Freie Universität Berlin (FU-Berlin)
Institut für Chemie und Biochemie (SupraFAB)
Altensteinstraße 23A
D-14195 Berlin, Germany
Office: 205
Mail: christian.halbig@fu-berlin.de
Phone: +49 (0) 30 838 63201
Fundamental Aspects on the Formation, Structure and Functionalisation of oxo-functionalized Graphene and thereout derived Graphene
Ph.D. Thesis
Synthese und Charakterisierung von Uran-IV-Komplexen mit Chalcogenid-Liganden
Bachelor Thesis
Research Topics
Graphene Oxide
Tiburtius-Award 2019
3rd price for outstanding dissertation in Berlin
Curriculum Vitae
since 11/2021
PostDoc with focus on applied nanomaterials at FU Berlin, Germany
04/2019 – 11/2021
PostDoc at National University of Singapore (in the Lab of Prof. Dr. Slaven Garaj)
02/2017 – 12/2018
PhD-student in organic chemistry at FU Berlin, Germany
09/2014 – 02/2017
PhD-student in organic chemistry at Joint Institute of Advanced Materials and Processes (ZMP) at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
04/2013 – 08/2014
Study of third subject at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg “Erweiterungsfach: Geographie”
10/2008 – 03/2013
Begin of studies at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg “Lehramt Gymnasium Biologie und Chemie”
- L. Merkel, A. Setaro, C. E. Halbig, S. Shimizu, T. Yoshii, H. Nishihara, T. Hilal, G. Algra-Siller, C. Koch, S. Eigler,
Structural Model of Oxidatively Unzipped Narrow Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Carbon 2024 (accepted). - F. Grote, B. I. Weintrub, M. Kreßler, Q. Cao, C. E. Halbig, P. Kusch, K. Bolotin, S. Eigler*
Evidence for Trans-Oligoene Chain Formation in Graphene Induced by Iodine
Small, 2024. - C. E. Halbig*, B. Mukherjee, S. Eigler, S. Garaj
Origin of oxygen in graphene oxide revealed by 17O and 18O isotopic labelling
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 11, 7431–7438. - R. Malhotra, C. E. Halbig, Y. F. Sim, C. T. Lim, D. T. Leong, A. H. Castro Neto, S. Garaj, V. Rosa
Cytotoxicity survey of commercial graphene materials from worldwide
npj 2D Materials and Applications 2022, 6, 1 65 - Meng Li, Wei‐Wei Zuo, Qiong Wang, Kai‐Li Wang, Ming‐Peng Zhuo, Hans Köbler, Christian E. Halbig, Siegfried Eigler, Ying‐Guo Yang, Xing‐Yu Gao, Zhao‐Kui Wang, Yongfang Li, Antonio Abate
Ultrathin Nanosheets of Oxo‐functionalized Graphene Inhibit the Ion Migration in Perovskite Solar Cells
Adv. Energy Mater. 2019, 1902653. - P. Feicht, J. Biskupek, T. E. Gorelik, J. Renner, C. E. Halbig, M. Mranska, F. Puchtler, U. Kaiser, S. Eigler
Brodie or Hummers – Oxidation conditions determine the structure of graphene oxide.
Chem. Eur. J., 2019. - C. E. Halbig, R. Lasch, J. Krüll, A. Pirzer, Z. P. Wang, J. N. Kirchhof, K. I. Bolotin, M. R. Heinrich, S. Eigler
Selective functionalization of graphene at defect activated sites by arylazocarboxylic tert-butylesters.
Angew. Chem. 2019, 58, 3559-5603. - K. W. Silverstein, C. E. Halbig, J. S. Mehta, A Sharma, S. Eigler, J. M. Mativetsky
Voltage-Reduced Low-Defect Graphene Oxide: A High Conductivity, Near-Zero Temperature Coefficient of Resistance Material.
Nanoscale 2019, 11, 3112-3116. - Han, Y. Sun, S. Li, C. Cheng, C. E. Halbig, P. Feicht, P. Strasser, S. Eigler
In-plane Carbon Lattice-defect Regulating Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction to Hydrogen Peroxide Production over Nitrogen-doped Graphene.
ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 1283-1288. - C. E. Halbig, O. Martin, F. Hauke, S. Eigler, A. Hirsch
Oxo-Functionalized Graphene – A Versatile for Alkylated Graphene Sheets by Reductive Functionalization.
Chem. Eur. J., 2018, 24, 13348-13354. - S. Seiler, C. E. Halbig, F. Grote, P. Rietsch, F. Börrnert, U. Kaiser, B. Meyer,* and S. Eigler*
Effect of friction on oxidative graphite intercalation and high-quality graphene formation.
Nat. Commun., 2018, 9, 836. - T. J. Nacken, C. E. Halbig, S. Wawra, C. Damm, S. Romeis, J. Walter, M. J. Tehrani, Y. Ishii, S. Eigler, W. Peukert
Structural factors controlling size reduction of graphene oxide in liquid processing.
Carbon, 2017, 125, 360-369. - P. Feicht, R. Siegel, H. Thurm, J. W. Neubauer, M. Seuss, T. Szabo, A. V. Talyzin, C. E. Halbig, S. Eigler, D. A. Kunz, A. Fery, G. Papastavrou, J. Senker, J. Breu
Systematic evaluation of different types of graphene oxide in respect to variations in their in-plane modulus.
Carbon, 2017, 114, 700-705. - B. Butz, C. Dolle, C. E. Halbig, E. Spiecker, S. Eigler
Highly Intact and Pure Oxo-Functionalized Graphene: Synthesis and Electron-Beam-Induced Reduction.
Nahezu vollständig intaktes und sauberes oxo-functionalisiertes Graphen – Synthese und elektronenstrahlinduzierte Reduktion.
Angew. Chem., 2016, 128 (51), 16003-16006.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55 (51), 15771-15774. - H. Pieper, C. E. Halbig, L. Kovbasyuk, S. Eigler, A. Mokhir
Oxo-functionalized graphene as cell membrane carrier of nucleic acid probes controlled by aging.
Chem. Eur. J., 2016, 22 (43), 15389-15395. - A. Naumov, F. Grote, M. Overgaard, A. Roth, C. E. Halbig, K. Nørgaard, D. M. Guldi, S. Eigler.
Graphene Oxide: A One- versus Two-Component Material
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (36), 11445–11448. - S. M. Belade-Mousavi, S. Sadaf, L. Walder, M. Gallei, C. Rüttiger, S. Eigler, C. E. Halbig
Poly(vinylferrocene) – Reduced Graphene Oxide as a High Power / High Capacity Cathodic Battery Material.
Adv. Energy Mater., 2016, 6, 1600108. - C. E. Halbig, T. J. Nacken, J. Walter, C. Damm, S. Eigler, W. Peukert
Quantitative investigation of the fragmentation process and defect density evolution of oxo-functionalized graphene due to ultrasonication and milling.
Carbon, 2016, 96, 897-903. - S. Schindler, F. Vollnhals, C. E. Halbig, H. Marbach, H.-P. Steinrück, C. Papp, S. Eigler
Focused Electron Beam based Direct-Write Fabrication of Graphene and Amorphous Carbon from Oxo-Functionalized Graphene on Silicon Dioxide.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 2683-2686. - H. Chen, Y. Hou, C. E. Halbig, S. Chen, H. Zhang, N. Li, F. Guo, X. Tang, N. Gasparini, I. Levchuk, S. Kahmann, C. O. R. Quiroz, A. Osvet, S. Eigler, C. J. Brabec
Extending the environmental lifetime of unpackaged perovskite solar cells through interfacial design.
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 11604-11610. - R. Flynt, W. Knolle, A. Kahnt, C. E. Halbig, S. Eigler, A. Lotnyk, T. Häuptl, A. Prager, B. Abel
High quality reduced graphene oxide flakes by fast kinetically controlled and clean indirect UV-induced radical reduction.
Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 7572-7579. - H. Pieper, S. Chercheja, S. Eigler, C. E. Halbig, M. R. Filipovic, A. Mokhir
Endoperoxides revealed as origin of toxicity of graphene oxide
Toxizität von Graphenoxid: Endoperoxide als Ursache.
Angew. Chem., 2016, 128, 413-416.
Angew. Chem. Int. E., 2016, 55, 405-407. - C. E. Halbig, P. Rietsch, S. Eigler
Towards the Synthesis of Graphene Azide from Graphene Oxide.
Molecules, 2015, 20, 21050-21057.