The Jean Monnet Center (JM) of Excellence for European Studies at SU is currently a leading research and teaching center for the study of European integration in Turkey. The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence is located within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at SU, which offers PhD degree programmes in economics, political science, and history as well as seven different post graduate programmes. SU, established in 1999, comprises three Schools: the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the School of Management. SU is a research-oriented university and composed of non-departmental, interdisciplinary programmes. It has 46 FP7 projects, 5 JM Excellence European Module and 1 JM Chair, 2 JM Chair ad personam and 1 JM Centre of Excellence. SU research programmes are organized and managed through the Research and Graduate Policy (RGP) Directorate. RGP carries out planning, development, and management of research projects. SU currently has 171 full-time faculty, out of which 150 (88%) received their PhD abroad and 24% of the faculty members are female.