MEDIA: Article about mass protests in Bulgaria

Op-ed article in Trouw - Daily Newspaper in the Netherlands

by Dr. Antoaneta Dimitrova (MAXCAP Co-Coordinator), Prof. Rob Hoppe, Dr. Margarita Jelyazkova, and Prof. Bernard Steunenberg (MAXCAP Partner).

Dr. Antoaneta Dimitrova and her co-authors argue that protests in Bulgaria in June 2013 are an expression of the values and norms which have been socialized among young Bulgarians by the EU and EU member states during 15 years of preparation for accession. Never before have Bulgarians protested for rule of law and for adherence to democratic procedures. The EU must support protesting Bulgarians now, argues the article, because they stand for the rules and values which the EU has promoted in the last decades.

NOTE: The article is written in Dutch.


Wed, 2013-07-10 12:45


Organizing team staff: 

Antoaneta Dimitrova
Bernard Steunenberg