of the sub-project |
of the sub-project
sub-project's web page
Valère Meus
New learning
environments - the European learning space
Universiteit Gent (BE)
email: valere.meus@rug.ac.be
Deputy co-ordinator
of the sub-project
Anne Räsänen
Jyväskylän yliopisto (FI)
email: rasanen@cc.jyu.fi
aims and objectives |
In general terms,
TNP2 will seek to work towards a break-through in language learning
in higher education - as regards number of learners, range of languages,
and learning modes. Among the aims and objectives under this theme
- exploration of
the potential of new learning environments, in particular of ICT,
for the learning of the less widely used and less taught languages,
for developing self-learning abilities, and for achieving multilingual
- identification,
description, and assessment of new and promising developments
at institutional level in the participating countries;
- identification
of elements essential to a successful use of new learning environments
for language learning;
NB. The above issues
will be considered against the background of a changing constitution
of the learning body.
- identification
of pertinent developments in (private) institutions of adult education
and in language units of international corporations;
- reflection on
the issue of the assessment and certification of language proficiency
acquired through independent learning and on the role ICT can
play in assessment and certification.
In addition, TNP
2 is to explore ways of integrating new learning environments into
language study programmes - from the point of view of course objectives
and course content, of new learning modes, of the requirements in
continuing education, and of European co-operation - by describing
and analysing the use of new learning environments for the said
purposes at national and at European level. Ultimately, TNP 2 is
- promote awareness
of good practice in the use of new learning environments for language
learning, for the acquisition of knowledge, for life-long learning,
and for European co-operation in the delivery of programmes;
- initiate European
co-operation, specifically in the fields of staff development,
materials development, curriculum development, and action research.
of the Scientific Committee |
- Isabel
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, AT
- Valère
Meus, Universiteit Gent, BE
- Vania Simeonova,
Universitetsko informatzionno obsluzhvane, BG
- Ina Maneva,
Universitetsko informatzionno obsluzhvane, BG
- Brigitte Forster
Vosicki, Université de Lausanne, CH
- Doris Flischikowski,
Universität Potsdam, DE
- Ole Helmersen,
Handelshøjskolen i København, DK
- Birute Klaas,
Tartu Ülikool, EE
- Ana Gimeno Sanz,
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, ES
- Anne Räsänen,
Jyväskylän yliopisto, FI
- Bridget Francillard-Whiddon,
Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Physique Electronique, FR
- Panagiotis Panagiotidis,
Aristoteleio Panepistimio Thessalonikis, GR
- Bill Richardson,
Dublin City University, IE
- Franca Poppi,
Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, IT
- Jurate Zdanyte,
Kauno technologijos universitetas, LT
- Ilze Kangro,
Latvijas Universitate, LV
- Alessandra
Corda, Universiteit Leiden, NL
- Sake Jager,
Rijsuniversiteit Groningen, NL
- Tove Jacobsen,
Universitetet i Bergen, NO
- Boguslaw Marek,
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, PL
- Fatima
Ferreira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT
- Karina Vamling,
Lunds Universitet, SE
- Teodor Petric,
Univerza v Mariboru, SI
- Marina Mozzon-McPherson,
University of Hull, UK
undertaken |
- Workshop "New Learning
Environments": Copenhagen, DK, 7-8 June 2002
- Third meeting of the Scientific
Committee: Valencia, ES, 9-10 November 2001
- Second meeting of the Scientific
Committee: Ghent, DE, 31 March 2001.
- First meeting of the Scientific
Committee: Berlin, DE, 18 November 2000.