In the Eigler group, we focus on the…
Synthesis of molecular π-systems, which may interact with 2D materials or are attractive dyes or even emissive dyes.
Molecular synthesis and photonics
Fluorescence dyes find applications in various fields of research, including light harvesting or biomarkers. An additional high dipole moment gives further access to nonlinear optics and redox activity allows to switch the molecular properties.
We combine tailored fluorescence with high dipole moments and redox activity.

Interaction of molecular structures with graphene
Controlling the morphology of functional molecules on 2D surfaces leads to hybride materials with altered physical properties, such as the band-gap and interaction with environmental molecules. This approach enables the realization of novel sensors concepts, displays and solar cells.
Here, we focus on the interaction of graphene, MoS2 or WS2 with high dipole molecules (HDM). Questions, such as doping, molecular order and real dipole moment on the surface will be answered.