Working Papers Series
The MAXCAP Working Paper Series serves to disseminate the research results of the MAXCAP Project to a wide audience, including the academia and the general public. Its purpose is the enhancement of academic exchange as well as strengthening and broadening existing research on the integration capacity of the European Union for current and future enlargements.
Working Paper No. 01
Enlargement and Integration Capacity - A Framework for Analysis
Working Paper No. 02
The ‘Old’ and the ‘New’ Europeans: Analyses of Public Opinion on EU Enlargement in Review
Working Paper No. 03
Coming Together or Drifting Apart? Political Change in New Member States, Accession Candidates, and Eastern Neighbourhood Countries
Working Paper No. 04
Explaining Variation in Public Support to Turkey’s EU Accession, Turco-skepticism in Europe: A Multi-Level Analysis
Working Paper No. 05
The Effects of the Eastern Enlargement on the Decision-Making Capacity of the European Union
Working Paper No. 06
Contextual Policy Reading of Public Opinion Data and Recent Trends in Attitudes towards European Integration
Working Paper No. 07
A Comparative Analysis of the European Union’s Accession Negotiations for Bulgaria and Turkey: Who Gets in, When and How?
Working Paper No. 08
Beyond Uniform Integration? Researching the Effects of Enlargement on the EU’s Legal System
Working Paper No. 09
Building Sand Castles? How the EU Seeks to Support the Political Integration of its New Members, Accession Candidates and Eastern Neighbours
Working Paper No. 10
The Effectiveness and Limitations of Political Integration in Central and Eastern European Member States: Lessons from Bulgaria and Romania
Working Paper No. 11
Judicial Independence in the Western Balkans: Is the EU's 'New Approach' Changing Judicial Practices?
Working Paper No. 12
European Neighbourhood Policy at the Crossroads: Evaluating the Past to Shape the Future
Working Paper No. 13
Comparing Discourses about Past and Future EU Enlargements: Core Arguments and Cleavages
Working Paper No. 14
Unintended Consequences of EU Conditionality on (Potential) Candidates
Working Paper No. 15
Measuring Sociopolitical Distances between EU Member States and Candidates: A New Path
Working Paper No. 16
The Developmental Impact of the EU Integration Regime: Insights from the Automotive Industry in Europe’s Peripheries
Working Paper No. 17
Development by Stealth: Governing Market Integration in the Eastern Peripheries of the European Union
Working Paper No. 18
Judicial Reform in Turkey and the EU's Political Conditionality: (Mis)Fit between Domestic Preferences and EU Demands
Working Paper No. 19
Larger and More Law Abiding? The Impact of Enlargement on Compliance in the European Union
Working Paper No. 20
Notified and Substantive Compliance with the EU Law in an Enlarged Europe: Evidence from Four Policy Areas
Working Paper No. 21
Eastern Enlargement and Differentiated Integration: Towards Normalization
Working Paper No. 22
Compliance after Conditionality: Why Are the European Union's New Member States So Good?
Working Paper No. 23
Coming Together or Drifting Apart? The EU's Political Integration Capacity in Eastern Europe
Working Paper No. 24
Judicial Reform in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina: Is EU Support and Assistance Augmenting Independence?
Working Paper No. 25
Institutional Change During the EU Accession Process - Introducing a New Dataset
Working Paper No. 26
Varieties of Dis-embedded Liberalism – EU Integration Strategies in the Eastern Peripheries of Europe
Working Paper No. 27
Protecting Democracy inside the European Union? The Party Politics of Sanctioning Democratic Backsliding in the European Parliament
Working Paper No. 28
Compliance with the European Union’s Anti-Corruption Conditions in the ‘Cooperation and Verification Mechanism’: Why Is Romania Better than Bulgaria?
Working Paper No. 29
The Adventures of the CVM in Bulgaria and Romania, No. 29, August 2016
Working Paper No. 30
The EU’s Evolving Enlargement Strategies: Does Tougher Conditionality Open the Door for Further Enlargement?
Working Paper No. 31
Public-Elite Gap on European Integration: The Missing Link between Discourses about EU Enlargement among Citizens and Elites in Serbia
Working Paper No. 32
The Limits of EU Enlargement Linked to Citizens’ Perceptions of Past and Future Enlargements
Working Paper No. 33
Local Government Debt and EU Funds in the Eastern Member States: The Cases of Hungary and Poland
Working Paper No. 34
More Integrated but Also More Divided: Intended and Unintended Consequences of Foreign Direct Investment and the Cohesion Policy in Eastern Europe
Working Paper No. 35
The European Union’s Alternative Models for Maximizing its Integration Strategy for Candidates and Neighbour States: A Process of External Differentiation