapy)
| PN1(7), Section C
| Group Psychology - Groups & Institutions
| Master in Social Psychology of Groups and
Institutions at the UAM-Xochimilco University, Mexico City
| PN2(1), Section B
| Hospital-Downsize
| Downsizing or Closing Medical or Mental Health Facilities
| PN2(3), Section 6
| Human Relations, Authority and Justice: Experiences and Critiques
| PN1(6), Section C
| International Journal of Psychopathology, Psychopharmacology, and Psychotherapy
| PN1(2), Section C
| Interactive Testing in Psychiatry
| NYU Dept. Psychiatry, Online Questions With Annotated Answers
| PN1(1), Section C
| Internet Guide for the Health Professional
| Website on the Book With the Same Title
| PN1(1), Section C
| Introductory Psychology Course
| WWW-Based 1st-Year University Psychology Course
| PN1(4), Section C
| Intelligent Decision-Making Systems in an Environment of Uncertainty & Imprecision
| PN1(2), Section C
| Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour
| Journal on the Relationship Between Social Structures and Human Agency.
| PN1(4), Section C
| Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC)
| Website for the JCMC
| PN1(7), Section C
| Journal of South Asia Women Studies
| Journal of South Asia Women Studies Homepage
| PN1(1), Section C
| Korean-American Psychology
| Korean and Korean-American Psychologists & Graduate Students of Psychology
| PN1(7), Section C
| MedInstrument Network
| Database on Medical Equipment, Instruments, Products & Services
| PN1(1), Section C
| Mental Health Metasearch
| One-Page Search of Major Mental Health WWW Resources
| PN2(1), Section B
| Mental Health Organizations and Meetings
| Part of Myron Pulier's Psyjumps
| PN1(1), Section C
| Mental-Health-Worker
| Professional List for Those Interested in, Working in, or Supervising Those in Entry-Level Psychology, Psychiatry, and Mental-Health-Related Jobs Requiring a Bachelor's Degree or Less
| PN2(3), Section 6
| Newsletter of the Migration and Ethnic Relations Group for European Research
| PN1(1), Section C
| NetPsy
| Psychological & Psychotherapeutic Services Delivered via Internet
| PN1(2), Section C
| Neuroscience Web Search Engine
| Pre-Selected Neuroscience Web Search Engine
| PN2(1), Section B
| Nuvupsy
| Forum to Share Viewpoints Critical of the "Therapeutic State" and Institutional Psychiatry, and Those Supportive of Contractual Psychotherapy and Psychiatry
| PN2(2), Section D
| PsiBeta
| List of PsiBeta - National Honor Society for Psychology Students at 2-Year Colleges
| PN1(2), Section C
| PsyBUS
| Networking Licensed Professionals in Private Psychotherapy Practice
| PN1(2), Section C
| Psych-Bitter-Humor
| Bitter Humor About Psychologists & Psychiatrists
| PN2(5), Section 6
| Psychodynamic Resources
| Collection of the Sheffield Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies
| PN1(4), Section C
| Psychological Advisor Newsletter
| Medical College of Virginia, Dept. Psychiatry's Internet Health
| PN1(2), Section C
| Psychoanalytic-Studies
| Psychoanalysis (Associated w/Journal of the Same Name)
| PN1(4), Section C
| PTSD Group Therapy Manuals
| National Center for PTSD Education Consortium
| PN1(1), Section C
| References Manager 1.5
| Mac Program for the Management of References
| PN1(6), Section C
| Self-Help & Psychology Magazine & Newsletter
| On- & Offline Self-Help Resources
| PN1(1), Section C
| Selfhelp
| Issues Commonly Occuring Among Leaders of On-Line Mutual Self-Help Groups
| PN1(2), Section C
| Sexuality & Culture (Journal)
| Ethical, Cultural, Social, and Political Issues Related to Sexual Relationships and Sexual Behavior
| PN1(6), Section C
| S.M.A.R.T. Recovery,: A New, Non-Twelve Step, Abstinence-Oriented, Mutual Help Group
| PN2(2), Section D
| Societal & Relational Caretaking/Co-Dependency & Collectivism
| PN1(4), Section C
| Societal & Relational Caretaking List Focus Change: "How to Set Limits With Anyone Who is Dependent on You"
| PN2(1), Section B
| Social Psychology of Groups & Institutions
| Web page of the Master in Social Psychology of
Groups and Institutions, Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico City
| PN1(5), Section D
| Survival
| Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Sexual Assault, Crisis/Trauma Intervention, and Related Topics
| PN1(2), Section C
| Survival
| Victim-Oriented List (domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault & crisis/trauma intervention.)
| PN1(3), Section D
| Therapy Online
| Professional, Confidential Counseling Services to the Online Community
| PN1(4), Section C
| Transcultural-Psychology
| General List on Cross-Cultural Research, Minority Issues, and "Indigenous Psychologies"
| PN1(1), Section C
| Transcultural-Psychology
| Transcultural Psychology (esp. Clinical&Counseling Psychology)
| PN1(4), Section C
| List Maintained by the Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia (ADCA)
| PN1(1), Section C
| Victim-Assistance
| List for Staff & Volunteers of Victim Assistance Programs
| PN1(2), Section C
| VideoToolbox
| Collection for Visual Psychophysics on Macs (C Subroutines, Demos, Programs)
| PN1(5), Section D
| WebPsych
| List for Leaders/Webmasters of Psychology & Mental Health Websites
| PN1(2), Section C
| Who's Who in Mental Health
| Listing of Individuals with Particular Skills in Practice and Networking
| PN1(3), Section D
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© Sunkyo Kwon, 1998-2001