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Nicola Jentzsch, M.A.  

Information Economy Research Forum (IERF)           

Wettbewerb und Regulierung in der Informationsökonomie             am Beispiel der USA

DO. 14.00 - 16.00 Uhr 

R. 340

Beginn 18.4.02


Anmerkung: Priorität 1 bedeutet, dass die Texte im Reader zu finden sind, sie sind obligatorisch zu lesen. Priorität 2 ist für die Referenten oder die (freiwillige) vertiefende Lektüre gedacht. 

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Je ein Handapparat mit Literatur ist in der Bibliothek des JFKI sowie in der Bibliothek des FB Wirtschaftswissenschaft verfügbar.


Carlton, Dennis W., and Jeffrey M. Perloff, 1994. Modern Industrial Organization (Addison-Wesley-Longman, Boston).

Chandler, Alfred D., and James W. Cortada, 2000. A Nation Transformed By Information (Oxford University Press, Oxford/New York).

Kaserman, David L., and John W. Mayo, 1995. Government and Business – The Economics of Antitrust and Regulation (Dryden Press, Orlando). 

18.4.2002                            Thematische Einführung 

Priorität 1 (Reader):

Schulmeister, Stephan, 2001. Die unterschiedliche Wachstumsdynamik in den USA und Deutschland in den neunziger Jahren, in Arne Heise (ed.), USA – Modellfall der New Economy? (Metropolis, Marburg), 131 - 169. 

Priorität 2:

Atkeson, Andrew, and Partick J. Kehoe, 2001. The Transition to a New Economy After the Second Industrial Revolution, NBER Working Paper No. w8676. 

Bailey, Martin N., 2002. The New Economy: Post Mortem or Second Wind? Institute for International Economics Paper. www.iie.com/papers/baily0102.pdf

Chandler, Alfred D., and James W. Cortada, 2000. A Nation Transformed By Information (Oxford University Press, Oxford/New York), 3 – 38. 

Erber, Georg, and Harald Hagemann, 2002. New Economy in der Krise? Wirtschaftsdienst No. 1.

Jentzsch, Nicola, 2001. The New Economy Debate in the U.S. – A Review of Literature, John F. Kennedy Institute Working Paper No. 128/2001. http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~jentzsch/neweconomy.pdf 

I. Mikroökonomische Aspekte der Informationsökonomie.  


1. Vollkommene Konkurrenz, Marktversagen und Ansätze der Regulierungstheorien.  

Priorität 1 (Reader):

Hägg, Göran T., 1997. Theories on the Economics of Regulation: A Survey of the Literature from a European Perspective, European Journal of Law and Economics 4, 337 – 370.   

Priorität 2:

Bain, Joe S., 1950. Workable Competition in Oligopoly: Theoretical Consideration and some Empirical Evidence, American Economic Review 40, 35 – 47.

Clark, J. M., 1940. Toward a Concept of Workable Competition, American Economic Review 30, 241 – 256.

Kaserman, David L. and John W. Mayo, 1995. Government and Business – The Economics of Antitrust and Regulation (Dryden Press, Orlando), 5 – 16.

Kroszner, Randall S., 2000. The Economics and Politics of Financial Services Modernization, FRBNY Economic Policy Review, 25 – 37. 

Stigler, George J., 1971. The Theory of Economic Regulation, The Bell Journal of Economics 2 (1), 3 – 21. 


2. Industrieökonomische Grundlagen der Wettbewerbsökonomie I.: Marktstruktur. 

Priorität 1 (Reader):

Carlton, Dennis W., and Jeffrey M. Perloff, 1994. Modern Industrial Organization (Addison-Wesley-Longman, Boston), 331-372.

Priorität 2:

Carlton, Dennis W., and Jeffrey M. Perloff, 1994. Modern Industrial Organization (Addison-Wesley-Longman, Boston), 133-143,232-253 and 283-289 .

Kaserman, David L., and John W. Mayo, 1995. Government and Business – The Economics of Antitrust and Regulation (Dryden Press, Orlando), 97 – 128 and 185 – 213.

Scherer, Frederic M., and David Ross (eds.), 1990. Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance (Houghton Mifflin, Boston). 

10.5.2002     (Terminverlegung von Donnerstag auf Freitag!)

3. Industrieökonomische Grundlagen der Wettbewerbsökonomie II.: Ansätze für Regulierungseingriffe. 

Priorität 1 (Reader):

Kaserman, David L., and John W. Mayo, 1995. Government and Business – The Economics of Antitrust and Regulation (Dryden Press, Orlando), 3 – 15 and 65 – 92.  

Priorität 2:

Burgess, Giles H. Jr., 1995. The Economics of Regulation and Antitrust (HarperCollins College Publishers, New York), 3 – 29 and 199 – 229.     

Federal Trade Commission, 2001. Promoting Competition, Protecting Consumers: A Plain English Guide to Antitrust Laws, http://www.ftc.gov/bc/compguide/index.htm

Neumann, Manfred, 2001. Competition Policy – History, Theory and Practice (Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Northampton), 1 – 45 and 166 – 189.

Schmalensee, Richard, 2000. Antitrust Issues in Schumpeterian Industries, American Economic Review 90, 192-196.


4. Vollkommene Konkurrenz in elektronischen Märkten? Neue empirische Erkenntnisse aus den USA.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

Shaw, Michael J., and Troy J. Strader, 1997. Characteristics of Electronic Markets, Decision Support Systems 21, 185 – 198. 

Priorität 2:

Bailey, Joseph P., 1998. Electronic Commerce: Prices and Consumer Issues for Three Products: Books, Compact Discs, and Software, OECD Working Paper, OCDE/GD(98)4. http://www1.oecd.org/dsti/sti/it/ec/prod/ie98-4.pdf

Bakos, Yannis, 1991. A Strategic Analysis of Electronic Marketplaces, MIS Quarterly 15 (3), 295 – 310. 

Brynjolfsson, Eric, Michael D Smith, and Joseph Bailey, 1999. Understanding Digital Markets: Review and Assessment , Working Paper. http://ecommerce.mit.edu/papers/ude/ude.pdf

Malone, Thomas W. et al. 1987. Electronic Markets and Electronic Hierarchies, Communications of the ACM, 30 (6), 484 – 497. 

Varian, Hal, 1998. Markets for Information Goods, Paper. www.sims.berkeley.edu/~hal/Papers/japan/index.html


5. Ökonomie und Regulierung der Intellectual Property Rights am Beispiel der US-Gesetzgebung.  

Priorität 1 (Reader):

Besen S.M., and L. J. Raskind, 1991. An Introduction to the Law and Economics of Intellectual Property, Journal of Economic Perspectives 5, 3-27.

Priorität 2:

Committee on Intellectual Property Rights and the Emerging Information Infrastructure, 2000. The Digital Dilemma, Chapter 2, 76 – 94. http://books.nap.edu/html/digital_dilemma

Dickinson, Todd, 2000. The Costs of Internet Piracy for the Music and Software Industries, Statement. http://usinfo.state.gov/topical/global/ecom/00072004.htm

Karki, Puja, 2001. Intellectual Property Rights in the New Economy, EAI Journal 24.


Thurow, Lester, 1997. Needed: A New System of Intellectual Property Rights, Harvard Business Review, 95 – 103.

Hunt, Robert, 1999. Patent Reform: A Mixed Blessing For the U.S. Economy?, Federal-Bank-of-Philadelphia Business Review, 15 – 29. http://www.phil.frb.org/econ/br/br99.html


6. Wettbewerbspolitik in High-Tech Branchen: Case Study United States v. Microsoft.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

Pitofsky, Robert, and David Balto, 1998. Antitrust in High-Tech Industries: The New Challenge, Antitrust Bulletin 43, 583 – 607. http://www.whitecase.com/article_antitrust_high_tech_industries_balto.pdf

Priorität 2:

Carstensen, Peter, 1999. Remedying the Microsoft Monopoly: Monopoly Laws, the Rights of Buyers, and the Enclosure Movement in Intellectual Property, Antitrust Bulletin 44, 577–617.

Shapiro, Carl, 1999. Competition Policy in the Information Economy. http://haas.berkeley.edu/~shapiro/comppolicy.pdf

Sheremata, Willow, 1998. New Issues in Competition Policy Raised by Information Technology Industries, Antitrust Bulletin 43, 547 – 582.

Teece, David J., and Mary Coleman, 1998. The Meaning of Monopoly: Antitrust Analysis in High-technology Industries, Antitrust Bulletin 43, 801-857.

Pitofsky, Robert, 2000. Challenges of the New Economy: Issues at the Intersection of Antitrust and Intellectual Property, Speech. http://www.ftc.gov/speeches/pitofsky/000615speech.htm

Posner, Richard, 2000. Antitrust in the New Economy, Olin Working Paper No. 106. http://papers.ssrn.com/paper.taf?abstract_id=249316 



7. Network Economics: Ökonomische Gesetze in Netzwerk-Branchen.

Priorität 1:

Erber, Georg, and Harald Hageman, 2002. Economics of Networks, in K.F Zimmermann (ed.), Frontiers in Economics (Springer-Verlag, Berlin), 235 – 250.   

Priorität 2:

Antonelli, Cristiano, 1992. The Economic Theory of Information Networks, in: Cristiano Antonelli (ed.), The Economic Theory of Information Networks, 5-27.

Arthur, W. Brian, 1989. Positive Feedbacks in the Economy. http://www.santafe.edu/arthur/Papers/Pdf_files/SciAm_Article.pdf

David, Paul, 1985. Clio and the Economics of QWERTY, Journal of Economic History 75, 332-337.

Economides, Nicholas, 1996. The Economics of Networks, International Journal of Industrial Organization 14, 673-699.

_______., 2000. Notes on Network Economics and the “New Economy”. http://www.stern.nyu.edu/networks

Liebowitz, S., and Stephen E. Margolis, 1995. Are Network Externalities a New Source of Market Failure? http://wwwpub.utdallas.edu/~liebowit/netwextn.html


8. Liberalisierung des Telekommunikationsmarktes: Telecommunications Act (1996). 

Priorität 1 (Reader):

Hazlett, Thomas W., 2000. Economic and Political Consequences of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, Regulation 23, 36 – 45. 

Priorität 2:

Faulhaber, Gerald R., 1995. Public Policy in Telecommunication: the Third Revolution, Information Economics and Policy 7, 251-282.

Economides, Nicholas, 1999. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and Its Impact, Japan and the World Economy 11, 455 – 483.

Irons, John 1997. Networks Externalities and the ‘New Economy’. http://economics.about.com/economics/library/weekly/aa030198.htm

Peltzman, Sam, and Clifford Winston, 2000. Deregulation of Network Industries (Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C.).

Noam, Eli, 1995. Beyond Telecommunications Liberalization: Past Performance, Present Hype and Future Direction, in William J. Drake (ed.), The New Information Infrastructure, 31–52.


9. Regulierung der Privatsphäre am Beispiel der US-Gesetzgebung zum Schutz von Finanzdaten.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

Jentzsch, Nicola, 2001. The Economics and Regulation of Financial Privacy – A Comparative Analysis of the United States and Europe, John F. Kennedy Institute Working Paper No. 128/2001. http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~jentzsch/privacypaper.pdf 15 - 41.  

Priorität 2:

Charlesworth, Andrew,. 2000. Clash of Data Titans? US and EU Data Privacy Regulation, European Public Law 6 (2), 253 – 274.

European Commission, 1998. Data Protection: Background Information. http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/en/dataprot/backinfo/info.htm

Kitchenman, Walter, 1999a. US Credit Reporting: Perceived Benefits Outweigh Privacy Concerns,  Paper (TowerGroup, Needham).   

Litan, Robert E., and Peter P. Swire, 1998. None of your Business: World Data Flows, Electronic Commerce, and the European Privacy Directive (Brookings Press, Washington, D.C.)   

Varian, Hal, 1996. Economic Aspects of Personal Privacy, Berkeley. http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/~hal/Papers/privacy/privacy.pdf

II. Makroökonomische Aspekte der Informationsökonomie


10. Produktivität und Wirtschaftswachstum in der Informationsökonomie: Empirische Erkenntnisse.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

Erber, Georg et al., 2001. Produktivitätswachstum in der New Economy. Übergangsphänomen oder Strukturbruch? In Arne Heise (ed.), USA – Modellfall der New Economy? (Metropolis, Marburg), 199 – 226.

Priorität 2:

Brynjolfsson, Erik/Shinkyu Yang, 1996. Information Technology and Productivity: A Review of Literature. Advances in Computers 43, 179–214.

Gräf, Bernhard, and Jessica Röding, 2001. Fokus: New Economy und Produktivität, Deutsche Bank Research Economics No. 18.

Jorgenson, Dale, and Kevin Stiroh, 1999. Information Technology and Growth, American Economic Review 89, 109–115.

Jorgenson, Dale W. et al., 1987. Productivity and US Economic Growth (North Holland, Amsterdam).

Triplett, Jack, 1999. Economic Statistics, the New Economy, and the Productivity Slowdown. Business Economics 34, 13–17. www.brook.edu/es/research/areas/productivity/papers/trip4_99.pdf


11. Internationale Wettbewerbspolitik in der New Economy.  

Priorität 1 (Reader):

Röller, Lars-Hendrik, and Christian Wey, 2001. International Competition Policy in the New Economy, WZB Discussion Paper. http://www.cine.uni-kiel.de/papers/roeller.pdf 

Priorität 2:

Griffin, Joseph P., 1999. Extraterritoriality in U.S. and EU Antitrust Enforcement, Antitrust Law Journal, 67 (1), 159 – 199. 

Monti, Mario, 2001. Prospect for Transatlantic Competition Policy, International Economics Policy Briefs 01-6.  

Montini, Massimiliano, 1999. Globalization and International Antitrust Cooperation, Discussion Paper. http://www.feem.it/web/activ/wp/abs99/69-99.pdf

Tarullo, Daniel K., 1999. Competition Policy for Global Markets, Journal of International Economic Law, 2 (3), 445 – 455. 

Levinsohn, James A., 1994. Competition Policy and International Trade, NBER Working Paper No. w4972. 


12. Informationstechnologien und Finanzmärkte: Kapitalmarkt.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

Werthamer, Richard N., and Susan U. Raymond, 1997. Technology and Finance: The Electronic Markets, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 55, 39 – 53.

Priorität 2:

Friedman, Benjamin M., 1981. Postwar Changes in the American Financial Markets, NBER Working Paper No. w0458

Greenwood, Jeremy, and Boyan Jovanovic, 1999. The IT revolution and the Stock Market, AEA Papers and Proceedings.

http://www.econ.rochester.edu/ Faculty/GreenwoodPapers/drop.pdf

Lighthouse ’99 Case Studies, 1999. Financial Markets – The Real E-Business Communities, 5.1 – 5.12. www.digital4sight.com/pdf/10_15finmkt.pdf

Mishkin, Frederic S., and Philip E. Strahan, 1999. What will Technology do to Financial Structure? NBER Working Paper No. 6892. www.nber.org/papers/w6892 

Osterland, Andrew, 2000. Wall Street Wired, CFO Asia, March feature. http://www.cfoasia.com/archives/200003-45.htm 

Securities and Exchange Commission, 2000. Electronic Communications Networks and After-hour Trading, Special Study, Part II. http://www.sec.gov/news/studies/ecnafter.htm 

18.7.2002                   Abschlussbesprechung 

Der Klausurtermin wird im Semester bekannt gegeben!


© 2002 Nicola Jentzsch - last update: 8/04/2002