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palaeo.de/tv - Full online Courses

This section presents full online courses for autodidactic studies or extensive online course materials for 'real' lectures at various universities.

Legal Notice: Non-profit university courses are closed indoor courses, and as such copyright regulations allow inclusion of cited 3rd party material (such as copies of published figures) in manuscripts and other course materials . Part of such course material is presented in this section. By viewing this material you agree that you consider yourself a virtual member of such a closed group and that you will only use this material for your personal studies. If you are a public university or public school teacher, you may use this material for your personal indoor lectures as long as reference to the origin of the material is given in your course. Most of the material is copy-protected because of the included 3rd party copyrights. You agree that you will not redistribute this material except for the purposes indicated above. Inclusion of the material presented here in other web pages is not permitted.

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Reinhold Leinfelders Online-Multimediakurs (in German)

A complete lecture of producing web pages with interactive content, such as animations, videoclips, javascript modules and much more. Examples are largely from geoscience topics. Based on RLs realtime courses at Munich University (LMU). About 1200 html pages. Searchable.

Click image for details.

online since autumn 2001

New: PowerPoint-Crashkurs (in German): Ever wanted to finally start using PowerPoint for your presentations? Here is how (from Reinhold Leinfelder); online since Dec. 2002

External Reference: Full streaming course on Historical Geology (in German)

By Prof. V. Mosbrugger and Prof. J. Löschke, University of Tübingen; produced by Univ. Tübingen, © Univ. Tübingen
A complete streaming video online course, composed of 47 lectures, each of which is from about 30 min to 50 min. Windows Media Player or RealPlayer and fast connection (minimum DSL) required. Higly recommended!
Hint: if your players are installed but the embedded version does not work, use the stand alone option. Here you can also jump directly to the individual chapters.

More full online courses on palaeontology and geobiology are under preparation.
If you want to watch R. Leinfelder's online course on reefs growing you may have a sneak preview here.

This site is open for your palaeontological or geoscience online course as well. We may link to your course or even host it at our servers (where you can use our quicktime streaming server as well, if you wish).

    © Reinhold Leinfelder and Palaeontology Munich, last changes 13.03.2014 by R. Leinfelder