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palaeo.de/tv - Talks and Presentations

This section presents online versions of talks and workshop presentation on palaeontological and geobiological topics. We are open for contributions of interesting talks from the entire palaeo-community.

Both categories, presentations for a broader audience as well as scientific presentations can be found in this section.

Please choose from the above categories in the menu bar after reading the legal note below.

How do we define online talks and presentations? Online presentations represent slide shows with little written explanations. Many are animated or include other multimedia material such as video clips, virtual reality, sound and flash animations. Presentations shown in this section differ from classical web articles, which are mostly text-oriented and similar to classical publications (either scientific or for a wider audience). Check the www.palaeo.de/edu - Pages or the www.palaeontologische-gesellschaft.de - Pages for web articles on similar subjects.

Legal Notice: Non-profit lectures at universities, at scientific conferences or in public educational institutions are considered as indoor events, and as such copyright regulations allow inclusion of 3rd party material (such as diaslides of published figures from other authors) . Such 3rd party material may be included in online talks presented in this section.. By viewing this material you agree that you consider yourself a virtual member of such a closed audience group and that you will only use this material for your personal studies. If you are a public university or public school teacher, you may use this material for your personal indoor lectures as long as reference to the origin of the material is given in your course. You agree that you will not redistribute material except for purposes indicated above. Inclusion of this material in other web pages is not permitted.You agree to this by clicking on any category in the talks and presentation menu.

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    © Reinhold Leinfelder and Palaeontology Munich, last changes 05.01.2008 by R. Leinfelder