_________________________________________________________________ VOLUME 2, ISSUE 5 PSYCHNEWS INTERNATIONAL Oct-Dec 1997 _________________________________________________________________ SECTION 6: RESOURCE UPDATE This section describes mental health-related resources currently available on or announced on the Internet. Submit all contributions or corrections for the Resource Update section to: lpereira@hawaii.edu. Note: Information may be edited for length. Leon C. Pereira, Ph.D., Editor, Resource Section----------------------------------------------------------------- - INDEX ----------------------------------------------------------------- - 1. MAILING LISTS A. ADS-L (Attention Deficit Syndrome) B. ICOUNSEL (School Counsellors) C. LDCOMP (Teaching writing and learning disabilities/ ADHD) D. PSYCH-BITTER-HUMOR (Bitter humor about psychologists and psychiatrists) E. PSYREL-L (Psychology of Religion) F. WLDADD (Women and Learning Disabilities and ADHD) G. The Workers Compensation Law Forum 2. WEBSITE A. WWW.DEBATESDEBATES.COM ============================================== 1. MAILING LISTS ============================================== A. ADS-L on LISTSERV@VM.EGE.EDU.TR Attention Deficit Syndrome ADS-L is a list for discussing topics related to the attention deficit syndrome. *Subscription* To: listserv@vm.ege.edu.tr (message): sub ads-l yourfirstname yourlastname Owner: Turgut kalfaoglu TURGUT@EGENET.COM.TR B. ICOUNSEL on listproc@mbnet.mb.ca ICOUNSEL is a listserv for school counselors who are interested in sharing information, exchanging counseling techniques, expressing concerns and discussing new ideas related to school counseling. ICOUNSEL provides an opportunity to share case relevant information in a confidential setting. It also seeks to address that sense of geographic and professional isolation that many school counselors face. ICOUNSEL is a moderated list, with all messages screened for subject appropriateness. List members are asked to remove identifying information before posting any messages governed by confidentiality guidelines. PARTICIPATION ON THE LIST ICOUNSEL is being developed and implemented as part of a research project for a Master of Education Degree. A letter of information will be provided to all subscribers outlining details of the research project. If you decide to become a participating member of ICOUNSEL, you will be asked to send a letter of consent to the listowner agreeing to be interviewed twice (by private email) regarding your experience in the group. *Subscription* To: listproc@mbnet.mb.ca (message): subscribe ICOUNSEL yourfirstname yourlastname Owner: Marg Britton C. LDCOMP on LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM Teaching writing and learning disabilities/ ADHD LDCOMP is designed for professionals who are engaged in the complex questions involved in teaching writing to individuals with learning disabilities and/or attention deficit disorder. The focus is on post-secondary education, and the list would be appropriate for college educators, researchers, writing center administrators/ staff, counselors, disability support staff, and educational consultants. Adult writers who have learning differences are also welcome. *Subscription* To: LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM (message): SUBSCRIBE LDCOMP yourfirstname yourlastname Owner: Lynne Shea lshea@landmarkcollege.org MacLean Gander mgander@sover.net D. PSYCH-BITTER-HUMOR on MAJORDOMO@DATADEPOT.COM Bitter humor about psychologists and psychiatrists PSYCH-BITTER-HUMOR is an open, moderated weekly list featuring bitter humor at the expense of psychology, psychiatry and their practitioners. The humor is often based on real events, or taken from news reports of outrageous psychological or psychiatric practices. *Subscription* To: majordomo@datadepot.com (message): subscribe psych-bitter-humor Owner: Lawrence Wiley wiley@datadepot.com E. PSYREL-L on majordomo@lightlink.com Psychology of Religion PSYREL-L is a list for the academic discussion of Psychology of Religion, its history, focus, cultural milieu, methods, and approaches. The emphasis of the list is academic. We welcome input from historians, theologians and those with an interest in religion and psychology (clinical and research). Discussion is encouraged across a broad spectrum, however we actively discourage the use of this list as a forum for denominational and other posturing, or for acrimonious activities. *Subscription* To: majordomo@lightlink.com (message): subscribe psyrel-l Owners: Christine Norstrand xine@lightlink.com Greg Singleton G-Singleton@neiu.edu F. WLDADD on LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM Women and Learning Disabilities and ADHD WLDADD is designed for professionals in the fields of education, psychology, or health services, who are interested in topics relating to women and LD and/or attention deficit disorder. The focus will be primarily on adult women and learning differences and higher education. College educators, researchers, counselors, disability support staff, admissions or health services personnel, and psychologists or therapists in private practice may be particularly interested. Women educators or practitioners who have learning differences themselves are particularly welcome! *Subscription* To: LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM (message): SUBSCRIBE WLDADD yourfirstname yourlastname Owner: lshea@landmarkcollege.org Lynne Shea mgander@sover.net G. Workers Compensation Law Forum The Workers Compensation Law Forum was created to help lawyers, medical professionals,workers, and anyone else who is interested in discussing issues relating to workers compensation. This is a mail list discussion group where they can meet to ask questions, exchange information and discuss injuries, procedures, ratings and claims. The Worker's Compensation Law Forum is part of prairielaw.com, http://prairielaw.com ,an interactive legal resource web site dedicated to helping ordinary people achieve justice by empowering them through education and the exchange of information. *Subscription* To: workers-comp@groupserver.revnet.com (message): join Owner: Kevin O'Keefe kok@okeefelaw.com kevin@prairielaw.com ============================================== 2. WEBSITE ============================================== A. WWW.DEBATESDEBATES.COM DEBATESDEBATES is filmed before a live audience at HBO Studios in New York City. The show is produced by Warren Steibel, producer of William F. Buckley's "Firing Line." DEBATESDEBATES is broadcast on 150 PBS television stations nationwide. Tapes of the shows (now over 60) are excellent for the university classroom. Psychnews International columnist Dr. Jeffrey A. Schaler (The Fifth Column) has participated in eight shows over the past year. He describes them as "lively events where we quickly get to the heart of the matter." Inquire through wwww.debatesdebates.com or telephone Mr. Doug Vannoni at (212) 849-2851, FAX (212) 447-9647 in New York City. "Should The Insanity Defense Be Abolished?" (Taped: August 26, 1996) "Do Drugs Cause Addiction?" (August 26, 1996) "Should States Be Allowed To Confine Sex Offenders To Mental Hospitals After They've Served Their Criminal Sentences?" (August 19, 1997 -- show # 213) "Is An Egalitarian Healthcare Workable?" (August 19, 1997 -- show #210) "Is Abstinence The Answer To Alcoholism?" (November 19, 1997 -- show #219) "Should Employers Have to Accommodate the Mentally Ill?" (June 3, 1997 -- show #202) "Should Tobacco Companies Be Liable For the Health Consequences of Smoking?" (July 9, 1997 -- show #203) "Are 'Sin' Taxes Unfair Taxes?" (July 9, 1997 -- show #206)