ReefCourse at GeoBio-CenterLMU
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Reefs and Carbonate Platform by Reinhold Leinfelder


State of Site / planned chapters:

please note: new chapters of the english online course will only be added at irregular intervals. Presently, preference is given to the realiter course taking place at the LMU. Presently, you'll mostly find preliminary versions (in German) for most chapters. Students of this course can additionally download password-protected figure handouts (in German) and, in part, pdf-slide shows. This realiter course material will be subsequently incorporated into the english online course.

The complete english online course is a major project; it was largely dependant on the acceptance of a proposal for staff support..
:-(     Unfortunately, this proposal was not accepted. I will nevertheless try to continue with this course this summer (2004). RL, May 04 #

click link to go to chapter additional ressources for
realiter course at lmu (mostly with password only)
1 Introduction   

download additional realiter course resources
>> pdf-slide show reef hazards, 780kb

1.1 Purpose and structure of this site >> go
1.2 recommended literature and links >> go
1.3 Why are reefs important? Intro on reef characteristics and demands. >> go
1.4 Threatened reefs >> go
2 Reef Biota in modern reefs 


download additional realiter course resources
>> pdf bw-drawings-script, pp 1-8, 1.1mb

>> bw repetitory coelenterates (pdf), 7.6mb

>> pdf slide show modern scleractians (morphology, types, ecology), 5.6mb

>>pdf slide show of other organisms from modern reefs, 4.2 mb

2.1 Biology and ecology of reef corals to come
2.2 More reef builders of modern reefs >>preliminary german short version (pdf)
2.3 Reef Binders
2.4 Selection of reef settlers and their "tasks"
2.5 Reef eroders
2.6 Ecological aspects: competition, niches, associations, zonations >>preliminary german short version on zonation (pdf)
2.7 Taxonomic, biogeographic and biodiversity aspects of modern corals associations to come
3. Reef definitions, types and examples   download additional realiter course resources
>> pdf bw-drawings script, pp. 9-17, 2.1mb

>> pdf-slide show of morphological reef types and reef zones, 2.2 mb

>> movies on modern reefs from San Andres and Providencia (no pw required)

3.1 What is a reef? to come
3.2 Geographical reef terms to come
3.3  Reef frameworks - types and concepts >>preliminary german short version (pdf)
4. Sedimentology, biology and ecology of zoned reef complexes, platforms and ramps   download additional realiter course resources
(for bw-drawings-script see section 3)

>> pdf slide show of forereef, barriers, lagoons and tidal flats

4.1 Reef zones - from back reef to reef front >>preliminary german short version (pdf)
4.2 Fore reef and base-of-slope sediments
4.3 Carbonate sand bar systems
4.4 High- and low-energy lagoons: sands, mud, mudbanks and so forth
4.5 Intertidal and supratidal flats
4.6 Reef diagenesis >> preliminary german short version (pdf, 217 kb)  
5. Carbonate platforms in relation to subsidence and sea-level change    (module completed in realiter course, preliminary version to be added soon).
5.1 Architectural types and controls to come  
5.2 Sequence stratigraphic aspects of reef and carbonate platforms to come  
5.3 The origin of atolls - an overview of theories to come  
5.4 High-frequency sea-level oscillations to come  
5.5 Mud Mound development in relation to sea-level and sediment supply to come  >> pdf bw figures on mound genesis

6. Modern reefs in non-standard-settings


download additional realiter course resources
>> pdf slide show of reefs within silics

6.1 Coral reefs within siliciclastics

to come

6.2 Modern deep water coral and sponge reefs to come >> see a movie on modern deep water sponge reefs (no pw required)
6.3 Modern stromatolites and more reef types to come  
7 Summarizing factors controlling modern reef growth: the reef window concept see below for preliminary version  
8. The evolution of Reefs    download additional realiter course resources
>> pdf slide show of palaeozoic reef organisms

>> pdf bw-drawings script, pp. 28-26 (+ extra pages), 4 mb

>> reef reconstructions. from the Phanerozoic (bw-drawings) (pdf, 6,4 mb)

8.1 Overview or reef types, reef biota and reef distribution throughout Earth History >> preliminary German version (pdf, 159 KB)
8.2 The basic reef module concept: reef organisms change the earth by optimizing and readjusting the reef system
8.3 Changing realities: the reef window concept in Earth History
8.4 Biodiversity issues and reef crises
8.5 Are modern reefs endangered? The answer from Earth History to come (see up for preliminary answer).  
9. Applied reef science    
9.1 Reefs in basin analysis and hydrocarbon explorartion >> preliminary german short version (pdf, 128 KB)  
9.2 Reefs as building stones and cement resource to come  
9.3 Fossil reefs in climate research to come

>> see preliminary version here

>> see online presentation of public talk by R.Leinfelder for an overview (part III) (no pw required)
9.4 Modern reefs are fossil reefs: Corals as monitors and recorders of climate and environment
10. Working fields for a reef specialist >> go
(prelim. version within chap. 1)
  Additional ressources (overviews on or examples of modern and fossil reefs)

>> overview manuscript on modern and fossil reefs (based on a public talk by R.Leinfelder) (pdf-File, in German, 2 MB) (pw required)
>> online presentation of public talk on Reefs under Stress by R.Leinfelder (no pw required)
>>, see sections 'ancient', 'modern', talks for 'videoclips' on reefs (Quicktime required).
>> you may also check out:,, and or search for reef entries

Once finished, each chapter should include the following resources:

Discussion with the lecturer and among course students will be possible via a discussion forum and a mail list server. RL will also answer questions directly by email (I will, however, not work out your school or university seminar talks for you ;-)

The building up of this online course will be an iterative approach, i.e. I will try to proceed rapidly with a first preliminary version (in German, accompanying the realiter course, then abbreviated english version). Text corrections, inclusion of more figures, videos and animations, enabling free access to figures (upon regulating copyright issues), as well as a search engine, and layout optimizations will be subsequently achieved by updating earlier versions.

This is a lecture, thus information given in this course may be scientifically incorrect or out-of-date (hope not!). Do not cite information in this course in scientific articles, but rather refer to the original literature. In other cases, this course may be cited as:

Leinfelder, R. (2002-04): The online Reef Course.-, GeoBio-CenterLMU , Munich.

>> start course

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last changes 26/5/04 by R. Leinfelder