_________________________________________________________________ VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 PSYCHNEWS INTERNATIONAL October 1996 _________________________________________________________________ SECTION C: RESOURCE UPDATE 1/2 -------------------------------------------------------- This section describes mental health- related resources currently available on or announced on the Internet. Submit all contributions or corrections for the Resource Update section to: lpereira@hawaii.edu. Note: Information may be edited for length. Leon C. Pereira, PhD Editor, Resource Section lpereira@hawaii.edu -------------------------------------------------------- INDEX ======================================================== 1. MAILING LISTS ======================================================== A. abpart-l B. DISABLED C. HCONF D. HRAJ E. LDWOMEN - Adult Women With Learning Disabilities F. PSYDoc2B G. SDV - Stop Domestic Violence H. STUDSTAT I. W2W-Couples ======================================================== 2. WEB SITES ======================================================== A. Distance Learning Programmes B. Learning and Cognitive Psychophysiology C. SEXUALITY AND CULTURE ======================================================== 3. OTHER ======================================================== A. APA Style Guide B. PsyBC C. References Manager 1.5 ======================================================== 4. CHANGES & CORRECTIONS ======================================================== A. sos-data - Social Science Data Discussion ======================================================== 1. MAILING LISTS ======================================================== A. abpart-l ======== Support for the Partners of Abuse Survivors There are many resources on the Net for survivors of abuse. This is a good thing. However, often overlooked are the partners of these survivors and the specific need for support that they have. It is to these partners that the abpart-l list attempts to cater. Partners of survivors are encouraged to share their experiences, frustrations, pain and also their joy. The list is unmoderated. However, all new subscribers' posts are subject to review by the list owner for a short trial period to screen out potential abusers of the list. *Subscription* To: listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu (message): subscribe abpart-l your firstname lastname Owner: Bruce Toews toews@cyberspc.mb.ca B. DISABLED ======== Disability within a Social and Relational Context We take a dialectical approach to the body and psyche which attempts to resist both social or biological determinism. The forum aims specifically to focus on the unconscious experiences of disability, as it is socially constituted. This means examining the emotional experience of disability, from the perspective of both sides of the 'disability'/'ability' binary. We are interested in therapeutic work, self-help and social forms of empowerment, as resources in challenging disabling barriers in contemporary society. We are also concerned to challenge the narrow focus on function and loss which has characterised so much work within psychoanalytic, psychological and rehabilitation professions. We see it as imperative that therapeutic work around disability takes place within a setting which is political and critical of the current oppression of disabled people. We aim to foster critical dialogue between medical, social and psychological perspectives on physical impairment and learning difficulties. Finally, we aim to foster discussion of post- structuralist theory, in deconstructing current assumptions about normality and difference. The forum encourages contributions from students, professionals and activists with an interest in the body, learning difficulties and emotional pain. *Subscription* To: LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU (message): SUB DISABLED your firstname lastname Owner: Dr Deborah Marks d.s.marks@sheffield.ac.uk Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies University of Sheffield, UK. C. HCONF ===== Conference Forum with Guest Speakers on Hydrocephalus HCONF is an unmoderated list for people with hydrocephalus, their friends and family members, health care professionals and anyone else with an interest in the condition. HCONF is designed as a conference list in which guest "speakers" attend 2-3 week long discussions on topics that relate to hydrocephalus. Guest "speakers" are from the field of hydrocephalus (professionals), agencies providing services to people with hydrocephalus, and people involved with the condition themselves. *Subscription* To: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UTORONTO.CA (message): SUBSCRIBE HCONF your firstname lastname Listowner: Jayne Butler jbutler@oise.utoronto.ca D. HRAJ ==== Human Relations, Authority and Justice: Experiences and Critiques HRAJ is an open, unmoderated forum designed to encourage the application of psychoanalytic and related psychodynamic approaches to the understanding of group, institutional, cultural and political processes. The forum is related to an electronic journal of the same name based at: http://www.human-nature.com/HRAJ/home.html Most of those who are working on this project are based in London, England and Sofia, Bulgaria and work in the helping professions, organizational consultancy and group relations, while some work with ethnic minorities, crisis intervention, sexual abuse and other applied spheres. What brings them together is in the conviction that primitive, unconscious, irrational processes play a much larger part in human relations than is usually supposed and that unless full account can be taken of these processes and unless ways can be found to understand and contain them, improved relations are unlikely to ensue at any levels of human interaction from the individual to international relations. In particular, the group has made extensive use of the approaches to human relations developed by Wilfred Bion and others at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, summarised in his Experiences In Groups (London: Tavistock, 1961) and the tradition of group relations and organizational consultancy which has followed on from that work in the Tavistock and elsewhere, in particular, in group relations conferences at Leicester and elsewhere, e.g., America, Israel, Germany, Australia, India. *Subscription* To: LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU (message): SUB HRAJ yourfirstname lastname Owner: Robert M. YoungE. LDWOMEN ======= Adult Women With Learning Disabilities LDWOMEN is a list for adult women with learning disabilities. Its purpose is to provide a forum for women with learning disabilities to connect and share ideas, knowledge, and support. More information: http://www.coe.uga.edu/ldcenter/ *Subscription* To: LISTSERV@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU (message): SUBSCRIBE LDWOMEN yourfirstname lastname Owner: Alice Felts Gay alicegay@moe.coe.uga.edu Learning Disabilities Center The University of Georgia 534 Aderhold Hall Athens, GA F. PsyDoc2B ======== Medical Students interested in Psychiatry. PsyDoc2B is an unmoderated list dedicated to the free flow of information between medical students interested in psychiatry, so discussion topics will vary widely. Topics may include psychiatric questions and answers, new developments in psychiatry, new psychiatric resources, advice for finding a psychiatric residency, debate on psychiatric topics, etc. PsyDoc2B is a semi-closed list. Medical students who can prove their status are automatically approved for membership. Others are considered on a case-by case basis. Medical students wishing to subscribe should be prepared to snail-mail or digitize and E-mail proof of their student status. Such identification may include (but is not limited to) student ID, tuition bill, report card, a letter from the dean, etc. Others should be prepared to send a CV or resume, along with a brief explanation as to why they wish to join the list. More information: http://www.rossgita.com/pages/PsyDoc2B.htm *Subscription* To: listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu (message): SUBSCRIBE PsyDoc2B Owner: Scott Levine scott@axon.axnet.com G. SDV === Stop Domestic Violence - Experiences and Change Stop Domestic Violence, SDV, is a discussion with victims of domestic violence. The goal is to share experiences and change. The mission is to provide friendships with others and learn how to make a change in life. This communication is victim-to-victim. Professional participation is welcome. *Subscription* To: azhomes@netzone.com (message): SUB SDV your@email.address Owner: Kim Casey azhomes@netzone.com H. STUDSTAT ======== Students Learning Statistics. This list is run by students for students. Professors and Instructors are allowed to join, but are asked not to post. The list is designed to be an open forum for students of all levels and fields. Often it seems easier to ask a question of one's peers than of a teacher. This forum should be considered an area free from attack for "stupid questions". Often questions that one thinks are stupid are questions everybody has had at some point in there studies, so please ask. From time to time, conversation motivators will be put out to the list to encourage discussion about a variety of interesting topics. More information: http://seamonkey.ed.asu.edu/~behrens/siip/collab.std/ studstat.html *Subscription* To: listserv@asuvm.inre.asu.edu (message): subscribe STUDSTAT yourfirstname lastname Listowner: Dan Huston dan.huston@asu.edu I. W2W-Couples =========== Lesbian/bisexual Women Discuss Relationships W2W-Couples is a closed, moderated mailing list for women who want to discuss issues about being in a loving relationship with another woman. The list exists as a place where we can discuss the challenges of living in a heterosexist and homophobic world as women in loving relationships with other women. This is a space where lesbian and bisexual women can discuss issues we face with others who will experience or who have already dealt with the same issues. These issues will include non/monogamy, merging vs. autonomy, sex, domestic partnership benefits, dealing with family members, anti-couple or pro-couple bias in our communities, networking with other couples, among other things. *Subscription* To: majordomo@queernet.org (message): subscribe w2w-couples your@email.address Listowners: laddison@sirius.com sharon@queernet.org