Ulrich Abram
Rudolf K. Achazi
Hartwig Berger
Hartmut Graßl
Gehard de Haan
Bärbel Höhn
Claudia Kemfert
Peter Kuhbier
Philip Kunig
Felix Chr. Matthes
Lutz Mez
Michael Müller
Josef Göppel
Sebastian Pflugbeil
Ulrike Röhr
Astrid Sahm
Karl Sperling
Karl A. Theis
Dagmar Vinz
Nicholas Watts
Ludger Wöste
Hans-Joachim Ziesing |

Dr. Nicholas Watts
Department of Applied Social Sciences
London Metropolitan University
n.watts@londonmet.ac.uk. |
Vortrag am 14.11.2005:
Einstellungen zur Kernenergie im EU-Vergleich: Klaffen Eliten
und Öffentlichkeit wieder auseinander? |
Dr. Nicholas Watts FRSA is Principal Lecturer in the
Department of Applied Social Sciences at London Metropolitan
University, and convenes the University’s Environmental Policy
Education: Universities of Keele (BA Hons Psychology and German),
Surrey (PG Dip in Russian, MSc in Environmental Psychology) and the
Freie Universität Berlin (D.Phil. in Political Science:
Environmentalism in Comparative Perspective).
Teaching: Universities: Surrey; West of England (UWE); California at
Freie Universität Berlin.
Visiting Fellow: Max Planck Institute for Education and Human
Development (Berlin), University of Strathclyde (Government),
University of Lancaster (Centre for Study of Environmental Change),
University College London (Hon. Senior Research Fellow, Centre for
Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment – CSERGE).
Affiliations: Commonwealth Human Ecology Council (CHEC): Governing
Board, Executive Committee, Education Advisor. Member, CHEC
delegation to the WSSD and Head of the CHEC delegation to the
Mauritius International Meeting. UK Council for Graduate Education,
Executive Committee (1994-2004). |
Aktivitäten |
Forschungsschwerpunkte |
His teaching and research are in the fields of environment- and
energy-related attitudes and behaviours, environmental politics and
policy, with a particular concern for equity and environment and for
mobilisation in new social movements, including the environmental
and anti-nuclear movements. He is presently engaged in developing a
CHEC international collaborative project ‘SEASCAPE’ for capacity
analysis and development for Small Island Developing States, and
continuing work on sustainable energy policy, including analysis of
the proposal to revive the nuclear energy option. |
Publikationen |
Recent Conference papers and research
2005 Academic Monitoring Report, CARRA (Carbon
Assessment and Reduction in Regeneration Areas), EU Life Project.
2004 (July)" ‘Strukturiert’ Promovieren in Grossbritannien.
Politische Rahmenbedingungen und Institutionelle Reaktionen." Paper
prepared for the conference Promovieren nach Bologna und Berlin. Die
Internationalisierung und Strukturierung des Promotionsprozesses im
europaeischen Kontext. Eine Arbeitstagung der Hans-Boeckler-Stiftung
in Kooperation mit der Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft,
Berlin, 2-3 July [Presentation to be published in proceedings of
2004 “Multi-level Governance and Sustainable Development of Small
Island States (SIDS) in the Caribbean. Progress on the Barbados Plan
of Action, with examples from Belize, Cuba and St Kitts and Nevis.”
Paper prepared for the 29th Conference of the Caribbean Studies
Association, St Kitts, 1-4 June 2004, Panel: Environmental Policy
and the Sustainability of Caribbean Small Island Developing States.
2004 (with Simon Goldsmith) “Greening the UK University. The London
Metropolitan Example.” 4th February 2004, paper presented at
conference Universidad 2004 La Habana, Cuba.
2004 “SEASCAPE. Environmental Policy Capacity Assessment in
Commonwealth Small/Island Developing States and in the Wider
Caribbean” Prepared for the Universidad 2004 congress, Havana, Cuba,
2-6 February 2004
2003 (October) CARRA (Carbon Assessment and Reduction in
Regeneration Areas) Baseline Survey of Peabody Residents
-Environmental Attitudes and Behaviours. Report to EU Life Programme
2003 “Recent developments in the UK research and higher education
landscape and their impact on development of young academic careers”
Paper presented at 12th DAKS workshop, Darmstadt, 2 October 2003
“Wissenschaftlerkarrieren: Neue Aspekte der Personalentwicklung in
Fachbereichen” [Summary to be published in DAKS bulletin]
2003 “Industry-Academia Relations and International Mobility.
Creating and reinforcing (multiple) pathways for the development of
the researcher’s career “Presentation prepared for Conference
“International mobility: present situation and future prospects”,
Trieste, Italy, 13-14 October 2003, Conference Center, AREA Science
Park [Powerpoint presentation published on conference CD-Rom]
2003 (May) “Human Ecology Perspectives from Johannesburg [World
Summit on Sustainable Development] – The Summit: Bringing Human
Ecology Back In” in Human Ecology, 20: 41-42
2002 (24-27 March ) International Studies Association, New Orleans
'Chernobyl – Analysing the Consequences: Competing Epistemic
Communities and the Nuclear Phase-Out.' (with Lutz Mez) in
BISA-sponsored session ‘International Influences on Environmental
Policy in Europe’ at, 2002
2001 “Introduction: Identifying and Meeting the Changing Challenges”
Prepared for the UK Council for Graduate Education Conference on
International Postgraduate Students University of North London/
London Voluntary Resource Centre 26 October 2001
2001 (September) European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR),
Canterbury, UK: Panel 3B : The Transformation of Environmentalism (Chair:
Christopher Rootes, University of Kent at Canterbury).Paper
’Institutionalisation, issue shift and escalation: from ecological
modernisation to global contestation.’
2001 (September) American Political Science Association, San
Francisco, Panel 11-37 The Politics of Environmentalism (Chair:
Howard Warshawsky, Roanoke College), Paper ‘The Political Greening
of Europe: Trajectories in Environmental Policy and Politics
2001 (August) Policy Studies Organisation 25th Anniversary Panel
Sessions, Environmental Policy Panel. Short Paper on the future of
environmental policy research.
2001 (April) European Consortium for Political Research, Grenoble,
Workshop 'Greens in Power: Government Formation, Policy Impacts and
the Future of Green Parties'. Paper: 'Carrion Calls and Carry-On
Politics. Paradoxes, dilemmas and knowledge gaps in assessing the
impact of Greens in Power.'
2000 (April) European Consortium for Political Research, Copenhagen,.
Workshop Environmental Organisations: A comparative Assessment.'
Paper 'The Effects of Political and Economic Opportunity Structures
on Strategy and Organisation of the Environmental Movement
1980-2000: Britain and Germany Compared.'
1999 (December) Keynote address, German Research Council Symposium
on the Reform of German Higher Education, Berlin: 'Lessons from the
British Experience.'
1996 (November) Keynote address, Annual Conference of Canadian
Association of Graduate Schools, 'Trends in UK Recruitment of
Overseas Postgraduate Students.'
Recent Book and Journal Publications:
In preparation: Guest Editor, Journal of International Wildlife Law
and Policy, Special Issue on Biodiversity Policy in the Caribbean,
publication end 2005/beginning 2006
--------------------"SEASCAPE. Environmental Policy Capacity
Assessment in Commonwealth Small/Island Developing States and in the
Wider Caribbean", for submission to Global Environmental Politics,
---------------------"Chernobyl – Analysing the Consequences:
Competing Epistemic Communities and the Nuclear Phase-Out." With
Lutz Mez, for submission to Energy Policy 2005
---------------------"UK Higher Education Policy and Research Careers"
(working title) for submission 2005
2005 “Progress on WSSD – raising the profile of the Commonwealth”
Chapter in Commonwealth Ministers’ Reference Book 2005, forthcoming.
2003 (May) “Human Ecology Perspectives from Johannesburg [World
Summit on Sustainable Development] – The Summit: Bringing Human
Ecology Back In” in Human Ecology, 20: 41-42
1999 “The Hare and the Tortoise: Dead in the Heat?” in Politics and
the Life Sciences Vol xx :xx
Richardson, J.J. and N.S.J. Watts (1999) [1985] 'National Policy
Styles and the Environment. Britain and West Germany Compared', IIUG
dp 85-16. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, 46pp. Reprinted in W. Rudig
(Ed) Environmental Policy (Series: The International Library of
Comparative Public Policy Ed B Guy Peters) Cheltenham:Edward Elgar
Watts, Nicholas and Geoffrey Wandesforde-Smith (1999) [1981]
'Postmaterial Values and Environmental Policy Change', in Dean E.
Mann (ed) Environmental Policy Formation: The Impact of Values,
Ideology and Standards, Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, pp.29-42.
Reprinted in W. Rudig (Ed) Environmental Policy (Series: The
International Library of Comparative Public Policy Ed B Guy Peters)
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Watts, Nicholas (Ed.) (1999) The International Postgraduate:
Challenges to British Higher Education. London: UK Council for
Graduate Education (Author of Chapter 1. Introduction: 9-13, Chapter
2. Recruitment Data: 14-22, and Chapter 7. Emergent Trends and
Recommendations: 62-71.)
Watts, Nicholas, Abdul Ghafoor-Ghaznawi, David Hall and John Smyth
(Eds.) (1997) Cities and Sustainability London: Commonwealth Human
Ecology Council |
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