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palaeo.de/tv - Palaeo-Fun: Flash-Gimmicks

    The The Flash-Intro for the original start of the palaeo.de/tv homepage, a cute present from Christa Maaßen, Geilenkirchen. Many thanks, Christa ;-)

    (The flash intro is now embedded in a quicktime movie to enable fast start). Owing to relatively long loading time for modem users, this gimmick is now in this section. If you have problems, here is the original flash-version).

    You find a couple of flash animations in the online-multimedia course (Modul 8.7), such as the following one. Go to the course for a tutorial.

    more to come, whenever....

      © Reinhold Leinfelder and Palaeontology Munich, last changes 05.01.2008 by R. Leinfelder