_____________________________________________________________________ VOLUME 1, ISSUE 5 PSYCHNEWS INTERNATIONAL August/September 1996 _____________________________________________________________________ SECTION D: RESOURCE UPDATE -------------------------------------------------------- This section describes mental health-related resources currently available on or announced on the Internet. Submit all contributions or corrections for the Resource Update section to: lpereira@hawaii.edu. Note: Information may be edited for length. Leon C. Pereira, MA, Editor, Resource Section-------------------------------------------------------- INDEX 1. MAILING LISTS ============= A. Aus-special-ed B. CD C. C-EDRES D. PSYPHIL E. S-Youth 2. WEB SITES ========== A. NetPsych.com B. Social Psychology of Groups and Institutions 3. CHANGES & CORRECTIONS ===================== A. Dual Diagnosis B. PSYCGRAD C. VideoToolBox D. XCUL ======================================================== 1. MAILING LISTS ======================================================== A. Aus-special-ed -------------- Special Education in Australasia Aus-special-ed provides a forum for the professional exchange of special education information, ideas and ideals and discussion of educational practice and research, within an Australasian context. "Professional" means that the mail group/list is intended primarily for school teachers, university lecturers involved in teacher education courses and educational research, school-based therapists, school counsellors, interested parents, and other education- related personnel and organizations. Aus-special-ed is a moderated listserv. However, the "moderation" will be strictly limited to keeping this mail group/list focussed on a professional exchange of special education topics and to avoid it being taken over by other interest groups or individuals riding a hobby horse, as worthy as they might be. Aus-special-ed does not endorse any particular educational theory or practice. In fact, the whole point of mail groups/lists is that they offer freewheeling but focussed, and uncensored but polite discussion. *Subscribe* To: lists@uws.edu.au (message): subscribe aus-special-ed firstname lastname B. CD -- CD is a list devoted to discussion of controlled drinking and controlled drug use. It was created on August 21, 1996 for researchers, clinicians and the lay public. "_Controlled drinking_ has become the umbrella term for the notion that abstinence need not be the only reasonable goal for the heavy drinker seeking help" (Herbert Fingarette, 1988). The list is non-profit and does not cater to the interests of any particular self-help program or professional treatment organization. It is loosely affiliated with nuvupsy@sjuvm.stjohns.edu, a list dedicated to discussion against the "therapeutic state" (Thomas Szasz). The beliefs and values likely to be shared by subscribers to this list include the following: Alcohol and drug use are behaviors, not diseases. There's a difference between what drugs do to the body and how drugs get into the body. Substantial medical and scientific literature exists supporting the idea that people labeled "alcoholic" and "addicted" control their use of drugs for psychological, environmental and existential reasons - not primarily physiological ones, nor because of the "power" of drugs. Behavior is a function of free will and moral values. It is not determined. Drug prohibition as a response to drug use has not been a successful policy. Drugs are neither good nor bad. The difference between a "problem drinker" and a "dependent drinker" cannot be determined at a biological level alone, and involves self-labeling and social construction. Announcements, discussion and debate regarding those, opposing points of view, and related issues are welcome. A reading list is included in the welcome message. Archives of CD mail items are kept in monthly files. You may obtain a list of files in the archives by sending the command INDEX CD in the BODY of e-mail to LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU *Subscribe* To: LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU: (message): SUBSCRIBE CD yourfirstname lastname Listowner: Jeffrey A. Schaler, Ph.D. jschale@american.edu C. C-EDRES ------- Educational Resource Mailing List C-EDRES is a moderated educational resource mailing list for educators. We provide announcements and reviews three times a week on a variety of sites of interest to educators. We review all levels of sites from all subject areas. The reviews are written by you the subscribers and the owners so we can assure that you are receiving some of the best sites on the World Wide Web (WWW). Our reviews give a brief, but accurate description of the site, as well as, an evaluation of the navigation, graphics, grammar, and usefulness of the site for educators in particular. *Subscribe* To: c-edres-server@unb.ca : (message): subscribe C-EDRES yourfirstname lastname Website: http://cnet.unb.ca/c-edres Ownwer: Lynn Thomas d616@unb.ca D. PSYPHIL ------- Psychiatry, Philosophy and Society Psychiatry, Philosophy and Society (PSYPHIL) is a unique interdisciplinary forum which has been formed to encourage a critical analysis of psychiatric, psychotherapeutic and psychological practices, from a number of different perspectives. The aim of the forum is to draw attention to the ever more extensive and intensive web of 'psy-services' that proliferate within societies and to investigate their emergence, consequence, function and legitimacy. Challenging to practitioners and academics alike, this forum is designed to generate puzzlement and to encourage careful critical reflection upon the experience of patients and the practices of psychiatry and related fields of study. *Subscribe* To: LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU (message): SUB PSYPHIL yourfirstname lastname Owners: Dr Nick Crossley n.g.crossley@sheffield.ac.uk Ian Pitchford I.Pitchford@sheffield.ac.uk I_Pitchford@msn.com E. S-YOUTH ------- S-YOUTH - Stolen Youth, a support list for young people Stolen Youth is a support list for young people, run by young people. Many list members have been diagnosed with mental health problems of some sort. Some are survivors of physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Others have experienced only the "normal" stresses of "growing up". All, however, are struggling with emotional pain and confusion-- and helping each other through these struggles. Commonly discussed topics include: * family * friends * relationships / sexuality * school * self-esteem * stress * mood swings * depression Basically, anything that young people are experiencing is appropriate to post. Poetry and other writings are also sometimes shared. The list is NOT intended for professionals, or parents (other, more appropriate lists exist elsewhere). *Subscribe* To: listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu (message): subscribe S-YOUTH yourfirstname lastname Owners: Ria, tapestry@netlink.com.au cat, s827500@aix2.uottawa.ca Lisa, lisa@dal1820.computek.net Jasper, jvbeusek@dsl.nl =================================================== 2. WEB Sites =================================================== A. NetPsych.com ------------ A new web site, NetPsych.com--Exploring the Online Delivery of Mental Health Services focuses on the uses of the net to deliver mental health services. This is the first collection of mental health services to focus exclusively on net resources, rather than real world resources or a mix. URL: http://netpsych.com/ B. Social Psychology of Groups and Institutions -------------------------------------------- The Web page of the Master in Social Psychology of Groups and Institutions at the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico City includes a short text in english, and extensive other information in spanish, of interest to others doing research on the subject. There is a list of psychology resources _in spanish_ on the net. There are abstracts of the research projects being undertaken by students, and an e-mail address in order to contact them. We are also preparing a bibliography and some full texts of articles related to the subject which will soon be available at this site. We seek exchange and communication with others doing research on the subject and hope this page may be a forum for it. Most research here uses psychoanalytic theory and french institutional analysis as its basis. Most research undertaken is qualitative, rather than quantitative, in nature. URL: http://cueyatl.uam.mx/~mpsgi/ Enquiries and e-mail: mpsgi@cueyatl.uam.mx Rolando Montano, rolando@cueyatl.uam.mx Maestria en Psicologia Social de Grupos e Instituciones Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Plantel Xochimilco Mexico, D.F. ================================================== 3. CHANGE & CORRECTIONS ================================================== A. Dual Diagnosis -------------- The Dual Diagnosis Website for co-occurring mental illness and substance disorders includes the following resources: complete articles and chapters to read or download; up coming events; materials and services for program development and training; the development of a national and international treatment program directory; an interactive bulletin board; live chat; subscription to a credentialed listserv; a bibliography; a search engine; and much more. The site is hosted by Sciacca Comprehensive Service Development for Mental Illness, Drug Addiction and Alcoholism, MIDAA. NEW URL: http://pobox.com/~dualdiagnosis OR: http://www.erols.com/ksciacca The Dual Diagnosis Credentialed List has been moved. This is an unmoderated, credentialed list for the discussion of theory, practice, program development, research and improved services for persons who have dual/multiple disorders of mental illness, drug addiction and/or alcoholism MIDAA. *Subscribe* To: listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu (message): subscribe DUALDIAG Your full name. Or at: http://pobox.com/~dualdiagnosis Owner: Kathleen Sciacca, ksciacca@pobox.com ksciacca@ix.netcom.com B. PSYCGRAD -------- The PSYCGRAD WWW pages have moved. URL: http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~neilands/psycgrad/ From: IceT@mail.utexas.edu (Tor Neilands) C. VideoToolbox ------------ The VideoToolbox is a collection of two hundred C subroutines and several demo and utility programs that I and others have written to do visual psychophysics with Macintosh computers. It is fully compatible with 680x0 and PowerPC Macs and with Metrowerks CodeWarrior and Symantec C compilers. It's free and may not be sold without permission. It should be useful to anyone who wants to present accurately specified visual stimuli or use the Mac for psychometric experiments. The text file "Video synch" discusses all the ways of synchronizing programs to video displays and the many pitfalls to avoid. The TimeVideo application checks out the timing of all video devices in anticipation of their use in critical real- time applications, e.g. movies or lookup table animation. "Video bugs" reports all known bugs uncovered by TimeVideo's testing of 56 video cards and drivers. Low-level routines control video timing and lookup tables, display real-time movies, and implement the luminance-control algorithms suggested by Pelli and Zhang (1991). In particular, CopyWindows (or CopyBitsQuickly) faithfully copies between on-screen and off-screen windows (or bit/pixmaps), WindowToEPS saves an image to disk as encapsulated PostScript, for later printing or incorporation into a document, and SetEntriesQuickly and GDSetEntries load the screen's color lookup table, all without any of QuickDraw's color translations. NoisePdfFill.c quickly generates visual noise images whose pixels are samples from a specified probability density function. High-level routines help analyze psychophysical experiments (e.g. maximum- likelihood fitting and graphing of psychometric data). Assign.c is a runtime C interpreter for C assignment statements, which is useful for controlling experiments and sharing calibration data. This collection has been continually updated since 1991. More that one hundred colleagues subscribe to the email distribution (see below), and have indicated that they are using the software in their labs. Documentation is in the source files themselves. Many of the routines are Mac-specific, but some very useful routines, e.g. the luminance-control, statistics, maximum-likelihood fitting algorithms, and the runtime interpreter are written in Standard C and will work on any computer. Those wishing to acknowledge use of the VideoToolbox software might cite: Pelli, D. G. and Zhang, L. (1991) Accurate control of contrast on microcomputer displays. Vision Research, 31, 1337-1350. Reprints are available. WHAT'S NEW (since June 15, 1996): Added a new "Read me" file alerting users to the need for DriverServicesLib and NameRegistryLib, which are supplied in the Lib folder (suggested by Preeti Verghese). Compatible with CodeWarrior 9 and Symantec C 8.1. Most of the documentation is at the web site, which also allows downloading of the new archive: http://rajsky.psych.nyu.edu/VideoToolbox/ ftp: /info-mac/dev/lib/video-toolbox-96-08-22-c.hqx Denis Pelli denis@cns.nyu.edu D. XCUL ---- XCUL, the Cross-Cultural Psychology discussion list, is back on-line after an extended absence. *Subscription* To: listserv@utepvm.utep.edu (message): sub xcul yourname Roy S. Malpass, PhD rmalpass@utep.edu Director, Criminal Justice Program University of Texas at El Paso EL PASO, TX 79968-0553, U.S.A.