________________________________________________________________ VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4 PSYCHNEWS INTERNATIONAL July 1996 ________________________________________________________________ SECTION C: RESOURCE UPDATE This section describes mental health-related resources currently available on or announced on the Internet. Submit all contributions or corrections for the Resource Update section to: lpereira@hawaii.edu. Note: Information may be edited for length. Leon C. Pereira, MA, Editor, Resource Section lpereira@hawaii.edu -------------------------------------------------------- INDEX 1. MAILING LISTS ============= A. CINMHC B. CrossTalk C. DEPEN-CRIT D. DISSOCIATIVE-DISORDERS E. group-l F. PSICOANALISIS G. PSYCHOANALYTIC-STUDIES H. PSY-PHAR I. SOC-FIX J. SOLUTION K. RURAL_DOCTORS 2. WEB SITES ========== A. Adlerian theory B. Australian Transcultural Mental Health Network C. Confidentiality - Supreme Court Decision D. Introductory Psychology Course E. JOURNAL FOR THE THEORY OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR F. Psychodynamic Resources G. Psychology-On-Line H. Therapy Online 3. CHANGE ====== A. Nosmoke B. TRANSCULTURAL-PSYCHOLOGY ======================================================== 1. MAILING LISTS ======================================================== A. CINMHC ------ The CINMHC (California InterNetwork of Mental Health Clients) List is the interim electronics and communication portion of the CNMHC (California Network of Mental Health Clients). The focus of the list is California specific, to discuss California legislation, California county implementations, issues with local Mental Health Boards, self-help in California, managed care in California, and other related topics. *Subscription Information* To: listserv@thecity.sfsu.edu (message): subscribe cinmhc yourfirstname yourlastname Owner: Sylvia Caras SylviaC@netcom.com B. CrossTalk --------- Critical Psychology This list should serve as a medium for discussing matters of theory and practice related to psychological work in different academic and professional fields. One focus lies on problems where what used to be called 'psychological expertise' is challenged: either by the demands of social reality where research and practice are situated or by articulating a political perspective on scientific matters. The initiators are students and graduates linked to the tradition of critical psychology, the historical science of the subject. We particularly hope to encourage contributions not necessarily fitting the established, "academic" communication channels. The list is administrated by an automatic device and could be subscribed by everybody using an E-mail- address. *Subscription Information* To: crosstalk-request@axp.psl.ku.dk (message): subscribe Owner: H_MUSSEHL@axp.psl.ku.dk C. DEPEN-CRIT ---------- Dependency and Self-Criticism in Psychological Health and Psychological Functioning DEPEN-CRIT is a list for psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health researchers and clinicians who maintain an interest in the personality variables of dependency and self-criticism, and the role that these variables play in psychological health and psychological functioning. One focus of the list is Blatt's introjective-anaclitic theory, a seminal approach in this area; however, multiple theoretical perspectives are invited, and open discussion and debate is welcome. *Subscription Information* To: LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU (message): SUBSCRIBE DEPEN-CRIT yourfirstname yourlastname Owner: Alan J. Lipman, Ph.D. LIPMANAJ@AOL.COM AJLIPMAN@clam.rutgers.edu D. DISSOCIATIVE-DISORDERS ---------------------- DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS is a mailing list for professionals involved in the diagnosis and treatment of dissociative disorders, and in research on dissociation. The list is a part of InterPsych. This list contains lively discussion of clinical and theoretical issues. List membership is open to licensed mental health professionals and those practicing under their supervision, graduate students enrolled in a mental health curriculum, and researchers who have published on relevant topics in peer-reviewed journals. *Subscription Information* Please fax or snail-mail proof of credentials to: Peter Barach, Ph.D. pbarach@ix.netcom.com 5851 Pearl Road, Suite 305 Parma Heights, OH 44130 fax: 216-845-9013 voice 216 845-9011 E. group-l ------- Groups and Group-related Topics group-l is sponsored by the Center for Group Learning, and is for discussion and announcements about groups and group-related topics. By 'groups' we mean (for example) the ones you find yourself in at home, work, school, socially, etc. Many group theories & practices consider groups as entities in their own right, made up of people. This is analogous to how a human being is made up of individual cells, or a galaxy is made up of stars. Seeing a bunch of people as a group, or as several individual people is a matter of perspective--neither is right or wrong, and both are useful depending on what you're trying to do. A few of the theories/processes we're interested in at group-l: T-groups, Tavistock, Dialogue, Process Work (formerly Process-Oriented Psychology), Open Space, Facilitation, Leadership, Consensus, Future Search, personality typing (MBTI, Enneagram), NLP, Strategic Questioning *Subscription Information* To: group-l-request@lists.best.com (message): subsingle your-email-address Owner: John Abbe group-l-owner@lists.best.com johnca@cgl.org F. PSICOANALISIS ------------- Foro sobre psicoanalisis y psicoterapias psicoanaliticas PSICOANALISIS has as main goal the exchange of information between people interested on psychoanalysis, as much in practice as in theory and also in investigation. The list language is Spanish. PSICOANALISIS is mainly of interest to professionals and students who work in the Mental Health world, psychologist and psychiatrist. The topics with can be discussed are: * Information about congresses, Meetings etc. * Information of the results of current investigations. * Collaborations in future works and projects. * Doubts, questions, suggestions about clinical theory or practice. * News of different existing Societies of psychoanalysis. * Comments about clinical problems. * Mailing of articles to the members of distribution list. * Any kind of interesting news about psychoanalysis. *Subscription Information* To: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.REDIRIS.ES (message): SUBSCRIBE PSICOANALISIS yourfirstname yourlastname Owner: javier Escobar Rodriguez jescobar@lander.es G. PSYCHOANALYTIC-STUDIES ---------------------- The PSYCHOANALYTIC-STUDIES list, to be associated with a new journal of the same name, is devoted, to the academic, scholarly discussion of all aspects of psychoanalysis. Among the topics envisaged are: history, theory, cultural studies, film, literature, drama, critical theory, anthropology, art, feminism, gender studies, biography and autobiography, personality, psychology, dynamic psychiatry, social science - anything which includes a psychoanalytic (or, broadly speaking, psychodynamic) dimension. The email forum is associated with a WWW site where pre- prints, articles under consideration and other relevant documents are available for downloading. URL: http://www.shef.ac.uk/~psysc/psastud/index.html Archives of PSYCHOANALYTIC-STUDIES mail items are kept in monthly files. *Subscription Information* To: LISTPROC@SHEFFIELD.AC.UK (message): SUBSCRIBE PSYCHOANALYTIC-STUDIES yourfirstname yourlastname Owners: Dr Tim J Kendall t.j.kendall@sheffield.ac.uk Dr Sean I Homer s.i.homer@sheffield.ac.uk H. PSY-PHAR -------- Psychotherapy-pharmacotherapy comparative outcome research PSY-PHAR is a forum for psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health researchers and clinicians to discuss current issues (as well as longstanding ones) in the area of psychotherapy-pharmacotherapy comparative outcome research. Empirical, theoretical, and case-based discussion are welcome; open debate is also welcome. *Subscription Information* To: LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU (message): SUBSCRIBE PSY-PHAR yourfirstname yourlastname Owner/Moderator: Alan J. Lipman, Ph.D. LIPMANAJ@AOL.COM AJLIPMAN@clam.rutgers.edu I. SOC-FIX ------- Societal and Relational Caretaking The SOC-FIX list is for debate and discussion of those things which help people, or enable people, depending on your persuasion. The focus is an attempt to address codependency and collectivism as one problem, with selfishness and personal responsibility as the cure. Topics may be personal, such as family problems, or political, relative to society as a whole. This list may also serve a support function for anyone desiring it. This list is not intended for those who are religious. Subscribe if you are religious, but please be advised that you may find some text offensive, and religious debating belongs on other lists. This list is unmoderated. Some subjects might be: codependency, collectivism, altruism, selfishness, controls, manipulation, individualism, entitlements, helping, enabling, society, bandwagons *Subscription Information* To: LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU (message): sub soc-fix yourfirstname yourlastname Owner: David G. McDivitt mcdivitt@iamerica.net J. SOLUTION -------- Support for creating life changes SOLUTION is an open, unmoderated support and self-help mailing list for creating life changes. Virtually any topic related to making changes in any area of life is permitted. Sample topics include changing habits (e.g., procrastinating), moods (e.g., depression), behaviors (e.g., overeating), thinking patterns (e.g., obsessing), and addictions (e.g., drinking). The list utilizes a format called PSyCHE (an acronym representing Problem, Solution, Comment, and HElp), which is explained in detail in the welcome letter. *Subscription Information* To: LISTSERV@sjuvm.stjohns.edu (message): SUBSCRIBE SOLUTION FirstName LastName Owners: Susan Harmon parrot@juno.com Deborah Williams bamadeb@dbtech.net Storm A. King storm@best.com K. RURAL_DOCTORS ------------- The RURAL_DOCTORS list was formed in order to discuss the everyday problems and practice of medicine as experienced by rural doctors, who may experience periods of isolation from their colleagues. The adventure involves a dependable electronic link for information and support from list friends and cohorts. The list is also open to health professionals who are, due to circumstances, the "de facto" doctor in the community. The goal is to offer help, support, and creative thought to one another, in order to inspire the "Art of Medicine" in one's own life. *Subscription Information* To: LISTSERV@rhc.coos-bay.or.us (message): SUBscribe RURAL_DOCTORS your full name Owner: Albert G. Pizzo, MD, CM, FAAFP pizzo@netcom.com =================================================== 2. WEB Sites =================================================== A. Adlerian theory -------------- A new online document, "Classical Adlerian Theory and Practice," by Henry Stein and Martha Edwards, offers a comprehensive overview of Alfred Adler's philosophy of living, model of the personality, theory of psychopathology, and technique of psychotherapy. Comments and questions may be posted on the Behavior OnLine Adlerian Discussion Forum (BOL). A link is provided on the AAISF home page to BOL. The document is a chapter from a new book "Psychoanalytic Versions of the Human Condition and Clinical Practice," edited by Paul Marcus and Alan Rosenberg. The book includes contributions from representatives of 17 different theoretical perspectives and is scheduled to be published later this year. Dr Marcus has kindly granted permission to post this chapter on the Internet. Located at the Alfred Adler Institute of San Francisco Web site, the document may be accessed at: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hstein/theoprac.htm B. Australian Transcultural Mental Health Network ---------------------------------------------- Some of you will be interested in a new WWW page set up in Australia by the Australian Transcultural Mental Health Network. The WWW page includes information about programs and organizations working on transcultural mental health issues in Australia and other countries. It also includes a searchable database containing around 2000 articles on the area. URL: http://ariel.ucs.unimelb.EDU.AU:80/~atmhn/home.html Stephen Ziguras s.ziguras@medicine.unimelb.edu.au C. Confidentiality - Supreme Court Decision ---------------------------------------- On-Line readable versions of the Supreme Court opinions in the Jaffee v. Redmond case, establishing a confidentiality privilege in U.S. Evidence for psychotherapists, counsellors, analogous to lawyer- client or husband-wife privilege, are available on the American Psychoanalytic Association's WWW site. There is also a .zip archive of the majority and dissenting opinions in WordPerfect 6 format available at the same address. URL: http://apsa.org/pubinfo/. For those without WWW access, we will make E-Mail versions available through this list. Details to follow. Paul Mosher 75675.1164@CompuServe.COM D. Introductory Psychology Course ------------------------------ I am offering a 1st year university course on world wide web in September that I thought might be relevant for upper-year/graduating high-school students or others interested in distance education courses. The course is Introduction to Psychology, one that is taken by students with many different majors. It is only for students who have world wide web experience. There is an announcement and further information at URL: http://www.laurentian.ca/www/psyc/interact.html Dr. Craig Summers CSummers@nickel.laurentian.ca Department of Psychology Laurentian University CSummers@nickel.laurentian.ca E. JOURNAL FOR THE THEORY OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR ------------------------------------------ JOURNAL FOR THE THEORY OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR publishes original and methodological articles which aim to further the understanding of the relationship between social structures and human agency. The journal links a number of disciplines, including psychology, philosophy and sociology, and offers essential access to key issues - through new models of behaviour, analysis of philosophic assumptions, proposals for new research methods, and critiques of existing theories. JOURNAL FOR THE THEORY OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR includes articles on identity and argumentation, the evolution of emotions in humans, and positioning theory, and covers the ideas of philosophers from Darwin to Wittgenstein. If anyone would like more information on JOURNAL FOR THE THEORY OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR (including information of the FREE special issue included with a subscription) and a FREE sample copy, they should send an email, including YOUR FULL NAME & POSTAL ADDRESS, to: jnlsamples@blackwellpublishers.co.uk. Taylor Kate KTAYLOR@BlackwellPublishers.co.uk F. Psychodynamic Resources ----------------------- Sheffield Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies The Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies at the University of Sheffield has been gathering information about email forums, web sites and related matters likely to be of interest to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, psychiatrists and others interested in mental health and human nature. These have recently been greatly expanded and updated. We believe this to be the most comprehensive resource from a broadly psychodynamic point of view, and it includes links to philosophy and to the history, philosophy and social studies of the natural and human sciences, technology & medicine. Every listing has an html link; clicking it will take you directly to the listed forum or site. URL: http://www.shef.ac.uk/~psysc/ Some of the lists have been compiled by me and some by Ian Pitchford, and both of us have drawn on other lists. The site is maintained by Helen Davies. Robert Maxwell Young robert@RMY1.DEMON.CO.UK G. Psychology-On-Line ------------------ Psychology-On-Line is a new electronic journal closely allied to Psychiatry-On-Line and will, broadly, follow a similar format. Essentially Psychology-On-Line will be a vehicle for researchers, clinicians and students to quickly and efficiently disseminate details of their work to a broad based audience comprising of both professionals and members of the lay public. The lead time for Psychology- On-Line this can be cut down to about six weeks. This will allow readers to stay abreast of developments within the field very soon after they occur and will allow meaningful comment and discussion between interested parties. Initially Psychology-On-Line will be a broad based, generic, journal catering to all disciplines within the field of psychology. Psychology-On-Line will, eventually, be split into electronic journals covering the various sub-disciplines of psychology. When journal articles are first received they will be read by the section editor and sent to an appropriate referee, on a blind review basis, who will then pass the article back to the section editor with one of three possible recommendations: 1. The article is accepted as it stands. 2. The article is accepted subject to revision. 3. The article is rejected. In the event of the article being accepted it will then be formatted and published. If revisions are required, the article will be returned electronically to the author with the appropriate comments attached. The following types of papers are invited: 1. Papers reporting original empirical investigations. 2. Theoretical papers which may be commentaries on established theories. 3. Review papers which should aim to provide systematic overviews, evaluations and interpretations of research within the field of psychology. 4. Letters on previously published papers or letters of general interest to psychologists. All papers submitted should be original works, not under submission to any other journal and should not exceed 5,000 words. Authors should bear in mind the guidelines laid down by the British Psychological Society regarding the use of sexist language, racist language etc. In the first instance, articles intended for publication should be sent to: Ian Sutherland ians@mail.zynet.co.uk or on 3.5 inch disk in Word 6 for Windows format to: Ian Sutherland Dept. Of Psychology University of Plymouth Drakes Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA, England H. Therapy Online -------------- Therapy Online offers professional, confidential counselling services to the online community. Their services include ASK PATtY Q, which offers professional answers to your questions, and Therap-e-mail, a form of therapeutic e-mail interaction which is akin to co- authoring your own self-help book. An easy self-test helps clients to decide which service best suits their needs. Also available at the site is the current Victory Story, a recounting of different people's successes over problems. And the Sites of Distinction, a set of high quality Health Promotion links that adhere to strict criteria developed by Therapy Online. Therapy Online is run by Lawrence Murphy and Dan Mitchell, therapists in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Both hold Master's degrees in Counselling Psychology and are members of the Canadian Guidance and Counselling Association. Their areas of expertise cover a broad range of issues including stress, parenting, men's issues, addictions, relationship problems, and a host of others. URL: http://www.deepcove.com/therapy/ Owner: Lawrence Murphy MA research@deepcove.com ================================================== 3. CHANGE ================================================== A. Nosmoke -------- Quit Smoking Support List The quit smoking support list, has changed the instructions for Subscription Information. Nosmoke is a support group discussion list where people help each other to quit smoking and stay quit. Whether you are in the process of quitting, hope to quit, want to stay quit, or are supporting a significant other, all are welcome here. We all benefit from each other's contributions. *Subscription Information* You must now send a private message to either of the listowners: SUBSCRIBE NOSMOKE Owner: Linda Mann lindam@earthlink.net angel2@prolog.net B. Transcultural-Psychology ------------------------ The TRANSCULTURAL-PSYCHOLOGY list has been moved to a new home here at the North Dakota Higher Education Computer Network. The old system is being removed from service. Existing subscribers have been moved so you should have to do nothing except note the new address for posting messages. If you are responsible for any redistribution list or news server which included distribution to TRANSCULTURAL-PSYCHOLOGY@VM1.NODAK.EDU (or TRANSPSY@NDSUVM1) you should also make any adjustments which are necessary. The list SERVER address to use for list COMMANDS is LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU The posting Address for messages to the ENTIRE LIST is TRANSCULTURAL-PSYCHOLOGY@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU For information on the new server you can send the command HELP to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU . Marty Hoag hoag@PLAINS.NODAK.EDU LISTSERV administrator ND HECN