It’s not an easy task. I am still working around my dissertation, not on it. This doesn’t seem to be a kind of behavior that is easily changed – I always have to complete all kinds of “infrastructure related tasks” first, and then I can start with the real work. Might be a good thing, though. It signifacantly trims down the number of possible excuses and makes the later work experience somewhat smoother.
Well, what are the things that do I have to do before I will make the first observations? I have to get IDs for the libraries in Darmstadt, I have to organize a DV camcorder, and I have to read some more literature about harbours, train stations, and video analysis. Urgh. Too much stuff in the pipeline. However, I guess will get some of it done or at least started next week, because I will stay in Darmstadt from coming Thursday until Friday next week…
Tags: camera, dissertation, library