Researcher ID

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Ralf Schwarzer is Emeritus Professor of Psychology
at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Photo ralf-new


Recent Publications

Psychometric Scales

Psychometrische Skalen

Curriculum Vitae (pdf file) General Self-Efficacy  Slides (117K)    FAQ        Allgemeine Selbstwirksamkeit
Journal Abstracts (until 2006) Teacher Self-Efficacy  Slide Show (286K) Lehrerselbstwirksamkeit
HAPA Model           Slide Show (795K) Collective Self-Efficacy Kollektive Selbstwirksamkeit
Meta-Analysis Software Proactive Attitude Proaktive Einstellung
Self-Efficacy Research       FAQ Proactive Coping Inventory  (PCI)     FAQ Proactive Coping Inventar (7 Skalen)

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Self-Regulation Selbstregulation
European Health Psychology Procrastination Handlungsaufschub
Stress and Anxiety Research Environmental Worry Umweltbesorgnis
Stress and Coping Research Social Support (BSSS)      BSSS documentation Soziale Unterstützung (BSSS)
Health Psych Division of the IAAP Measures of Health Behavior Change HAPA Instrumente
Psychology Department, FU Berlin Autonomy in Old Age Autonomie im Alter
Health Behavior Self-Efficacy (PDF) Papers on:      HAPA       Self-Efficacy     Social Support Skalen zur Erfassung von Lehrer- und Schülermerkmalen

Freie Universität Berlin
Health Psychology Department
Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin, Germany
   FAX +49 30 838 55634



Designed and programmed by Ralf Schwarzer. Last update 13. October  2014