Dr. habil. Gabriele Gramelsberger,
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"Atmosphere & Algorithms"
2010 - 2012 (2014), DFG Research Network The network brings together researchers who are interested in the history and philosophy of the physics of the atmosphere and in weather and climate modeling. There will be four meetings between 2010 and 2012 as well as the preperation of a conjoint publication in 2017. 1st meeting: "Politics of Scale", 16.-17. December 2010 at the Rachel Carson Center Munich (hosted by Prof. Dr. Helmuth Trischler) 2nd meeting: "Visualizing Climate", 12.-13. May 2011 at the University of Potsdam (hosted by Dr. Birgit Schneider) 3rd meeting: "Climate Change & Risk Evaluation/Measurement and Simulation in Meteorology", 13.-14. October 2011 at the MunichRe-Corporate Climate Centre (hosted by Dr. Eberhard Faust) and the IPA Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere, Oberpfaffenhofen/Munich (hosted by Dr. Hans Volkert and Dania Achermann) 4th meeting: "Climate Science and the Changing Nature of Uncertainty", 3.-4. May 2012, University of East Anglia, Norwich (hosted by Mike Hulme and Martin Mahony) 5th meeting: "Climate Modeling and Prediction: Scales of Confidence", 11-12 October 2012, CNRS-Centre A. Koyré, Paris (hosted by Helene Guillemot) Conjoint panel on "Cultures of prediction", ESHS 6th conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Lisbon 4-6.9.2014 (organizer: Matthias Heymann, Arhus University) Publication Matthias Heymann, Gabriele Gramelsberger, Martin Mahony (eds.): Cultures of Prediction in Atmospheric and Climate Science: Epistemic and Cultural Shifts in Computer-based Modelling and Simulation, Routledge Environmental Humanities, Routledge: London 2017. Network Meeting Programs "Climate Modeling and Prediction: Scales of Confidence" 11-12 October 2012, CNRS-Centre A. Koyré, Paris (hosted by Helene Guillemot) 11th October 2012, 2.00 - 6.00 pm (public workshop) ¬New developments and approaches for the representation of cloud and convection processes in climate models, Dr Frédéric Hourdin and Dr Jean-Yves Grandpeix (LMD-IPSL) ¬Understanding climate processes through a hierarchy of models, Dr Sandrine Bony and Dr Jean-Louis Dufresne (LMD-IPSL) ¬Scaling up: space, code, trust, and the organization of climate modeling work, Professor Paul Edwards (University of Michigan + Sciences Po) 12th October 2012, 10.00 - 12.30 am (public workshop) ¬The construction of climate change as a public problem in Germany and France: the role of expertise, Dr Stefan Aykut (IFRIS, LATTS) ¬Cultures of prediction: Towards an understanding of the hegemony of climate models, ProfessorMatthias Heymann (Aarhus University) 12th October 2012, 2.00 - 4.00 pm (internal meeting) "Climate Science and the Changing Nature of Uncertainty" 3.-4. May 2012 at the University of East Anglia, Norwich (hosted by Mike Hulme and Martin Mahony) 3rd May 2012, 9:30 am - 5pm (internal meeting) -Dendrochronology and uncertainty management, Professor Keith Briffa, UEA Norwich -On the role of the relevant dominant uncertainty in science and in science-based policy, Professor Arthur Petersen, PBL (and Professor Lenny Smith, LSE/Oxford) -Managing uncertainties in the production of UK national climate scenarios, Professor Suraje Dessai, University of Leeds -Sub-Group Discussions 3rd May 2012,5.30 pm (public lecture) -Climate Science and the Changing Nature of Uncertainty, Professor Dave Frame, Climate Change Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ (Generously sponsored by the School of Environmental Sciences, UEA Norwich) 4th May 2012, 9 am - 3 pm (public workshop) -Carbon cycle observations, modelling and uncertainties, Corinne Le Quere, UEA Norwich -Computer hardware and modelling uncertainties, Thomas Ludwig, DKRZ Hamburg -Geoengineering and atmospheric modelling, Johann Feichter, MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg -Modelling feedbacks and making decisions, Andy Jarvis, Lancaster University "Risk Evaluation/Measurement and Simulation in Meteorology" 13.-14. October 2011 in Munich 13. October 2011, 2pm -6pm "Risk Evaluation" (closed workshop at MunichRe hosted by Dr. Eberhard Faust) - Introduction, Eberhard Faust, Head of Research of the Climate Risks and Natural Hazards, Munich Re - Presentation of current topics at Munich Re Geo Risks Research Eberhard Faust - Discussion 14. October 2011, 10am -4pm "Measurement and Simulation in Meteorology" (public workshop at the IPA Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere, Oberpfaffenhofen/Munich hosted by Dr. Hans Volkert) - Experiments and algorithms as seen from philosophy of science, Gabriele Gramelsberger, FU Berlin - Categories of experiments at IPA since 1960, Hans Volkert, DLR-IPA Oberpfaffenhofen - Lidar measurements: no observation without algorithm Oliver Reitebuch, DLR-IPA Oberpfaffenhofen - Aircraft wake vortices: Observation and simulation at different levels of fidelity Frank Holzaepfel, DLR-IPA Oberpfaffenhofen - Measuring at the IPA: the case of artificial radioactivity Dania Achermann, DLR-IPA Oberpfaffenhofen / RCC Munich - Lab-visits (e.g. POLDIRAD, Airchemistry-Lab, Aircraft hangar) - Discussion "Visualizing Climate", 12.-13. May 2011 at the University of Potsdam (hosted by Dr. Birgit Schneider) 12. May 2011, 2pm -6pm (public workshop at the Einstein Forum Potsdam) - Water Colors versus black and white Photographs - Souvenirs from World War II, Cornelia Luedecke, University of Hamburg, Institute for History of Science, Mathematics and Technology - Visualizing/Creating Global Phenomena in the Earth/Atmospheric Sciences, Sebastian Grevsmuehl,Centre Alexandre Koyre (CNRS/EHESS) Paris - Visualization of uncertainties in climate and climate impact research, Thomas Nocke, Dep. Data & Computation, PIK Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research - The Epistemic value of Visualization in Climate Modelling, Birgit Schneider, Institute for Arts and Media, University of Potsdam 13. May 2011, 10am -2pm (internal meeting with presentations by Martin Mahony, EAU Norwich, and Michael Boettinger, DKRZ Hamburg) "Politics of Scale", 16.-17. December 2010 at the Rachel Carson Center Munich (hosted by Prof. Dr. Helmuth Trischler) 16. December 2010, 2pm -6pm (internal meeting) 17. December 2010, 10am -2pm (publicworkshop at the Deutsches Museum Munich) - Is complexity the new framework for the study of global life, Emilian Kawalski, University of Western Sydney/RCC Fellow - Model migrations: Mobility and boundary crossings in regional climate prediction Martin Mahony, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia - Mapping uncertainty in environmental computer simulation modelling, Catharina Landstrom, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia - Assessing and communicating uncertainties in regional changes in weather extremes caused by global warming, Arthur Petersen, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency - Models and trust: How can we gain an understanding of computer simulation? Matthias Heymann, Department of Science Studies, Aarhus University Preliminar to the network meetings Exploring Epistemic Shifts in Computer-Based Environmental Sciences ESF Exploratory Worshop at the University of Aarhus, 10-12 June 2010 Convened by Professor Matthias Heymann, Aarhus University and Dr Gabriele Gramelsberger, FU Berlin programm (link, english) Network Participants - Dania Achermann, PhD student "History of Atmospheric Physics", Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere/ Rachel Carson Center Munich - Juan M. Duran, PhD student "History of Simulation in Physics", Institute of Philosophy, SimTech Cluster, University of Stuttgart - Dr. Johann Feichter, Senior Researcher "Cloud and Aerosol Modelling", Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Hamburg / ETH Zurich - Dr. Gabriele Gramelsberger, Researcher "Philosophy of Computational Sciences", Institute of Philosophy, Free University Berlin (network convenor) - Dr. Helene Guillemot, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, CNRS-Centre A. Koyre, Paris - Prof. Dr. Matthias Heymann, Assoc. Professor, Department of Science Studies, University of Aarhus - Prof. Mike Hulme, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia - Nils Randlev Hundeboel, PhD student "History of Climate Simulation", Department of Science Studies, University of Aarhus - Matthijs V. Kouw, PhD student "History of Simulation in Hydrology", Virtual Knowledge Studio, University of Maastricht - Dr. Catharina Landstrom, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia - Prof. Dr. Thomas Ludwig, Director, German Climate Computing Center Hamburg - PD Dr. habil. rer. nat. Cornelia Luedecke, Lecturer "History of Meteorology", German Meteorological Society/International Commission on History of Meteorology - Martin Mahony, PhD student, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich - Dr. Sonja Palfner, Principal Investigator of the BMBF funded project "E-Sciences and their new Interfaces", Center of Technology and Society, Technical University Berlin - Prof. Dr. Arthur Petersen, Director "Methodology and Modelling Programme", Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency - Munzia Rehman, Ph.D. Student â€Mathematical Modelsâ€, Theory of Science, Roskilde University, Denmark - Christoph Rosol, PhD Student "Applied Forecasts", MPI for History of Science, Berlin - Dr. Birgit Schneider, Dilthey-Fellowship "Climate Images", Institute of Arts and Media, University of Potsdam - Prof. Dr. Mikaela Sundberg, Assoc. Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Stockholm - Prof. Dr. Helmuth Trischler, Co-Director, Rachel Carson Center, Munich - Dr. Hans Volkert, Senior Researcher, Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA) at the Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen/Munich Funding Institution The network is generously funded by the German Research Community. |