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Bavaria 15 Million Years ago
The Miocene Gomphotherium elephant from Mühldorf/Germany

palaeo.de/tv - Ancient Times - Pleistocene and Tertiary

<< Pleistocene


Bayern vor 15 Millionen Jahren - Bavaria 15 Million Years ago

(this production from the Palaeontological Museum Munich shows animal and plant life of the molasse basin around Munich from the Late Tertiary; in German).

Click image to select a variety of different versions (Faststart .mov, streaming .mov or Windows .wmv; 240 x 180 px, 23:34 min)

Movie is shown in DVD-quality during sunday openings at the Palaeontological Museum Munich.

The Miocene Gomphotherium elephant of Mühldorf am Inn

discovery - preparation - reconstruction - life

A videoclip from the Bavarian Television produced in cooperation with the staff of the Paläontologische Museum Munich. Used with permission

Click image to the right to start Quicktime Faststart-Videoclip. (7,5 MB, 320 x 240 px)

For double ISDN and DSL connections you may prefer the streaming quicktime version:

© Reinhold Leinfelder and Palaeontology Munich, last changes 05.01.2008 by R. Leinfelder