Nicola Jentzsch, M.A. WiSe 01-02

History of the American Economy (1860 - 1914)

The course is taught in German, but most of the material is in English. This seminar focusses on the special period of industrialization as well as the first regulatory measures in the United States. These developments between the Civil War and the I. World War were accompanied by societal controversies over the role of the government, income distribution and inequality. We discuss topics such as Anti-Trust policy, industrial concentration processes, the development of capital and credit markets as well as the institutional development of the stock exchanges. Moreover, questions of income inequality, but also trade issues such as tariffs will be discussed.  

1. Requirements: 

The course is for graduate students (Dept. of Economics) as well as undergraduates (JFKI). Students are strongly encouraged to visit introductory courses in economics first. Course requirements are presentation and exam at the end of the semester. Presentations should be scheduled before the start of the semester. A list of topics you find here: Sekretariat, Abt. Wirtschaft aus (R 232, Fr. Spannagel, Tel. 8385 36 03).

2. Seminarplan

3. Literatur

4. Basics in Methodology

5. Frequently Asked Questions zu Seminar, Scheinen, Studium: FAQ


© 2003 Nicola Jentzsch - last update: 12/10/03