forthcoming. Serial verb constructions in English: Formal constraints from a usage-based perspective (Trends in Linguistics; De Gruyter).
Articles & chapters
Flach, Susanne. in print. Idiomatic singleton or prototype? A productivity analysis of be-ADJ- and-V. In: Stefan Hartmann (ed.), Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (Vol. V). Berlin: De Gruyter.
Flach, Susanne, Kristin Kopf & Anatol Stefanowitsch. in print. Skandale und Skandälchen kon- strastiv: Das Konfix –gate im Deutschen und Englischen. In Rita Heuser & Mirjam Schmuck (eds.), Stiefkinder der Onomastik. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Stefanowitsch, Anatol & Susanne Flach. submitted. “Too big to fail but big enough to pay for their mistakes”: A collostructional analysis of the patterns [too ADJ to V] and [ADJ enough to V]. In Gloria Corpas & Ulrich Heid (eds.), Current trends in Computational Phraseology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Stefanowitsch, Anatol & Susanne Flach. 2016. A corpus-based perspective on entrenchment. In Hans-Jörg Schmid (ed.), Entrenchment and the psychology of language learning: How we reorganize and adapt linguistic knowledge, 101–127. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Flach, Susanne. 2015. “Let’s go look at usage”: A constructional approach to formal constraints on go-VERB. In Peter Uhrig & Thomas Herbst (eds.), Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (Vol. III), 231–252. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Edited volumes
Hilpert, Martin & Susanne Flach (eds.). 2014. Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (Vol. II). Berlin: De Gruyter.
2017. Serial verb constructions in English: A usage-based perspective. PhD thesis, Freie Universität Berlin. (cf. Flach forthcoming)
2010. The definite article in 19th-century Irish English: A corpus-based study of use and variation. MA thesis, Universität Hamburg.
Flach, Susanne. 2017. Collostructions: An R implementation for the family of collostructional methods.
Stefanowitsch, Anatol & Susanne Flach. 2017. The FUSE corpus: 200m+ words of scientific English (beta version).
Flach, Susanne. 2015. Online-Korpustutorium mit CQP / A Practical guide.
De Smet, Hendrik, Susanne Flach, Jukka Tyrkkö & Hans-Jürgen Diller. 2015. The Corpus of Late Modern English Texts (CLMET), version 3.1: Improved tokenization and linguistic annotation. KU Leuven, FU Berlin, U Tampere, RU Bochum.
Stefanowitsch, Anatol, Kristin Kopf & Susanne Flach. 2014. Der Bericht zur Lage der deutschen Sprache im Kontext sprachwissenschaftlicher Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Zeitschrift für Rezensionen in der Sprachwissenschaft 6(1-2). 17–22.
Kopf, Kristin, Susanne Flach & Anatol Stefanowitsch. 2014. “Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften (Hg.). 2013. Reichtum und Armut der deutschen Sprache. Erster Bericht zur Lage der deutschen Sprache. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. 233 S.” Zeitschrift für Rezensionen in der Sprachwissenschaft 6(1-2). 10–16.