Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN) is a network bringing together 15 civil society organizations (CSOs) from the Balkan region, both new member states and (pre)-accession countries, with the aim to influence European and national policies towards a more enabling environment for civil society development in order to ensure sustainable and functioning democracies in the Balkans. Its work mainly focuses on advancing the concerns of local CSOs and other stakeholders to EU institutions, regional inter-governmental forums, and national governments relevant for enlargement policy. The views of local stakeholders in combination with research on the effects and impact of EU enlargement policy and Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) funding on the transformation and democratization process of (pre-)accession countries is presented through policy briefs, papers, background analysis, and annual Brussels-based workshops. Since 2011, BCSDN has been involved in diffusing its advocacy work to the stakeholders involved in the EU’s new approach in supporting democratization in the neighborhood including the so called Arab Spring countries.