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Organised Workshops, Conferences and Summer Schools 2023, March 14-15 "Turning Points in Reflections on Science and Technology: Toward Historicizing STS", Workshop, Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Cultures of Research", RWTH Aachen University. 2023, February 27-29 "Models of complex systems as scientific-public boundary objects. The case of climate change", (together with Alexandre Hocquet), Graduate-School "Complexity and Transdisciplinarity" of the Center for Advanced Studies at the Aix-Marseille University. 2022, November 20-21 "Autonomy in the Digital Age: Rethinking Relationships between Humans, Technology and Society", (organized together with Caja Thimm, Maximilian Mayer, Frank Piller, Bonn-Aachen Conference, University of Bonn. 2022, October 27-28 "Prinzipien der neuronalen Informationsverarbeitung. Geometrie - Dynamik - Wissen", Workshop in honor of Werner von Seelen, Institute for Computational and Systems Neuroscience, Research Center Jülich, and Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Cultures of Research", RWTH Aachen University. 2022, September 5-9 "Trajectories of Technology", IDEA League Summer School, History of Technology at ETH Zürich and Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Cultures of Research", RWTH Aachen University. 2022, February "Explainable AI - Explanations in AI", Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Cultures of Research", RWTH Aachen University. 2021, February 1 "Algorithmic Regimes", Online-Workshop, CSS-Lab, RWTH Aachen University. 2020, October 1-2 Nachwuchstagung "Künstliche Intelligenz und Weltverstehen", Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung, Leopoldina Halle. 2020, July 9, "Operator & User Empowerment in Times of AI", conjoint workshop with RWTH Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering and RWTH Technology and Innovation Management, CSS-Lab RWTH Aachen University. 2020, June 18, "Modeling Trust. An AI lie detector (iBorderCtrl)", conjoint workshop with Philosophy of Science & Technology of Computer Simulation Department of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) Stuttgart, CSS-Lab RWTH Aachen University. 2019, July 15-19, "Infrastructures of Science", IDEA League Summer School, History of Technology at ETH Zürich and CSS-Lab RWTH Aachen University, ETH Zurich. 2019, July 4-5, "Embodied AI/Exbodied Mind: Gesture - Perception - Robotics", conjoint workshop with RWTH Linguistics and Cognitive Semiotics, CSS-Lab RWTH Aachen University. 2019, May 16, "Machine Learning in Research", conjoint workshop with several RWTH institutes, CSS-Lab RWTH Aachen University. 2018, December 18, "Code Studies", follow-up workshop of the EASST 2018 panel, CSS-Lab RWTH Aachen University. 2018, December 6, "Philosophy and Physics", conjoint workshop with the DFG Research Group 'Epistemology of LHC and RWTH Physics Department, CSS-Lab RWTH Aachen University. 2018, November 19-20, "Many Faces of Logic", conjoint workshop and evening lecture with Johan van Benthem, Universities of Amsterdam/Stanford/Tsinghua, CSS-Lab RWTH Aachen University. 2018, February, 23, "Software Studies", conjoint workshop ETH Zurich (History of Technology), CSS-Lab RWTH Aachen University. 2017, December 15, "Digital Humanities - Zukunft der Geisteswissenschaften", workshop, Institute for Philosophy/ Institute for Engish Studies, RWTH Aachen University 2017, October 12-14, "Algorithmische Wissenskulturen? Der Einfluss des Computers auf die Wissenschaftsentwicklung", workshop, Deutsches Museum München 2017, March 30-31, "Traveling Code", workshop, MECS Institute for Advanced Study, Leuphana University Lüneburg »Traveling Code (external link) 2016, September 26-30, "On Simulation in Science", MECS Summer School 2016, MECS Institute for Advanced Study on Media Cultures of Computer Simulations, Leuphana University Lüneburg »Summer School 2016 (external link) 2016, April 5-6, DFG "Affective- and Psychotechnology Studies" network meeting, MECS Institute for Advanced Study on Media Cultures of Computer Simulations, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (realisation together with Niklas Scharpe) 2015, February 26-27, "Participation 4.0", workshop on citizen science, DKRZ German Climate Computing Center, Hamburg »Schedule (pdf) 2014, November 26-27, "Computersignale", workshop of the SNF research group "Computersignale", MECS Institute of Advanced Studies on Media Cultures of Computer Simulation, Leuphana University Lüneburg (in cooperation with ZHdK Zurich) 2013, March 1-2 "Fragile Daten", SNF international conference, Academy of Science Berlin »Schedule (pdf) 2012, October 11-12 "5th DFG Atmosphere & Algorithms meeting", Centre Alexandre Koyre, Paris (hosted by Amy Dahan Delmedico and Helene Guillemot, Centre Alexandre Koyre, Paris) »Schedule 2012, June 15-16 "Synthesis. Grenzen und Perspektiven technischer Erzeugung", conference of the BMBF collaborative research project "Embodied Information", Freie Universität Berlin »Schedule 2012, May 2-3 "4th DFG Atmosphere & Algorithms meeting: Climate Science and the Changing Nature of Uncertainty", School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich (hosted by Mike Hulme and Martin Mahony, UEA Norwich) »Schedule 2012, March 20 "Dialekte der Klimaforschung", workshop, DKRZ German Climate Computing Center, Hamburg » Schedule 2011, October 13-14 "3rd DFG Atmosphere & Algorithms meeting: Risk Evaluation/Measurement and Simulation in Meteorology", DFG Research Network, Munich Re/DLR-IPA Munich-Oberfaffenhofen (hosted by Eberhard Faust, Munich Re / Hans Volkert, DLR-IPA) 2011, May 12-13 "2nd DFG Atmosphere & Algorithms meeting: Visualizing Climate", DFG Research Network, University of Potsdam (hosted by Birgit Schneider, University of Potsdam) »Atmosphere & Algorithms 2011, May 2-3 "Symposium on Philosophical Perspectives on Synthetic Biology", workshop of the BMBF collaborative research project "Embodied Information" in cooperation with the research project "Models & Mechanism", University of Helsinki »Schedule 2011, February 21, "Programmierbares Material", workshop of the BMBF collaborative research project "Embodied Information", Institute of Philosophy, FU Berlin realisation together with Michael Putzmann KHM Cologne »Programmierbares Material (external link) 2010, December 15-16, "1st DFG Atmosphere & Algorithms meeting: Politics of Scale", DFG Research Network, Rachel Carson Center Munich (hosted by Helmuth Trischler, RCC Munich) »Atmosphere & Algorithms 2010, July 18-23, "Art & Research & Science Studies in Biological Laboratories", summer school of the BMBF collaborative research project "Embodied Information", KHM Academy for Media Arts Cologne, realisation together with Kathrin Friedrich and Peter Bexte, Academy for Media Arts Cologne »Art & Research & STS (external link) 2010, June 10-12, "Epistemic Shifts in Computer-Based Environmental Sciences", ESF exploratory workshop, Aarhus University/FU Berlin, realisation together with Matthias Heymann, Aarhus University (funded by ESF European Science Foundation) 2009, December 10-12, "Philosophy of Converging Technologies", workshop of the BMBF collaborative research project "Embodied Information", TU Darmstadt (Lichtenberg Palais), realisation together with Alfred Nordmann (TU Darmstadt) and Kathrin Friedrich (KHM Academy for Media Arts Cologne) »Philosophy of CT (external link) 2009, November 5, "Neuron, Elektron, Psychon. Konvergenzen/Divergenzen in der Mitte des 20. Jahrunderts", workshop of the BMBF collaborative research project "Embodied Information", Institute for Philosophy, FU Berlin »Neuron, Elektron, Psychon (external link) 2009, June 26-27, "Punkte & Flecken", workshop, KHM Academy of Media Arts Cologne, realisation together with Peter Bexte, KHM Cologne (workshop series "Bilder, Karten, Diagramme", organised by Birgit Schneider (Potsdam University), Gloria Meynen (Eikones Basel), Gabriele Gramelsberger (FU Berlin)) »Schedule 2008, April 8, "Das Problem der Wetter-/Klimavorhersage, betrachtet vom Standpunkt der Philosophie, der Medien- und Bildwissenschaften", workshop, Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology Hamburg, realisation together Johann Feichter, MPI Hamburg 2007, September 20-22, "The Societal and Cultural Influence of Computer Based Simulation (Simulation als Kulturtechnik) - Towards a Philosophy of Computational Sciences", Blankensee-Colloquium 2007, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science (publication "From Science to Computational Sciences" 2011, funded by the Kooperationsfonds Berlin, coordinated by the Wissenschaftskolleg/Institute of Advanced Studies Berlin) »Schedule 2007, February 21-23, "Anthropothechnical Spaces & Mappings. Transformations of Human Orientation", symposium, Podewils´sche Palais and Institute of Philosophy FU Berlin, realisation together with Oliver Lerone Schultz and Sybille Krämer, FU Berlin (funded by Volkswagen Stiftung) »Schedule 2006, December, 1, "Praktiken des Programmierens", workshop, Institute of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, FU Berlin, realisation together with Robert Schmidt and Sebastian Jekutsch, FU Berlin 2006, November 23, "Dealing with Uncertainty - Simulation, Evaluation and Public Communication", workshop, BBAW Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science (extended publication "Climate Change and Policy, 2011, funded by BMBF and MPI for Meteorology) »Schedule 2005, June 24-25, "Travestien der Kybernetik: Die Macy-Konferenzen und ihr Einfluss", workshop and film presentation, Podewils´sche Palais and Institute of Philosophy FU Berlin, realisation together with Oliver Lerone Schultz and Sybille Krämer, FU Berlin »Schedule (280kb pdf) 2005, May 4, "Forschen in interdisziplinären Feldern", workshop, BBAW Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science, realisation together with Martin Lengwiler, WZB Berlin (funded by BMBF) »Schedule (80kb pdf) 1999, November 15-17, "Roboter-Workshop", wokshop, Jan van Eyck Akademie Maastricht, realisation together with Patrick Sibenaler, ETH Zürich 1999, April 20, "Roboter, Agenten, Knowledge Robots" wokshop, INM Institute for New Media Frankfurt, realisation together with Gerd Doeben-Hehnisch, INM 1998, November 10-15, "salon vireal", media art exhibition, INM Institute for New Media, Frankfurt, curating together with Nana Ruester and Karin Berrio 1997, June 15, "Ästhetik der Wissenschaft", wokshop, INM Institute for New Media Frankfurt 1997, March 18, "Virtualität", wokshop, INM Institute for New Media Frankfurt |