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Current positions Awardee of the K. Jon Barwise Prize for significant and sustained contributions to areas relevant to philosophy and computing from the APA American Philosophical Association (2023). »APA Barwise Prize (external link) Director of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Cultures of Research" at RWTH Aachen University (since 2021) »KHK "Cultures of Research" (external link) Member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts (since 2019) »NRW Academy of Sciences (external link) Founding Director of the CSS Computational Science Studies Lab (since 2018) »CSS Lab at RWTH Aachen Professor of Theory of Science and Technology (W3), Humtec/Institute for Philosophy (since 2017, October) RWTH Aachen University »Homepage RWTH Aachen (external link) Past positions Professor of Philosophy of Digital Media (W3), Faculty Kulturreflexion (2016, October - 2017, September) University Witten/Herdecke Privatdozentin, Institute for Philosophy (2016, February - 2016, September) Technical University Darmstadt »Homepage TU Darmstadt (external link) Permanent Fellow, MECS Luneburg (2015, October - 2016, September) DFG-Institute of Advanced Studies "Media Cultures of Computer Simulation" (MECS), Leuphana University of Luneburg »Fellow page MECS (external link) Senior Fellow, IKKM Weimar (2015, April - 2015, September) IKKM Internationales Kolleg fuer Kulturtechnik und Medienphilosophie, Bauhaus University Weimar »Fellow page IKKM (external link) Habilitation in Philosophy, TU Darmstadt (2015, July) Department of Social Sciences and History, Technical University Darmstadt Research Fellow, MECS Lueneburg (2014, October - 2015, March) DFG-Institute of Advanced Studies "Media Cultures of Computer Simulation" (MECS), Leuphana University of Lueneburg Convenor together with Matthias Heymann, Aarhus University (2010-2014) DFG Scientific Network "Atmosphere & Algorithms" »Atmosphere & Algorithms FU (external link) Postdoctoral Researcher, KHM Cologne (2008, September - 2014, August) Department of Media Theory (art&research), KHM Kunsthochschule für Medien (Academy of Media Arts) Cologne (March 2009 - September 2012 part time position) Principal Investigator, FU Berlin (2009, March - 2012, September) Colaborative research project "Embodied Information - 'Lifelike' Algorithms + Cellular 'Machines'. Conceiving and Envisioning Converging Technologies" at the FU Berlin (FU Berlin and KHM Academy of Media Arts Cologne in cooperation with ESRC Lancaster University. Funded by the BMBF German Federal Ministry of Research) »Embodied Information FU Berlin (external link) Guest Researcher, MPI Hamburg (2008, January - July) Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg Postdoctoral Research Fellow/PI, FU Berlin (2004, October - 2007, December) Research project "Computer Based Simulations-New Tools of Knowledge Production" Institute of Philosophy, FU Freie Universitaet Berlin (as part of the BMBF "Science-Policy-Studies" Initiative) »Project description Participant, BMBF Federal Ministry of Research Initiative "Science Policy Studies" (2002, January - 2007, December) Coordinated by the BBAW Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science (2001 - 2004 exploratory studies, 2004 - 2007 research project) Phd Philosophy, FU Berlin (June 2001) Institute of Philosophy, FU Freie Universitaet Berlin IT Senior Project Manager, ovivo.com Berlin/Paris (2000, October - 2001, November) Phd Study Philosophy, FU Berlin/JVE Maastricht (1998, June - 2000, June) Institute of Philosophy, FU Freie Universitaet Berlin and Theory Department, Jan van Eyck Academy NL-Maastricht (Thesis on "Semiotics and Simulation") Scientific Manager, INM Frankfurt (1996, October - 1999, March) INM Institute for New Media, Frankfurt MA. Philosophy, University of Augsburg (1996, June) Institute of Philosophy, University of Augsburg (Magisteral Thesis on "Theory - Simulation - Experiment") Postgraduate Study Philosophy, Political Sciences and Psychology, University of Augsburg (1993 - 1996) Research Cooperations DFG Collaborative Research Project "Retrospective Code Analysis", Theory of Science (CSS Computational Science Stuides Lab) & Software Engineering , RWTH Aachen University (2022-2024) EXU "Living Labs Incubator", HumTec Human Technology Center, RWTH Aachen (2020-2026) ZiF Working Group "Living Labs", ZiF Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung Bielefeld (2022-2024) VW-Foundation Research Group "Mind the Game!" (PI: Markus Rautzenberg), Foklkwang Essen, RWTH Aachen University, University of Bielefeld, Leuphana University Luneburg (2018-2022) »Mind the Game! (external link) VW-Foundation Research Group "Gesellschaft nach dem Geld. Eine Simulation" (PI: Jens Schröter, Univerisity of Bonn), University of Bonn, Wirtschaftsuniversität Vienna, LMU München, RWTH Aachen, Commons-Institut (2018-2022) »Gesellschaft nach dem Geld (external link) Swiss-German Research Group "Computersignale. Kunst und Biologie im Zeitalter ihres digitalen Experimentierens" (PI: Hannes Rickli, Zürich), ZHdK Zürich, University of Lucerne, Academy of Science Berlin, RWTH Aachen, University of Texas Austin, AWI Helgoland (2012-2020) »Computersignals project description DFG Scientific Network "Affect- and Psychotechnology Studies (APTS)", (PI: Bernd Bösel, University of Potsdam), University of Potsdam, Humboldt University Berlin, Leuphana University Luneburg, University of Arts Braunschweig, RWTH Aachen University, Folkwang University Essen, University of Vienna, Alan Turing Institute London, University of Padernborn (2015 - 2017) »APTS project description DFG Scientific Network "Atmosphere + Algorithms", 2010 - 2012 »Atmosphere & Algorithms project description (external link) Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Hamburg, 2002 - 2008 BMBF Initiative "Science Policy Studies", Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science and Humanities, 2002 - 2007 Funding, Grants, Fellowships TRANSFER - Transferindikatorik transdisziplinärer Wissensproduktion und -evaluation in und durch Reallabore (BMBF Federal Ministry for Research, 2022-2025) Collaborative Research Project "Retrospective Code Analysis", Theory of Science (CSS Computational Science Stuides Lab) & Software Engineering, RWTH Aachen University (DFG German Research Community, 2022-2024) Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Cultures of Research", International Center for Advanced Stuides (BMBF Federal Ministry for Research, 1st funding period: 2021-2025) EXU "Living Labs Incubator", HumTec Human Technology Center, RWTH Aachen (DFG German Research Community, 2020-2026) Fellow 2017, NRW Digital Fellowship Programme, Stifterverband for founding the CSS Computational Science Studies Lab (2018-2019) »NRW Digital Fellowship Programme (external link) Research Network "Atmosphere + Algorithms" (DFG German Research Community, 2010 - 2012) Exploratory Workshop "Epistemic Shifts in Computer-Based Environmental Sciences" (European Science Foundation 2010, together with Matthias Heymann, Aarhus University) Collaborative Research Project "Embodied Information" (BMBF Federal Ministry for Research, 2009, March - 2012, September) Research grant (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Hamburg, 2008, January - July) Conference grant to organize an international colloquium on "The Societal and Cultural Influence of Computer Based Simulation" (Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin, Blankensee Colloquium program, 2007) Conference grant to organize an international colloquium on "Anthropothechnical Spaces & Mappings. Transformations of Human Orientation" (Volkswagen Stiftung, Hannover, 2007) Research Project "Computer-based Simulation - New Tools of Knowledge Production" (BMBF Federal Ministry for Research, 2004, November - 2007, December) Exploratory Study on "Computer-based Simulation" (BMBF Federal Ministry for Research, 2003 - 2004) Expertise on "Computer-based Simulation" (BMBF Federal Ministry for Research, 2002) PhD scholarship (Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht, 1998 - 1999) Committee Boards, Reviews Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Deutsches Museum Munich (since 2021) »Deutsches Museum (external link) Head of the working group on Philosophy of the Digital of the German Society for Philosophy (DGPhil) (since 2020) »DGPhil Philosophy of the Digital (external link) Member of the Schwerpunktinitiative der deutschen Wissenschaftsorganisationen "Digitale Information" (2019-2023) »Schwerpunktinitiative "Digitale Information" (external link) Editor of the book series "Science and Technology Studies" for Nomos (Baden-Baden) together with Stefan Böschen, Jörg Niewöhner, Heike Weber (since 2019) »"Science and Technology Studies" (external link) Reviewer for Social Studies of Science, Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, and other journals Reviewer for DFG German Research Community, German Federal Ministry of Research, European Commission, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Studienstiftung, Vienna Science and Technology Fund, SNF Schweizer Nationalfond, and other funding institutions (reviews) "Transmediale", media art fesitval Berlin (member of the committee board 1998 and 2002) Annual Grimme Online Award, Adolf Grimme Institute, Marl (member of the committee board 2003 to 2006) |