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palaeo.de/tv - Ancient Times

In the Ancient-Times-Section you will find

  • virtual excursions to geological and palaeontological sites as video clips
  • webversions of educational movies produced by the Palaeontological Museum Munich
  • web video clips and full length web videos (or links to it) from TV or third pardty video-productions (used with permission)
  • virtual reality panoramas of spectacular outcrops
  • virtual reality 3-D palaeontological objects

  • you may also check the 'Talks and Presentations'-Section for more

Videoclips from field trips to the Jurassic

Swabian Alb of Southern Germany (Upper Jurassic)

The Stuttgart-Munich Reef Group in Action

5:26 min, streaming or faststart quicktime video.

Clip shows spectacular sponge reef outcrops, and lab work of the Stuttgart-Munich Reef Group. Note that most members of this group meanwhile work for Palaeontology Munich.

This film clip was originally produced on occasion of the International Year of the Reefs 1997 by the Hessische Rundfunk, Germany (produced by Tilman Wolf). © Filmbüro Wolf, Munich, used with permission. Digitizing and web compression by R. Leinfelder.

Depending on your connection speed a different quality versions will be selected (check your quicktime settings for correct selection).

Franconian Alb of Southern Germany (Upper Jurassic, Pleistocene, Modern)

 Laisacker Coral Reef,
Solnhofen Lagoon
1:52 Min

(Quicktime and WindMediaPlayer-Versions)

Reef Research (using the Laisacker and Solnhofen example) 2:37 Min

Part of a MaxQ-TV-production in cooperation with Palaeontology Munich. In German. Quicktime Streaming Video,

© Bayerisches Fernsehen 2004, used with permission

 Dripstone-Cave Schulerloch, 6,7 MB

Camera: Manuela Schellenberger; Cut: Reinhold Leinfelder
© Paläontologisches Museum München (redistribution not permitted).
Thanks to the director of the Schulerloch Cave for the permissionto show this video.
Filmed 25.9.2001.

Reefs and Lagoons , 11.4 MB

A comparison of Caribbean-Reefs and Lagoons with Upper Jurassic Reefs and Lagoons from the Kehlheim area.
(Fast start version)

Camera: R. Leinfelder, D. Schmid; Cut: R. Leinfelder
© Paläontologie München (may be freely used for non-profit teaching purposes)
Filmed: Sept./Oct. 2001

Upper Jurassic of west-Central Portugal,

Upper Jurassic reefs from western Portugal
Unusual coral and oyster reefs growing within siliciclastic settings
Streaming version, 10:05 Min.

Virtual Reality Panoramas of outcrops

Jurassic of Morocco

An Upper Jurassic shelf cross section with reefs from the Agadir Basin
2.9 MB, Fast Start quicktime movie, 34 sec.

Movie shows a cross cut of an inclined shelf-ramp succession, with several reefs on the upper slope, grading into bedded and downlapping mid-slope sediments. Slumping of beds seen at the end of film in deeper ramp position.

>> same scene as Virtual Reality Interactive Panorama

    © Reinhold Leinfelder and Palaeontology Munich, last changes 05.01.2008 by R. Leinfelder