

Revisiting change and innovation in the English progressive [Englisches Seminar, Kiel; invited]

Forschendes Lehren mit CQP: Eine Einführung [Englisches Seminar, Kiel; invited]

with Martin Hilpert. From big data to small data and back again: Using token-based semantic vector spaces for corpus-linguistic analyses [BICLCE7, Vigo]

Quantifying qualitative change: Collexeme paradigms and progressive constructionalization [ICLC14, Tartu]

“We must be born with it … maybe … are we?” A case study in morphological constraint acquisition [Institut für England- & Amerikastudien, Frankfurt; invited]

Usage frequency & constructional change: Shifts in the history of go-VERB [SAUTE2017, Neuchâtel]

Was uns Konstruktionsnetzwerke über strukturelle Beschränkungen sagen können [Forschungskolloquium, Deutsches Institut, Mainz; invited]

Korpus-DIY — Ein Mitmach-Vortrag [Deutsches Institut, Mainz; invited]


Construction semantics & construction frequency: The case of go-VERB [ICEHL19, Duisburg-Essen]

Der Fuckativ und das Grammatikalitätsurteil [NLK17, Hamburg]


“Let’s go look at some data!” — Formal constraints, corpus data and linguistic theory [MaLT Symposium, Bamberg]

with Hendrik De Smet & Jukka Tyrkkö (poster). Introducing CLMET3.1 and the plans for CEM1.0 [d2e — From Data to Evidence, Helsinki]

with Berit Johannsen. Systematicity beyond obligatoriness in the history of the English progressive [ICAME36, Trier]


with Kristin Kopf & Anatol Stefanowitsch. Skandale und Skandälchen kontrastiv: Das Suffix -gate im Deutschen und Englischen [Stiefkinder der Onomastik, Mainz]

with Stefan Hartmann. New perspectives on subjectification: A corpus-based study on epistemic stance verbs [SLE2014, Poznań]

with Stefan Hartmann. The rise of epistemic meaning: A corpus-based perspective on subjectification [ICEHL18, Leuven]

with Anatol Stefanowitsch: Sprache & Denken [Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Ber- lin & Brandenburg, Berlin]

Interpreting the text mine: A cautionary note from (historical) corpus linguistics. [Digital Humanities Australasia DHA2014, Perth]

When modals meet perfects: Combinatorial properties [Research seminar, UWA Perth; invited]

Solving rare phenomena problems with web data? English quasi-serial verb constructions [AG „Web data as a challenge for theoretical linguistics and corpus design“, DGfS36, Marburg]

Culturomics — Big Data & Bad Linguistics [Seminar Korpuslinguistik diachron, Deutsches Institut, Mainz; invited]


Kombinatorik englischer Modalkonstruktionen [4. STaPs, Berlin]


Diachrony meets Construction Grammar [1. STaPs, Luxemburg]


The definite article in 19th-century Irish English: The role of the referential factor [47. StuTS, Mainz]