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Der Einsatz des Webs zur Visualisierung von Forschungsergebnissen, Anwendung interaktiver Lehrmodule und Präsentation von Sammlungsobjekten

Interactive Quicktime Online-Version (in German) of a lecture by Reinhold Leinfelder, presented at the Geo2002 conference in Würburg, Germany, Oct. 4th, 2002.
(1,6 MB + additional examples)

If you have a fast connection and want to directy jump to certain chapters, you may prefer the Powerpoint-generated html-version, including qt-virtual reality, qt-movies, flash and javascript animations or examples. (ca. 16 MB for entire version). However, the 1,6 QT-Version does also contain all examples.

    The official video about the Munich Science Days 2002 - Living Earth which were performed under the scope of the Year of the Geosciences 2002.

    Choose from a variety of streaming and other versions. (click into image).

Der Beitrag der Augsburger Puppenkiste für die Evolutionsforschung.
Ein Beitrag von R. Leinfelder zum Darwin-Jahr 2009
1. April 2009

(Web-Angebot, siehe hier)
Zusätzlice Einführung siehe hier)

    © Reinhold Leinfelder and Palaeontology Munich, last changes 29.03.2009 by R. Leinfelder