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Nicola Jentzsch, M.A.

   PS/Ü Wirtschaftspolitik und -entwicklung der USA (1860 - 1910)

History of American Economic Policy and Economic Development (1860 - 1910) 


   Di. 10.30 – 12.00 Uhr

Raum 340

Beginn: 16.10.00

Priorität 1 bedeutet, dass die Texte im Reader zu finden sind, Priorität 2 ist für  die Referenten oder die (freiwillige) vertiefende Lektüre gedacht. Die Liste ist im Internet auf der JFK-Homepage unter Kurse zu finden (www.fu-berlin.de/jfki). Einen Handapparat (HA) mit Büchern gibt es in der Bibliothek des JKF-Instituts.


Walton, Gary M and Hugh Rockoff, 1990. History of the American Economy (Harcourt Brace & Company, Orlando).

I. Der Bürgerkrieg und seine Folgen

1.   Die Organisation der Kriegswirtschaft des Nordens und des Südens – ein Vergleich

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Atack, Jeremy and Peter Passell, 1994. A New Economic View of American History from Colonial Times to 1940 (Norton, New York), 355 – 375.

Priorität 2:

  • Andreano, Ralph (ed.), 1962. The Economic Impact of the American Civil War (Cam­bridge, Mass.).

  • Burdekin, Richard C.K. and Farrokh K. Langdana, 1993. War Finance in the Southern Con­federacy, 1861-1865, Explorations in Economic History 30, 352 – 376.

  • Gilchrist David T. and W. David Lewis (eds.), 1965. Economic Change in the Civil War Era, (Greenville, Delaware.). 

  • Lerner, Eugene, 1955. Money, Wages, and Prices in the Confederacy, 1861 – 1865,  Journal of Political History 63, 20 – 40.  

2.  Die Reconstruction-Periode: Wiederaufbauprogramme der Bundesregierung für die Südstaaten und ihre Ergebnisse.

 Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Atack, Jeremy and Peter Passell, 1994. A New Economic View of American History from Colonial Times to 1940 (Norton, New York), 376-401.

Priorität 2:

  • Foner, Eric, 1988. Reconstruction - America’s Unfinished Revolution 1863-1877 (Harper & Row, New York), 346 – 364.

  • Ransom, Roger L. and Richard Sutch, 1975. The Impact of the Civil War and of Emancipa­tion on Southern Agriculture, in Peter Temin (ed.), Industrialization in North America (Oxford) 1994, 231 – 259.

  • Wright, Gavin, 1986. Old South, New South. Revolutions in the Southern Economy Since the Civil War (New York), 177 – 186.

 3. Verlangsamte oder beschleunigte der Bürgerkrieg die Industrialisierung der USA?

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Nash, Gerald D. (ed.), 1980. Issues in American Economic History. Selected Readings (Lexington, Mass.), 199 – 215.

Priorität 2:

  • Cochrane, Thomas, 1961. Did the Civil War Retard Industrialization?,  Mississippi Valley Historical  Review 48, 197 – 210.  

  • Engerman, Stanley, 1971. The Economic Impact of the Civil War, in Robert W. Fogel and Stanley L. Engerman (ed.), The Reinterpretation of American Economic History, (New York). 

  • Goldin, Claudia, 1975. The Economic Cost of the American Civil War, Journal of Economic History 35, 299 – 326.

4.   Die sozioökonomische Lage und Entwicklung der Afro-Amerikaner nach ihrer gesetzlichen Emanzipation.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Raid, Joseph, 1973. Sharecropping as an Understandable Market Response: The Postbellum South, Journal of Economic History 33, 106 – 130.

Priorität 2:

  • Irwin, James R., 1994. Explaining the Decline in Southern per Capita Output after Emancipa­tion, Explorations in Economic History 31, 336 – 356.

  • Raid, Joseph, 1975. Sharecropping as an Understandable Market Response: The Postbellum South, Journal of Economic History 33, 106 – 130.

  • Ransom, Roger L. and Sutch, Richard, 1977. One Kind of Freedom. The Economic Conse­quences of Emancipation (Cambridge), 1 – 13.

II.  Währung, Banken, Steuern

 5. Gold versus Silber: Währungspolitische Interessen und Konflikte.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Myers, Margaret G., 1970. A Financial History of the United States (New York), 197 – 222. 

Priorität 2:

  • James, John, 1976. The  Development of a National Money Market, 1893 - 1911, Journal of Economic History 36, 878 – 897.  

  • Ritter, Gretchen, 1997. Goldbugs and Greenbacks. The Antimonopoly Tradition and the Poli­tics of Finance in America (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge).

  • Sharkey, Robert P., 1959. Money, Class, and Party. An Economic Study of Civil War and Re­construction (Baltimore). 

6. National banks versus state banks. Die Entwicklung des US-amerikanischen Bankensystems 1863-1913.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • James, John A., 1978. Money and Capital Markets in Postbellum America,  (Princeton), 22 – 44.

Priorität 2:

  • Friedman, M. und A.J. Schwartz, 1963. A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960 (Princeton University Press, Princeton).

  • ------------, 1982. Monetary Trends in the United States und the United Kingdom (Chicago University Press, Chicago).

  • Grossman, Richard S., 1993. The Macroeconomic Consequences of Bank Failures under the National Banking System, Explorations in Economic History 30, 294 – 320.

  • Sushka, Marie Elizabeth and W. Brian Barett, 1984. Banking Structure and the National Capital Market, 1869 – 1914, Journal of Economic History 44, 463 – 478. 

7. Die Diskussion und Einführung der Einkommen- und der Körperschaftssteuer.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Baack, Bennett D. and Edward J. Ray, 1985. Special Interests and the Adoption of the Income Tax in the United States, Journal of Economic History 45, 607 – 625.

Priorität 2:

  • Waltman, Jerold L., 1985. Political Origins of the U.S. Income Tax. (University Press of Mississippi, Jackson), 24 – 29.

  • Ratner, Sidney, 1967. Taxation and Democracy in America (Octagon Books, New York).

  • Brownlee, Elliot, 1996. Federal Taxation in America: A Short History (Cambridge University Press, New York). 

8. Die Entstehung eines nationalen Kapitalmarktes und der New York Stock Exchange.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Davis, Lance E., 1965. The Investment Market, 1870-1914: The Evolution of a National Market, Journal of Economic History 25, 355 – 399.

Priorität 2:

  • Friedman, M. und A.J. Schwartz, 1963. A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960 (Princeton University Press, Princeton).

  • ------------, 1982. Monetary Trends in the United States und the United Kingdom (University of Chicago Press, Chicago).

  • Neu! Holtfrerich, Carl-Ludwig, 2001. Finanzielles Nervenzentrum der Welt, Damals 11, 22 - 27.   

  • Snowden, Kenneth, 1987. American Stock Market Development and Performance, 1871 – 1929, Explorations in Economic History 24, 337 – 353. 

  • Sylla, Richard, Jack W. Wilson and Charles P. Jones, 1994. U.S. Financial Markets and Long-Term Economic Growth, 1790-1989, in Thomas Weiss and Donald Schaefer (ed.), American Economic Development in Historical Perspective (Stanford University Press, Stanford), 28-52.

III. Industrialisierung, Regulierungseingriffe und ihre Folgen

9. Der Ausbau des Eisenbahnnetzes – die Rolle der öffentlichen Hand und des privaten Unternehmertums.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Fogel, Robert W., The Union Pacific Railroad: The Questions of Public Policy, in Fogel Robert W. and Stanley Engerman (eds.), 1971. The Reinterpretation of American Economic History (Harper & Row, New York),  417 – 425.

Priorität 2:

  • Engerman, Stanley L. 1972. Some Issues Relating to Railroad Subsidies and the Evaluation of Land Grants, Journal of Economic History 32, 443 – 463.

  • Fleisig, Heywood, 1975. The Central Pacific Railroad and Railroad Land Grant Controversy, Journal of Economic History 35, 552 – 566.

  • Mercer, Lloyd, 1975. Building Ahead of Demand: Some Evidence for the Land Grant Railroads, Journal of Economic History 34, 492 – 500.

  • ------------, 1969. Land Grants to Railroads: Social Cost or Social Benefit? Business History Review 43, 134 – 151.    

10. Erste Regulierung des Eisenbahnnetzes: Der Interstate Commerce Act

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Walton, Gary M and Hugh Rockoff, 1998. History of the American Economy Harcourt Brace & Company, Orlando), 351 – 372. 

Priorität 2:

  • Harbeson, Robert, 1967. Railroads and Regulation, 1877 – 1916: Conspiracy or Public Interest?, Journal of Economic History 27, 230 – 242.  

  • Lebergott, Stanley, 1966. United States Transportation Advance and Externalities, i Journal of Economic History  26, 437 – 461.

  • Mullin, Wallace P. 2000. Railroad Revisionists Revisited: Stock Market Evidence from the Progressive Era, Journal of Regulatory Economics 17 (1), 25 – 47.

  • Ulen, Thomas S., 1980. The Market for Regulation: The I.C.C. from 1887 to 1920, American Economic Review 70, 306 – 310.

11. Ursachen und Verlauf der Rezessionen von 1873 und 1893 im Vergleich

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Rezneck, Samuel, 1953. Unemployment, Unrest, and Relief in the United States during the Depression of 1893-97, The Journal of Political Economy 61, 324 – 345.

Priorität 2:

  • Faulkner, Harold, 1959. Politics, Reform, and Expansion: 1890-1900 (Harper Torchbooks).  

  • Thelen, David P. 1969, Social Tensions and the Origins of Progressivism, Journal of American History 56, 323 – 341.

  • Warren, C., 1935. Bankruptcy in United States History (Harvard University Press, Boston). 

12. „The Rise of Big Business“: Konzentrationsprozesse und industrieller Wandel in der US-Wirtschaft

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Chandler, Alfred, 1959. The Beginnings of ‘Big Business’ in American Industry, Business History Review 33, 1 – 31.

Priorität 2:

  • Chandler, Alfred and Louis Galambos, 1970. The Development of Large-Scale Economic Organizations in Modern America, Journal of Economic History 30, 201 – 217.

  • Heilbroner, Robert L., 1984. The Economic Transformation of America, (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego).

  • O’Brian, Anthony P., 1988. Factory Size, Economies of Scale, and the Great Merger Wave of 1898 – 1902, Journal of Economic History, 48, 639 – 649.  

  • Temin, Peter (ed.), 1994. Industrialization in North America (Blackwell Publishers, Oxford). 

13. Vom Sherman Antitrust-Gesetz zum Clayton Act: Gesetzgebung und gerichtliche Auslegung

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Torelli, Hans B., 1955. The Federal Antitrust Policy. Origination of an American Tradition (John Hopkins Press, Baltimore), 155 – 163.

Priorität 2:

  • Bittlingmayer, George, 1985. Did Antitrust Policy Cause the Great Merger Wave? Journal of Law and Economics 28 (1), 77 – 118. 

  • Faulkner, Harold U., The Decline of Laissez Faire 1897-1917 (Rinehart & Copmpany, New York).

  • Mayhew, Anne, 1990. The Sherman Act as a Protective Reaction, Journal of Eco­nomic Issues 24 (2), 389 – 396.

  • Troesken, Werner, 1995. Antitrust Regulation before the Sherman Act: The Break-Up of the Chicago Gas Trust Company, Explorations in Economic History 32, 109 – 136. 

14. Trust Busting: Die Fälle American Tobacco und Standard Oil

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Pratt, Joseph, 1980. The Petroleum Industry in Transition: Antitrust and the Decline of Monopoly in Oil, Journal of Economic History 40, 815 – 837.  

Priorität 2:

  • Burgess, Giles H., Jr. (ed.), 1992. Antitrust and Regulation (Aldershot, Hants).

  • Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., 1990, Scale and Scope - The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism (Belknap Press, Cam­bridge).

  • Josephson, Mathew, 1934. The Robber Barons. The Great American Capitalists 1861-1901 (Harvest Books, New York), 253 – 289.

  • Sklar, Martin J., 1988. The Corporate Reconstruction of American Capita­lism, 1890-1960: The Market, the Law and Politics (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). 

15. Wandel der Management-Praktiken: Fordismus und Taylorismus.  

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., 1980. The United States: Seedbed of Managerial Capitalism, in Temin, Peter (ed.), 1994. Industrialization in North America (Blackwell Publishers, Oxford), 597 – 628.

Priorität 2:

  • Chandler, Alfred, 1977. The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business, (Belknap Press, Cambridge)

  • Littler, Craig, 1978. Understanding Taylorism. British Journal of Sociology 29 (2),  185 – 202. 

  • Nelson, Daniel, 1980. Frederick W. Taylor and the Rise of Scientific Management (University of Wisconsin Press, Madison).

  • Sward, Keith, 1968. The Legend of Henry Ford (Reinhart & Company, New York), 1968, 32 – 63. 

16. Ökonomische Konsequenzen des Auf- und Ausbaus der Telegrafen- und Telefonnetze

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Gabel, David, 1994. Competition in a Network Industry: The Telephone Industry 1894-1910. Journal of Economic History 54, 543 – 572. 

Priorität 2:

  • Standage, Tom, 1998. The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century's Online Pioneers (Penguin Putnam Inc., London).

  • Thompson, Robert, Wiring A Continent: The History of the Telegraph Industry in the United States, 1832 – 1866 (Princeton University Press, Princeton).

  • Coe, Lewis, 1993. The Telegraph: A History of Morse’s Invention and Its Predecessors in the United States (McFarland and Company, Jefferson).  

  • Nonnenmacher, Tomas, 2001. State Promotion and Regulation of the Telegraph Industry, 1845 – 1860, Journal of Economic History 61 (1), 19 – 37.  

24.12.01 – 5.1.02 akademische Ferien

IV. Sozialpolitik und Sozialer Protest

17. Die Granger-Bewegung: Die Farmkrise 1864-1896 und ihre wirtschaftspolitischen Folgen. 

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Mayhew, Anne, 1995. A Reappraisal of the Causes of Farm Protest in the United States, 1870-1900, in Whaples, Robert and Dianne C. Betts (eds.), Historical Perspec­tives on the American Economy. Selected Readings (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge), 511 – 521.

Priorität 2:

  • Hicks, John D., 1931. The Populist Revolt (University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis).

  • Rasmussen, Wayne, 1962. “The Impact of Technological Change on American Agriculture, 1862 – 1962, Journal of Economic History 22,  578 – 591. 

  • Rothenstein, Morton, 1988. Farmers’ Movements and Organizations: Numbers, Gains, Losses, Agricultural History 62 (3), 161 – 181.

  • Walton, Gary M and Hugh Rockoff, 1998. History of the American Economy (Harcourt Brace & Company, Orlando), 327 – 350.   

18. Die Verteilung von Einkommen und Vermögen im Industrialisierungsprozess. 

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Williamson, Jeffrey G. and Peter H. Lindert, 1980. American Inequality. A Macroeconomic History (Academic Press, New York), 46 – 53 and 65 – 82. 

Priorität 2:

  • Easterling, Richard A., 1961. Regional Income Trends, 1840-1950, in Seymour E. Harris (ed.), American Economic History (McGraw-Hill, New York), 525 – 547.

  • Ryscavage, Paul, 1999. Income inequality in America: An Analysis of Trends (Armonk, NY). 

  • Patterson, James T., 1981. America's Struggle against Poverty 1900-1980 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge).

  • Peter Shergold, 'Reefs of Roast Beef': The American Worker's Standard of Living in Comparative Perspective, in Dirk Hoerder (ed.), American Labor and Immigration History, 1877-1920s: Recent European Research (Urbana, Illinois). 

19. Die Knights of Labor, die AFL und die IWW: Die unterschiedlichen Richtungen  der ersten US-Gewerkschaften. 

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Dubofsky, Melvyn, 1996. Industrialism and the American Worker, 1865-1920 (Times Book Company, Wheeling), 59 – 82.

Priorität 2:

  • Foner, Philip S., 1947. History of the Labor Movement in the United States: From Colonial Times to the Founding of the American Federation of Labor (New York ).

  • Handlin, Oscar, 1978. Samuel Gompers and Organized Labor in America (Waveland Press, Boston).  

  • Walton, Gary M and Hugh Rockoff, 1998. History of the American Economy (Harcourt Brace & Company, Orlando), 399 – 420.  

20. Die Progressive Era: (Einzel)Staatliche Sozialpolitik am Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. 

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Faulkner, Harold U., 1957. Geschichte der amerikanischen Wirtschaft (Düsseldorf), 485 – 491.

  • Trattner, Walter I., 1980. Social Welfare, in Porter, Glenn (ed.), Encyclopedia of American Economic History (New York) 1155-1167.

Priorität 2:

  • Schäfer, Axel R. 2000, American Progressives and German Social Reform, 1875 - 1920: Social Ethics, Moral Control, and the Regulatory State in a Transatlantic Context (Stuttgart).

  • James H. Timberlake, 1970. Prohibition and the Progressive Movement, 1900-1920 (Free Press, New York).

  • Hofstadter, Richard, 1963. The Progressive Movement: 1900 – 1915 (Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs).

  • Wiebe, Robert Huddleston, 1962. Businessmen and Reform: A Study of the Progressive Movement (Harvard University Press, Cambridge).  

V. Außenwirtschaft und US-Imperialismus 

21. Die US-Zollpolitik 1860-1914: Die wirtschaftspolitische Diskussion für und wider den „Schutz“ des nationalen Marktes.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Dobson, John M., 1976. Two Centuries of Tariffs: The Background and Emergence of the U.S. International Trade Commission (Government Printing Office, Washington D.C.), 15 – 31. 

Priorität 2:

  • Ratner, Sidney, 1972. The Tariff in American History (New York). 

  • Baack, Bennett D. and Edward John Ray, 1983. The Political Economy of Tariff Policy: A Case Study of the United States, Explorations in Economic History 10, 73 – 93.

  • ------------, 1973. Tariff Policy and Comparative Advantage in the Iron and Steel Industry, 1870 – 1929, Explorations in Economic History 11, 3 – 27.

  • Hawke, G. R., 1975. The United States Tariff and Industrial Protection in the Late Nineteenth Century, Economic History Review 28,  84 - 99.

22. Strukturwandlungen im Außenhandel und in der internationalen Vermögensposition der USA.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Simon, Matthew, 1960. The United States Balance of Payments 1861-1900, Studies in In­come and Wealth 24, 629 – 646 and 689 – 707.

Priorität 2:

  • Williamson, Jeffrey G., 1964. American Growth and the Balance of Payments (University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill).

  • Lipsey, Robert, 1972. Foreign Trade, in Lance E. Davis et al., American Economic Growth (New York).

  • Ashworth William, 1952. A Short History of the International Economy 1850 – 1950, (Longman, London). 

23. Die Schließung der frontier und die Entfaltung des US-Imperialismus in den 1890er Jahren.

Priorität 1 (Reader):

  • Faulkner, Harold U., 1957, Geschichte der amerikanischen Wirtschaft (Düsseldorf), 573 – 594.

Priorität 2:

  • Wehler, H.V., 1987. Der Aufstieg des amerikanischen Imperialismus (Athenäum Verlag, Göttingen).

  • Zevin, Robert B., 1972. An Interpretation of American Imperialism, Journal of Economic History 32, 316 – 370. 

  • Lebergott, Stanley, 1980. The Return to U.S. Imperialism, 1890 – 1929, Journal of Economic History 40, 229 – 252.  


© 2001 Nicola Jentzsch - last update: 04/05/01