Environmental Change and the Nation State"
2001 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental
7-8 December 2001
Environmental Policy and Global Change Working Group of the German
Political Science Association is pleased to invite you to its
2001 Berlin Conference "Global Environmental Change and the
Nation State". The 2001 Berlin Conference is organised in co-operation
with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
and the Environmental Policy
Research Unit of the Free University of Berlin, and has been
endorsed by Institutional Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
a core project of the International Human Dimensions Programme on
Global Environmental Change (IHDP).
speakers are:
· Dr. Klaus Töpfer,
Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme
· H.E. Jürgen Trittin,
Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety, Germany
2001 Berlin Conference features 28 parallel panel sessions and
8 plenary presentations, with altogether 118 speakers from
27 countries. Panellists are drawn from a variety of fields,
including political science, policy studies, environmental science,
international relations, environmental economics, science and technology
studies, sociology, and international law.
The 2001 Berlin Conference would not have been possible without
the support or co-operation by
- Potsdam
Institute for Climate Impact Research (conference secretariat)
- Environmental
Policy Research Unit of the Free University of Berlin
- Heinrich
Böll Foundation
- German
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and
Nuclear Safety
- German
Association for the United Nations (DGVN), Berlin-Brandenburg
- Federation
of German Scientists (VDW)
- Canadian
Embassy in Berlin/L'Ambassade du Canada a Berlin
- Adelphi
Research, Berlin
In order to facilitate our planning, we request participants to
pre-register through fax. The fax form is a downloadable
pdf-file. We ask all participants, including paper presenters, chairs
and discussants, to send a registration fee of 100 DM (50 DM for
students with valid student ID) upon registration. Registration
at the conference venue is possible; there will be an administrative
surcharge of 30 DM for registration at the conference venue.
The global environmental crisis has contributed substantially to
a general awareness of a complex web of interdependence relationships
among nation states. Global climate change, the world-wide spread
of persistent organic pollutants, the staggering loss of the Earth's
biological diversity and the depletion of the stratospheric ozone
layer are just the most well-known examples. Other environmental
problems are more local in nature, but still have significant international
repercussions. Some problems may only be solved by international
cooperation, such as long-range air pollution. Others threaten to
create national and international conflicts, as many suspect to
be the case with escalating local water shortages. The interdependence
of nation states also has a bearing on possible solutions. National
decision-makers might refrain, for instance, from taking environmental
action out of fear of negative trade consequences in the global
market place. These developments call for a systematic reassessment
of the role of the nation state in global environmental policy.
So far, two distinct yet interrelated communities of researchers
have been engaged in this challenge.
group of researchers, trained mainly in international relations
and law, have focused on international environmental institutions
as agents of environmental governance in the global realm. Once
environmental regimes have been established, the nation state is
essentially seen as reacting and implementing-an actor whose behaviour
is shaped by international institutions that need to be strengthened
and made more effective.
different group of researchers-mostly from the field of comparative
law and politics, innovation studies, and environmental policy-have
asserted that the role of the nation state remains central. The
claim is that national environmental policies, rather than international
institutions, have been responsible for most environmental successes
of the last decades. According to these scholars, environmental
research thus needs to focus on the processes by which nation states
cause or influence the diffusion of innovative environmental policy
around the world.
2001 Berlin Conference is meant to engage both communities in fruitful
debate and to seek common ground between what we conceive of as
vertical (i.e., triggered by international institutions) and horizontal
environmental policies. The organisers do not assume that either
one of these research approaches will explain all past experiences
of environmental policies. In any given case, national environmental
policies will be influenced both by direct contacts with other countries
(horizontal environmental policies) and by international institutions
(vertical environmental policies).
2001 Berlin Conference is meant to reach, however, a deeper understanding
of the exact interlinkages of the various factors at play in specific
cases. What precisely is the role of horizontal diffusion of environmental
policies, and conversely, which national behaviour can be ascribed
to the effects of international institutions? This should also include
a debate on new forms of global environmental governance that link
global institutions with a significant degree of national decision-making,
such as the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety or the Rotterdam Convention.
plenary speakers and panellists will address the role of the nation
state in global environmental change from a variety of perspectives
and disciplines, most are presenting papers that endeavour to:
- Analyse
through detailed case studies specific environmental policies
within nation states (or within the European Union) with a focus
on the comparative influence of (i) international institutions
versus (ii) horizontal policy diffusion processes;
Examine interaction processes between international and European
institutions and organisations on the one hand, and national environmental
policy-making on the other;
- Investigate
forms of international governance that combine a minimum amount
of international or European harmonisation with a large degree
of deference to national decision-making, such as the Biosafety
- Examine
from a legal perspective the sovereign autonomy of the nation
state in international environmental governance, for example regarding
limitations imposed by concepts such as 'common concern', 'common
heritage', and public trusteeship for common property resources;
- Analyse
the role of non-state actors, such as environmentalist groups
or industry, in bridging the global/national dichotomy.
deadline for proposals expired 15 September 2001.
Notifications of acceptance have been sent by 1 October 2001.
information can be found at on this website, including the full
conference programme as well as information sheets on the conference
venue, hotels nearby, travel and Berlin tourism.
there is anything else you would like to ask or suggest, please
do not hesitate to contact:
Chair, Environmental Policy and Global Change Working Group of the
German Political Science Association
Global Governance Project
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03
14412 Potsdam