Freie Universität Berlin (FU-Berlin)
Institut für Chemie und Biochemie (SupraFAB)
Altensteinstraße 23A
D-14195 Berlin, Germany
Office: 208
Phone: +49 (0) 30 838 60248
Research Topics
Extended π-Systems
Novel Functionalized Graphene Derivatives and Hybrid Structures
Curriculum Vitae
since 12/2021
Doctoral Candidate, FU Berlin, Germany
Master Studies of Chemistry at FU Berlin, Germany
Bachelor Studies of Chemistry at FU Berlin, Germany
- F. Witte*, P. Rietsch, S. Sinha, A. Krappe, J.-O. Joswig, J. P. Götze, N. Nirmalananthan-Budau, U. Resch-Genger, S. Eigler, and B. Paulus
Fluorescence Quenching in J-Aggregates through the Formation of Unusual Metastable Dimers.J. Phys. Chem. B 2021, 125, 4438–4446. - P. Rietsch, F. Witte, S. Sobottka, G. Germer, A. Krappe, A. Güttler, B. Sarkar, B. Paulus*, U. Resch-Genger*, and S. Eigler*
Diaminodicyanoquinones: Fluorescent Dyes with High Dipole Moments and Electron-Acceptor Properties.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 8235–8239.