of the sub-project |
of the sub-project
sub-project's web page
Michael Kelly
University of Southampton (UK)
School of Modern Languages
email: mhk@soton.ac.uk
Deputy co-ordinator
of the sub-project
Neva libar
Univerza v Ljubljani (SI)
Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za germanistiko
email: neva.slibar@ff.uni-lj.si
aims and objectives |
- identification
of changes in the social, political, professional and economic
environments and in the educational systems relevant to HE language
studies and reflection on the demands on HE language studies resulting
from these changes;
- description and
analysis of the status quo of the whole range of language-related
programmes (objectives, content, modes of delivery, structures)
in all the participating countries against the background of the
changes and demands identified; in particular, identification
of examples of innovative programmes designed to respond to changing
- reflection on
the education of language specialists such as teachers and translators/
interpreters within the general context of language studies;
- consideration
of the issue of life-long learning, both in relation to first-degree
programmes and to continuing education (cf. training modules for
professional people);
- needs analysis
and production of initial recommendations regarding higher education
language studies;
- discussion of
results of needs analysis and of initial recommendations with
target-group representatives;
- production of
final recommendations for curriculum innovation, underpinned by
examples of good practice and by proposals for joint curriculum
development, with particular emphasis on the European dimension
as regards needs, course content and objectives, and curriculum
adaptation and development.
of the Scientific Committee |
- Martin Stegu,
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, AT
- Hans-Werner am
Lessius Hogeschool, BE
- Todor Shopov,
Sofijski Universitet Sveti Kliment Ohridski, BG
- Laurent Gajo,
Université de Lausanne, CH
- Andreas Papapavlou,
Panepistimio Kyprou, CY
- Jana Korcaková,
Univerzita Hradec Králové, CZ
- Guido
Mensching, Freie Universität Berlin, DE
- Sharon Millar,
Syddansk Universitet: Odense Universitet, DK
- Marinela Garcia,
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES
- Maria Salenius,
Helsingin yliopisto, FI
- Gisèle
Holtzer, Université de Franche Comté, FR
- Bessie
Mitsikopoulou, Ethniko kai Kapodistriako Panepistimio Athinon, GR
- Martin Chappell,
University of Limerick, IE
- Oddný
Sverrisdóttir, Háskóli Íslands, IS
- Margherita Ulrych,
Università degli Studi di Trieste, IT
- Roman Banzer,
Fachhochschule Liechtenstein, LI
- Jone Grigaliuniene,
Vilniaus universitetas, LT
- Dainuvite Blûma,
Latvijas Universitate, LV
- Marjes Zammit,
L-Università ta´Malta, MT
- Chantal Lyche,
Universitetet i Oslo, NO
- Urszula Dambska-Prokop,
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, PL
- Manuel Célio Conceição,
Universidade do Algarve, PT
- Luminita Frentiu,
Universitatea di Vest din Timisoara, RO
- Anita Malmqvist,
Umeå Universitet, SE
- Neva libar,
Univerza v Ljubljani, SI
- Ian Wallace,
University of Bath, UK
- Michael Kelly,
University of Southampton, UK
- Paula Davis,
University of Southampton, UK
undertaken |
- Workshop "Developing and
Promoting Curriculum Innovation in Europe": Bled, SI, 10-11 May
- Third meeting of the Scientific
Committee: Faro, PT, 2-3 November 2001
- Second meeting
of the Scientific Committee: Southampton, UK, 31 March 2001
- First meeting
of the Scientific Committee: Berlin, DE, 18 November 2000