Nelli Babayan

Dr. Nelli Babayan
MAXCAP Associated Fellow
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) (coordinating institution)
Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science
Ihnestr. 22
14195 Berlin
+49 30 83852-498
Short CV:

Dr. Nel­li Ba­ba­yan is se­ni­or re­sear­cher and lec­tu­rer at the Cen­ter for Trans­na­ti­o­nal, Foreign and Se­cu­ri­ty Pol­icy at Freie Uni­ver­si­tät Ber­lin, whe­re she has also coor­di­na­ted a work pa­cka­ge of EU-FP7 TRANS­WORLD pro­ject. She re­cei­ved her PhD in In­ter­na­ti­o­nal Stu­dies from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tren­to, Ita­ly (2012) and her MA in Po­lit­ical Sci­ence from the Cen­tral Eu­ro­pe­an Uni­ver­si­ty, Hun­ga­ry (2005). In 2005-2008 she wor­ked for Core Me­dia Sup­port Pro­gram for Ar­me­nia im­ple­men­ted by IREX and fun­ded by USAID, whe­re she was Trai­ning De­part­ment Ma­na­ger in 2006-2008. She has also been a vi­si­ting re­sear­cher and lec­tu­rer at the Uni­er­si­ty of Tar­tu, ETH Zu­rich, and FRI­DE Ma­drid. Her re­search and te­aching in­te­rests in­clu­de de­mocra­tiza­ti­on/de­mocracy pro­mo­ti­on (by the US and the EU), tran­sat­lan­tic re­la­ti­ons, post-So­vi­et po­li­tics, and in­ter­net po­li­tics. 

Re­le­vant pub­li­ca­ti­ons:

(2015) Democratic Transformation and Obstruction: EU, US, and Russia in the South Caucasus (hard­back), Lon­don: Rout­led­ge (pub­lis­hed Sep­tem­ber 2014).

(2014) 'So Close but Yet So Far: European and American Democracy Promotion', TRANS­WORLD Working Pa­per No. 37. Co-autho­red with T. Ris­se.

(2013) 'The Geek, the Bully, and the Freaks: Diversifying EU Energy Sources through and Exercising Influence in the South Caucasus' in A. Bo­e­ning, J.F. Kre­mer and A. van Loon (eds.), The EU: A Glo­bal po­wer in the Ma­king? Vol. 2, Ber­lin/Hei­del­berg: Sprin­ger.

(2013) 'Shocked into Adjustments? EU Human Rights and Democracy Promotion', TRANS­WORLD Working Pa­per No. 18. Co-autho­red with A. Vi­vi­a­ni.

(2012) 'Fear or Love Thy Neighbour? EU Framework of Fostering Regional Cooperation in the South Caucasus', Jour­nal of Con­tem­por­a­ry Eu­ro­pe­an Re­search, 8(1).

(2011) 'Armenia: The Eastern Partnership’s Unrequited Suitor', FRI­DE Pol­icy Brief No. 94, ISSN: 1989-2667. Co-autho­red with N. Sha­po­va­lo­va.

(2011) 'Neigh­bour  or  a  Fri­end?  EU  As­pi­ra­ti­ons  of  the  ENP Coun­tries', Os­ser­va­to­rio Bal­ca­ni e Cauca­so, 17 Au­gust.

(2010) 'Now, Who Answers the Phone in Europe? Cooperation within the CFSP after the Enlargements and the Lisbon Treaty', Cauca­si­an Re­view of In­ter­na­ti­o­nal Af­fairs, 4(4).

(2009) 'European Neighbourhood Policy in Armenia: On the Road to Failure or Success', CEU Po­lit­ical Sci­ence Jour­nal, 4(3).