Out now: MAXCAP Policy Brief No. 1

The MAXCAP Policy Brief No. 1 “10 Years of the ENP – The Way Forward with the EaP” has been published. The policy brief is MAXCAP’s contribution to the public consultation process initiated by the European Commission regarding the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy. It formulates specific policy recommendations for a refined approach towards the Eastern Partnership. You can download the Policy Brief here.

The Policy Brief evaluates the effectiveness of the European Neighbourhood Policy and overall EU policy in the Eastern Partnership region in a number of areas and proposes recommendations for improvements regarding the EU’s communication strategy towards the Eastern partners and guiding principles of the EaP. The MAXCAP Policy Task Force also proposes concrete recommendations on how to assist Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine with implementing the Association Agreements.

MAXCAP Policy Briefs build on the project’s research on the European Union’s integration capacity and are a new publication series that will complement the MAXCAP Working Paper and MAXCAP Reports series. They are published by the MAXCAP Policy Task Force. The composition of the Task Force varies depending on the topic and expertise of MAXCAP partners.

It is the ob­jec­ti­ve of the MAX­CAP Policy Brief Se­ries to dis­se­mi­na­te the re­search re­sults of the re­search con­sor­ti­um to a wide au­di­ence, in­clu­ding the aca­de­mia as well as the ge­ne­ral pub­lic. Thus, all Policy Briefs can be down­loa­ded free of char­ge from our website.


Wed, 2015-07-29 09:30