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palaeo.de/tv - Ancient Times - Pleistocene and Tertiary

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More Pleistocene Examples

Franconian Alb, Germany
Dripstone-Cave Schulerloch, 6,7 MB

Camera: Manuela Schellenberger; Cut: Reinhold Leinfelder
© Paläontologisches Museum München (redistribution not permitted).
Thanks to the director of the Schulerloch Cave for the permissionto show this video.
Filmed 25.9.2001.

Cave is within Jurassic reef rocks. See details for Jurassic reefs here.

Canadian Pleistocene to modern landscapes: The Great Lakes area and Sudbury Nickel Mines.
Fast start clip showing the lake scenery formed by Pleistocene glaciers and overprinted by beaver activity. Also shows areal views of environmental damage produced by the Sudbury Nickel mines.click into image to start video clip 320 x 240 px (may be enlarged), 1:13 min, qt-mov., 5,7 MB.

© Reinhold Leinfelder and Palaeontology Munich, last changes 05.01.2008 by R. Leinfelder